Chapter 11

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"Let's go for a walk, yeah?" I nodded. "I'll go get Ava." "Thanks." I said with a smile.
"Mummy!!" I smiled as she ran down the steps. "Let's go babe." Liam wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked out the door. "Uncle Liam?" "Yeah babe?" "Will you carry me?" "Ava!" I scolded. "It's fine." He assured smiling. He lifted her into his arms, eventually putting her on his shoulders. "Hang on tight." She smiled and did so. I looked up at him with a smile, pressing my lips to his. "Oh really Miss Penelope?" I nodded, laughing. "Still not together. You're just a good kisser." "Oh come on! That's not fair!" "Sorry Li!" "Mhmm...Anyway, Ava, I think I'm going to get a puppy!" "Really?!" "Yup! I think you should pick it out!" She gasped. "Mummy, can I please? Pleassse?" "I guess so." "Thank you mummy!! Thank you uncle Liam!!" "You're welcome honey." We said at the same time. I heard a loud noise, making Liam push me to the ground. The bullet barely missed me. "Penelope, stay down!" I shot back up, even though he tried to get me back to the ground. Somehow, I knew who had shot. I stared across the street at the man I once knew. Before I knew it, I was walking toward him. "Penelope!!" He began to run towards me but police tackled him to the ground five feet away from me. He began to thrash around. "Let go of me!! Baby, listen to me, I love you! Please believe me!! I love you so much! Penelope!!" He yelled as the shoved him to a car. He was yelling inside the car even though I couldn't hear him. I mouthed 'I love you too' before they took him away. I turned to look at an officer. "Are they arresting him? For sure?" "Well, considering you're our only witness, you need to come to a line up and pick him out." "Why'd you take him?!" "He's just a suspect. He was here, he wasn't running, so we figured it was him. We have more. We need you to pick out who you saw do it." "But I love him..." I mumbled quietly. "Ma'am we need to go." "I need my boyfriend and daughter. They're across the street." "We'll get them. Don't worry." I sighed but got into the man's police car.
"Penelope, what's wrong? Why'd they bring you here?" Liam asked worriedly, hugging me. "I need to pick who I saw do it out of a line up but...I don't know if I can." "What do you mean?" "It was Harry...I can't just do that to him..." "He tried to kill you!" "If you would've heard him...I don't think he meant to aim for me..." "Miss, we're ready." I nodded and followed the man after I had kissed Ava on the head. "Bring em in!!" Seven men filed into the room in a line, all of them chained together. Harry was in the middle of them. Once our eyes met, a tear rolled down his cheek. "Miss, who was it that tried to kill you?" I sighed and stared Harry in the eyes. He was pleading me not to. I sighed, closing my eyes. "The one in the middle. Styles." They nodded and went to grab him. He began to scream and cry. "Babe, please! I'm sorry for what I did to you and Ava! I can fix it!! I love you!!" It was the last thing I heard before they took him away.

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