Chapter 3

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-Louis' POV-

There was a knock on the door, meaning it was Penelope, Harry and Ava. "Honey! They're here!" "Alright I'll be right there!" I went over and opened the door. "Hey guys!" "Uncle Louis!!" "Hey sweetie!" I exclaimed picking her up into my arms. "Thanks again for watching her." "It's no problem at all. She's welcome anytime." Penelope smiled gratefully. "I'll see you later man." "Alright see ya." I said, shutting the door. "Aunt Karen!!" She yelled, looking behind us. I turned around, smiling at her reaction. Her eyes glossed over as she came over. Ava reached for her, wrapping her arms around her neck. I smiled, tears in my eyes as I walked over. "Hey babe, how about we just watch a movie?" She nodded with a smile. "Uncle Louis can it be Frozen?" "Sure. Let's go." Once the movie was set up, I motioned Karen over. "Hey babe, you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine...I just...I wish we could've..." "I know honey...I know." I pressed a kiss to her forehead with a sigh. "C'mon." I pressed, lacing our fingers together.

-Penelope's POV-

"Harrryyyy!! Where are we going??"

"You'll see!" He said with a laugh. "Fine..." "Fine, I'll tell you if you kiss me." I smirked but leaned over to kiss his lips softly. He pulled to the side of the road. We were in the middle of nowhere. "Harry what are we-" "C'mon!" He exclaimed, jumping out and running up the grassy hill on the side of the road. I laughed, running with him. He lifted me up over him and fell back into the grass, me landing on top of him. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I love you." "I love you too Haz." His phone began ringing, making him groan but grab it anyway. "Hello?...Yeah why?...No I'm not-I can't-I just-...Fine. When?...We didn't agree on that Ashton!...Fine. Fuck it. Whatever. I'll be there." He grumbled as he hung up. "You never curse anymore. What was that about?" "Nothing important." "Are you sure?" "Yes honey I'm fine." He said softly, but sounded very annoyed. "Who's Ashton?" "Irwin. We used to be friends. Back in high school I mean." "I don't remember him..." "He didn't go to our school." "He never did anything bad did he?" "Ashton? No of course not." I nodded, but still didn't believe him. I don't understand why he'd lie to me. "I kinda wanna go home..." "Already?" "Yeah I'm not feeling well." I lied, getting off him and wiping the grass off me. "Alright. Let's go then. We can pick up Ava later." I nodded, walking towards the car and got in, not speaking a word. It irritates me that he's like this. It's sudden. His whole mood's changed. Nothing's happened to upset him. I don't think so anyway. I'm around him 24/7 so I think I'd know. However, I don't know what that phone call was about. I've also got a bad feeling about that Ashton guy, whoever he is. If he's making Harry curse-who swore he never would, due to Ava-then he's trouble.

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