Chapter 4

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"Harry?!" No answer. "Babe?!" Nothing. "Harry where are you?" I yelled out in frustration. I whipped out my phone and called him. "Hellllo?" He sounded drunk. "Where are you?" "Me and Ashton are at his house. You wanna come by?" "Harry I've got Ava-" "Bring her over." "Are you sure?" "Yeah come on." I sighed. "Alright, fine." "Mummy who is that?" "Daddy." "Can I talk to him?!" I nodded and handed her the phone. "Hi daddy!!...Yeah...Nope...Bye Daddy! Love you!!" She handed the phone back to me after hanging up. "Are you dressed?" She nodded. "Alright let's go see Daddy." "Yay!!"

I pulled up to the address Harry had given me. It was a two story house. It was cute; potted plants in the front, a picket fence. Wait, no. The plants were shriveled up, dead, and the fence was rotting away, the paint chipping as well. I sighed as I got out, opening up the back for Ava to get out. She grabbed my hand as we approached the front door. It smelled of alcohol, cigarettes and something I couldn't place. The door opened and a guy about Harry's size, a little shorter opened the door. He had shaggy light brown hair, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Hipster glasses were over his hazel eyes. We stared at each other. "Who are you?" "Harry's wife." "Harry!!" "Daddy!!" Ava called, running in the house. "Ava!" I called, running after her. Once I ran inside, the smell hit me. It was marijuana. "Harry!" I yelled, even more mad than before. He walked into view, swooping up Ava into his arms. "Hey baby." He cooed, walking over to kiss me. I backed away. "What's wrong?" "We're leaving. Right now." "But babe you've only just got here!! Give Ash a chance." "Harry let's go." "I'm staying." "You're acting like a child. Let's go." I said more sternly. "NO! I'm staying here!" Ava squirmed, trying to get out of his grip. I reached out, grabbing her. "Don't come crying to me then when your daughter is afraid of you." "Whatever bitch." He grumbled under his breath. "What did you call me?!" "You know exactly what I called you." "You're drunk aren't you?" "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Maybe I smoked some weed." He said smirking. "You didn't...You wouldn't!!" He smiled mischievously. "Let's go Ava."

"So he just said it? He smoked weed for sure?" Louis asked, scratching his chin. "No he didn't say for certain but he mentioned he might've. He was really drunk too...I just never want to see that Ashton guy again." "I wouldn't want to either...How's Ava?" "She's scared of him...Harry not Ashton. She couldn't care less about Ashton. She's worried about her Daddy." He nodded and sighed. Karen spoke up. "Has he said or done anything since then?" "No. Nothing at all...Why would he do such a thing?" "I have no idea...Stress maybe?" "From football?! He's never been stressed about it!" "The big game is coming up soon..." "Yeah but...Why would that make him become an alcoholic?" "I don't know...You and Ava can stay here if you want." She offered with a sympathetic smile. "It's okay. Really. Thank you though." "I mean if Ava is scared of him, you might as well." Louis said, shrugging. "I don't know...I wouldn't want you two to have to deal with Ava and I." "It'll be fine! We don't mind a bit!! How about we ask Ava what she thinks? Ava!!" She smiled as she came hopping down the steps. She ran over to Louis, sitting in his lap. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her. "So Ava, how would you and mummy like to stay here for a while?" "Like a sleepover?!" Karen nodded. "Like a sleepover." She confirmed. Ava nodded excitedly. "Please!!" "Alright. I'll have to go get us some changes of clothes then." "Do you want one of us to come with you in case he's there?" I sighed. "If you don't mind." "Not at all! I'll go with you." "Thanks Louis." I said with a grateful smile. He smiled and gave Ava to Karen. "Mummy can I come?" "No you stay here with Aunt Karcyn alright?" She nodded sadly but hugged Karcyn anyway.

"He's here..." "It'll be alright. You stay behind me alright?" I nodded. He grabbed my hand and walked into my home. Harry was nowhere to be found. We walked up the stairs quietly, making it to our bedroom. "You okay?" He whispered. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine." I gripped his hand tighter as I heard a noise out in the hallway. "I'll check it out." "No it's okay..." "Are you sure?" I nodded and began packing my clothes. "Now we need to get to Ava's room." He opened the door and looked out. "Louis?! What are you doing here?!" Harry's voiced boomed. "I'm here with Penelope to get her's and Ava's things." "Why?!" "None of your business." Louis turned to look at me. "Go get her stuff. I'll distract him." Harry stumbled when he tried to grab me. Louis grabbed him by the shoulders, holding him against the wall as I retrieved her clothes and some toys. I heard something break and ran into the hallway to see Louis on the ground. He hopped back up, swinging a punch at Harry. It hit him right in the cheek. He stumbled backwards and Louis turned to look at me for a second. "Go!" I ran down the steps and out the door, slinging the bags in his car. He soon ran out and jumped into the driver's side, speeding out just as Harry ran out of the house. "What happened back there?" "He uh...It doesn't matter." "Tell me." "He said some things..." "Like what?" "I shouldn't..." "Louis." "He called you a slut." He said quickly. He cringed as if it hurt him to say the words. "He said you were cheating on him with me then he shoved me back, making a picture fall off the wall when I ran into it. Then he hit me, so, I hit him back." I nodded, tears forming as we continued to drive in silence.

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