Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

-Harry's POV-

I woke up, feeling around the bed for Penelope. She wasn't there. I slowly rose up, wiping the sleep out of my eyes. My head was throbbing with pain. I walked out into the hallway, glass was all over the floor. What the fuck happened? "Penelope?!" No answer. I walked down the hallway to Ava's room. I knocked but received no answer. "Ava?" I opened the door but found her bed empty. I went back into my bedroom, confused and grabbed my phone. I dialed her number and waited. And waited. And waited. No answer. I called again. No answer. I called Karen, no answer. Nobody was answering me. I had no idea what happened to my wife and daughter and I was going to find out. I called 999. "999. What is your emergency?" "My wife and daughter are missing. I can't find them anywhere. I tried calling them and their friends but nobody answered." "Sir, what is your name?" "Harry Styles. My wife is Penelope Styles and my daughter is Ava Styles." "We'll send police to your house." "Thank you."

-Penelope's POV-

"Hey are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine. Undefinably perfect." "What's that supposed to mean?" Karen asked, sitting criss cross on the couch. "I'm just perfect in a way I wouldn't be able to explain to you." "Ah I see." She smiled small. "Where's Ava?" "She went out with Louis. They're getting ice cream I think." "Oh alright. So what do you want to do?" "Movie?" "Sure. Pitch Perfect?" "Yeah let's do it." I heard a door shut outside. "Must be Lou." She said with a smile. There was a loud knock on the door. He wouldn't knock. It's his house. I got off the couch and went over to the door. I looked through the peephole, seeing a police officer. "It's the police." I whispered, opening the door. "Hello officer. What seems to be the problem?" "Are you Miss Penelope Styles?" "Yes sir I am. Why?" "Sir, she's here!" He called back. "What's wrong?" "Ma'am how long have you been in this house?" "Since yesterday." "Hey! What's going on?" Louis yelled, approaching with Ava in his arms. "Sir step away." "This is my house. Now what's going on?" "Miss Styles and Ava here were reported missing this morning." "We've been here the whole time sir." I said, taking Ava from Louis. "Who reported us missing?" "Your husband." I stepped away. No. No. I'm not going back to him. Harry approached the house looking relieved. "Babe, where were you? What happened?!" "I'll let you two handle this." The officer said, climbing in his car to leave. "Get away from me!" "What are you talking about?" Louis stood in front of me, shielding me from Harry. "Leave Harry." "Why?" "She doesn't want you here." "What'd I do?" "You don't know?!" "No I don't." "You called her a bitch and a slut. You cursed, you drank, got drunk, hit me so I punched you, and you smoked weed." "What? No I didn't." "Yes you did. With Ashton." "Ashton? Who's Ashton-oh. Oh yeah..." "You scared Ava, Harry. She's scared of you now." "No she's not. You're not scared of me. Right baby?" Ava looked at him for a second then buried her face in my shoulder. "Leave Harry." "But I-" "Leave." "Will you...Will you be back any time soon?" "No Harry. She's staying here for a while." He nodded and looked at us one last time before walking away to his car.

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