Meet The Jock

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Hey guys! Alexa here🤓. If you have any suggestions for the story or comments  don't forget to comment. See what I did there 😂.  So back to the story :

There was ten more seconds on the clock. Jasmin had to think and had to do it quickly. Jasmin watched as her teammates were struggling to keep the ball with the intense defense coming from the other team. She looked back at the clock to see there was only five seconds left in the game.

The score was 20 - 22. The Wildcats winning. Jasmin new somebody had to make a 3 pointer for her team to win the game, and that somebody was her.

Jasmin called for the ball and received it immediately. She then looked at the hoop and shot it with all her willpower and an extreme jump, that sent her to the ground after shooting. While on the floor Jasmin looked at the clock and then the ball heading towards the hoop.


Right when the clock turned 0 the ball was through the hoop. Then the clock made a loud noise signaling that the game was over. With the score of 23-22 the Mounties have won the game!

She made a sigh of relief and rested her head on the floor. Resting her body after the intense game.

The audience stayed quiet.

Then they erupted into both cheers and screams. Happy for the victory of the Mounties!

Her team cheered and picked their captain from the floor lifting her up and putting her on their shoulders.

While in the air Jasmin looked down and found her father-coach. He looked at her after cheering and gave her a thumbs up and a "We Won!!!" Cheer.

Jasmin just laughed.

After the audience finished cheering Jasmin's team went out for ice-cream because of their victory.

You see, the Mounties have a tradition that's been going on for years.

Each time the Mounties won a game they would go  out for ice-cream in the same ice-cream shop. Every teammate has to pay for themselves except the person who made the most points. The team would have to pay for her. And, you guessed it. That person was ALWAYS Jasmin, the teams captain.

Jasmin made 17 out of the 23 points they scored today,making her the obvious winner.

Jasmin and her team entered their usual ice-cream shop called Cold Stone.

When Jasmin entered the people who worked in the ice-cream shop got ready for the usual big order. "The usual " said Jasmin. All the workers got to business. Then one worker stopped and asked "Whose not paying?" . The whole team looked at him and the rest of the workers. "He's new " said all the workers. The team nodded understanding. Then then the whole team exept Jasmin pointed at Jasmin saying

" She ALWAYS wins".

The new guy then nodded and went back to making the order.

Jasmin didn't want to take all the credit

"Come on guys. I don't ALWAYS win? Said Jasmin looking at her teammates

"Uh, yes, yes you do" said all her teammates.

She looked at her dad for support.

"You do always win cupcake" said her dad his chin held up high with a proud expression as if it was only because of his "awesome " coaching skills.

She just rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat.

After ten minutes the workers finally finished the order.

The team went outside and ate their ice-cream together.

While they were eating they started playing around.

This includes Jasmin putting some of her ice-cream in some of her teammates faces while laughing and then them doing it back to her.

The coach just laughed at his daughter being surrounded by her teammates and receiving a handful of ice-cream on her face.

After they all finished they went their separate ways saying their goodbyes.

When Jasmin and her dad got home their mother asked how the playoffs went. ( yeah it was the playoffs but I'm too lazy to rewrite it. So to clarify things the Mounties are going to the championships )

"Well mom, I hate to break this to you but ......." said Jasmin trying to look sad and hold back laughing.

Her mom looked worried at her daughters actions

Jasmin's dad also tried to hold back a laugh understanding what his daughter was doing.

"........WE WON!!!!!!!" Said Jasmin with a wide smile.

Jasmin's mom looked relieved. "That wasn't funny" said her mom.

"Y-yes it w-was. Y-you should h-have seen Y-your f-face! " She said  trying to speak while dying of laughter at the same time.

Her dad then couldn't hold it and died of laughter as well.

"Hahahah so funny. Now Jasmin go to bed, you have a full day of school tomorrow. " said her mom.

"Fine. Good night mom,dad." Said Jasmin hugging her parents.

"Good night sweety." Said her parents.

And with that she went to her room. Jasmin changed out of her uniform into her PJs.

She then got into her bed. Her dog Snowflake jumped on her bed as well landing on Jasmin's legs.

"Hey Snowflake, I wish you could've seen me play!" Exclaimed Jasmin while rubbing her dogs belly.

"Don't mean to brag but I was pretty awesome."she laughed now hugging her dog.

"I'll try to convince Mom on bringing you to the Championships so you can see me play!" She commented.

For a response Snowflake barked enthusiastically.

Jasmin then laughed.

After spending some time with Snowflake she decided it was time to go to sleep.

"Well I gotta go to sleep Snowflake. I have a full day of school ahead of me. Yay " Said Jasmin with sarcasm in her voice for the lack of wanting to go to school.

"Your lucky you don't have school" muttered Jasmin under her breath while putting Snowflake on the ground and then closing her door.

And with that she went to sleep dreaming of her carrying a big trophy after her and her team winning the championships.

And there you have it. The first chapter! I tried to make it long but not too long. See you in the next chapter!

Alexa out✌️

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