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You ever just have those moments where you just wanna sit and do nothing for hours on end-
But I can't do that because responsibilities :,)

I've been "home alone" for about a week now, and honestly it was frickin awesome
Nobody to tell me when and how to do things, I actually got to take my life and my actions into my own hands for o n c e
I even took care of myself and got a book chapter up XD
But my dad & step-mom will be coming back on Saturday, which is probably going to ruin the whole schedule I made for myself

It's so much better for me when they're not here
Moving out is going to be awesome-

I know that I seem enthusiastic about it now but I bet when I move out I'm going to drown in crippling loneliness-
F u n

Also I wish school didn't exist so I didn't have the extra stress and burden of homework
But nOpe

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