Author's Note

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Hey guys! So I know that this isn't a chapter but I have an announcement to make. I won't be updating for about three weeks because I have exams tomorrow and then the Christmas rush for the next two weeks so yeah. Also I'm dead why is Dave such a troll... AND ROGUE ONE IS TOMORROW!!!!! I'm gonna go see if in Saturday so I'm pumped. So yeah oh! So... MY TEACHER GOT ENGAGED AND IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM THEYRE SO CUTE TOGETHER AND HER RING IS SO PRETTY and MY TEACHER gave us ten minutes at the beginning of class ask questions and stuff and ITS SO CUTE! So I'll see you guys about a month from now and I'll miss you. Thank you for all of the support and have a good holiday... TRIPLE DOTS! Merry Christmas! And may the Force be with you...

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