Meeting Eirnesana and Nasucelia

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Unknown POV 

I pulled my speeder into a side alley as the engine turned off. Sliding off of the seat, I prepared for a normal day off searching for scraps and possibly stealing. I wondered down the main street where the open air market was. Expensive food, gear, and parts were at every stand with their owners yelling to the bustling crowd to get their attention. I walked close to the stalls to try and swipe some food and parts that I needed to fix the lights at home. I ducked and looked at the vendor closest to me. A human male was helping customer try to pick out a fruit. When both of their backs were turned, I reached up and took about three or four fruits from the stand and moved on, taking my satchel off of my back and slipping the fruits in it quickly. I moved on a few stands until I saw a stand that was selling parts. Like it was willed to be there, the thing I needed to fix the lights was sitting in the sunlight that was dancing upon it. There was only one left. The wires that I so desperately were being inspected by man that seemed very intent on buying it. Like a miracle, the man asked a question and the vendor turned to show him his answer, the an trailing behind. I quickly reached up and grabbed the handful of the wires and stuffed them in my bag. The man then turned and walked towards the wires while I started walking in the opposite direction.

"Where are those parts that you were going to sell me! You know what, this sale is off, you can't even keep track of your stuff!" I overheard the man exclaim.

I kept up this daily ritual until the sun told me that it was about a little bit passed the middle of the day. Time to head back. I started around the corner to my usual route of alleys that took me back to where I always parked my speeder. Something in my gut told me that something weird was happening. I then turned a corner to find two people passed out on the ground. Probably drunks...

But as I walked past them, something was different. They didn't have the overpowering aroma of alcohol around them like the drunks always did. Going off of my instinct, I bent down and tried to wake the two up. One was a Human female with caramel hair that was tied up in a ponytail. She was tanner than most humans, but not as tan as me. She wasn't skinny, but she wasn't obese either. The other girl was a Togruta female with the traditional lekku that were a bit lower that her collarbone and montreals that weren't that developed. Her skin was a reddish orange and she was very skinny. As they woke up, they looked around them and groaned.

"Who are you?" the Togruta girl asked.

"No matter me. Who are you guys?" I asked, hoping that they would be smarter than giving their names out to a complete stranger. Unfortunately, my hopes were diminished.

"My name is Nasucelia." said the Togruta.

"I'm Eirnesana." said the Human.

I sighed. "Are those the names that your parents gave you?" I asked.

"Well, duh! What else would we call ourselves?" the one named Nasucelia retorted.

I felt bad for these people. They didn't have any street smarts, but they seemed like nice people. No, NO! STOP THINKING THAT! I really didn't want to, but my inner self said that I had to, at least until they knew a few things.

"Ok, guys. Come with me. I'll... help you out for a few days, but then you'll have to figure things out on your own." 

I beckoned them down the street and helped them onto the speeder, which was not meant for three. As I started back, I wondered why I felt so inclined to help these two girls.

And who are they really?   

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