Kanan's Vision

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Kanan's POV

I flipped the page over and put the pen down. I closed the book with a sharp snap. I opened it again from the beginning, Looking at all of my entries that I had put in my journal for two years. Memories of my relationship with Hera, meeting Sabine and Zeb, that one crazy mission where we had to team up with a bounty hunter and buy a pufferpig to survive. All of the memories from the past two years. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, interrupting my train of thought. I scurried to put the book away and to sit on my bed to look like I was doing nothing.

"Come in."

Hera came in the door. We had just escaped from a patrol of Imperials a few minutes ago.

"That was a close one." she said as she plopped down next to me.

She leaned into me and sighed a breath of anxiety that had built up while escaping them. She straightened herself and turned towards me. "Is your arm alright, dear?"

She was referring to where I fell hard onto it when tripping after a blaster hit the ground near my feet. "Nothing I can't live though." I replied, smiling at her and drawing closer to her face. Like our lips were opposite ends of magnets, they crashed together. As we kissed, her hand crept up to run though my hair, which was long enough now that I could twist it up in a bun, which I started doing recently. We broke apart when we felt the need for air. She pulled away and looked at me with pleading eyes. "Can I please see it down?" she asked, looking at my hair and running her fingers through my hair.

I sighed because she always asked this question. "You can see it down anytime that we are alone, but not when Sabine and Zeb are around." I told her for the thirteenth time.

"I sent them to a supply run for the day. If you let me see it I won't make you clean the engines tonight..." she bribed.

I sighed in defeat as I leaned my head down for her to untie my bun. She twisted the band until my hair fell down to its normal length. "Oh my gosh, you look so cute!" she squealed as she ran her fingers though my brown hair, which was down a little bit further than my shoulders. "Can I cut it? Please? It's a little bit too long... I was thinking maybe about to here..." she showed me that she wanted to shorten it to it was right on top of my shoulders.

"Ugh, fine." I said in defeat. She jumped up to get the scissors. Suddenly, the room started spinning and I heard voices in my head. 

I was standing in the middle of a field about a half mile from a city. The winds blew the tall grass around in a mesmerizing motion. My ears started to pick up a high pitched noise, getting closer by the second. I turned around to see a speeder heading towards me. Starting to panic, I dove towards the side so that I wouldn't get run over. I stuck my head up in time to she a flash of the white paint job on the speeder and a little bit of a brownish color. After the speeder went past I was stuck with the wind that it had left behind. The wind started out small, but turned faster and faster as I was sucked into the field.

I  pulled myself up and saw that I was on the edge of a rooftop. I flattened myself to the roof and looked down in an alley to see two people passed out against the wall. One was a Human female that had caramel hair about to her hips. I couldn't tell her eye color because her eyes were closed. She wasn't what I would call skinny, but she wasn't large either and her skin was a nice tanned color. She was about what I would call curvy. Her clothes were torn and tattered. The other passed out was also female, but she was a Togruta. Her lekku were a bit further down than her collarbone, and her montreals weren't that developed yet. Her skin was between red and orange, but was more red. The situation with her eye color was the same as the Human girls. Her clothes were also torn. I saw a boy pass the alley that looked vaguely familiar. Maybe he was the kid that almost ran me over in the field. He passed the alley and looked into it, but shook his head and moved on. I then jumped off of the roof and landed safely with aid of the Force. I moved over to the Togruta first and tried to wake her. I slapped her face a couple times and came to. She opened her eyes and looked at me. Her eyes were a strange combination of blue, gold, brown, green, and purple. She opened her mouth and spoke, "Don't you recognize me? You were forced after all, but let's be honest you enjoyed it."

"I... I don't know you. I thought she tried... I didn't think that you would... I didn't know it... What are you taking about?!" I exclaimed, hoping she would be fooled.

"Oh, but you do know, Kanan Jarrus. Don't try to fool me. You will meet me soon, and somebody else that you won't know until the deepest secrets are revealed. You recognize me and you know it. I look forward to meeting you Kanan Jarrus, or should I say... WAKE UP!"

My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly, my head colliding with something. "Ouch!" I head a voice mutter. "Kanan, are you alright? I walked into the room and you were passed out and muttering weird names."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm not too sure about my head though. It was just a vision. Nothing big." I told her. A half-truth.

"Alright, well Kanan's hair, meet scissors. This will make you make Kanan look hotter than he already is." She wiggled her eyebrows as she pecked my cheek.

She cut for a while as pieces of hair fell down onto the floor. When she was finished, she held up a mirror and asked me how it looked. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "It looks great, Hera. Now lets clean this up."

Once we were finished, we heard steps in the cargo bay. "They're back."

She slid down the ladder as I pulled my hair up into a quick ponytail. I heard conversation going on between Hera and Zeb. Just as I was about to slide the ladder, the monitor started ringing, signaling an incoming transmission. "Hera, incoming from another one of your people!" I yelled as I slid down the ladder to the cargo bay. She hurried to the ladder I just slid down and started climbing up quickly.

"Nice haircut, Kanan. Going back to the throwback ponytail now?" Sabine inquired.

"Yeah. Hera decided that it was too long and cut it."

"Oh, really Kanan? How come Hera gets to see you with your hair down and not Zeb and me? Are we not special enough or something?"

Oh, Sabine... it's not that... its just that Hera and I..." I stuttered.

"Alright guys, new profit mission." Hera started as she came down the ladder, saving me from explaining. "Vizago wants us to get some guns that are currently in possession of the Imperials. They're going to be in Capital City tomorrow and we need to hijack the shipment. We'll go over the plan tomorrow when I have one in mind. We'll have to take off right now or we're not going to make it there on time. We should probably get to bed while I put Chop in charge of the ship for the night. Everybody good with that?"

Nobody objected, so we all headed up the ladder. As everybody went separate way to go to their rooms, Hera stayed in the cockpit to give Chopper directions before she turned in for the night. I waited in the hallway until she was done and started to walk to her room. "Good night, Hera. Get some rest."

"You too." she said.

I kissed her good night before heading into my room. I sat down on the bed and started writing in my journal like I always do before I sleep. But as I wrote, I couldn't help but think of one thing...

When was I going to see the girl from the vision...

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