Swapping Stories

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Hera's POV

I took a moment to think upon his bold declaration. To be honest, I actually sort of expected this out of a Jedi in hiding. For some strange reason, I wasn't mad at him for hiding this from me.

"Honestly, I expected Kanan to not be your real name, but I've just stuck with it until you wanted to tell me. It's ok." I reassured him.

He looked so relived that he could cry. He practically launched himself on top of me and hugged me tightly.

"I've missed you so much Hera!" Kanan sobbed in my shoulder.

"I've missed you too!" I whispered his shoulder, tears welling up in my eyes and slowly starting to fall after realized what had happened while I had been gone.

We embraced for a few minutes, then finally broke apart. He lifted himself off of his bed and escorted me out of the door. He waved goodbye to me as I walked into my room. The automatic door slid shut behind me as I walked into my room in the first time in almost a year. The smell of mustiness and dust filled my sense of smell as I stood there. As I walked over to my bed to lay down for the night, small puffs of dust rose from where I stepped. Lowering myself to sit on the bed, drowsiness took over me as I fell asleep almost instantly.


Zeb's POV

I woke up to the smell of waffles and also, a terrible stench that nauseated me. I thought for a minute of what that stench was and then came to the conclusion that it was me. What a surprise, Kanan always says that I stink. The smell of waffles encouraged me to get up and go the mess hall.

When, I entered I was greeted by the backs of Kanan and Hera's and Sabine. She waved timidly at me and resumed her conversation with Kanan, who she seemed to get along with better than the rest of us, other than Hera, even though she was very shy and Kanan and Sabine's backgrounds and heritage conflicted,  judging by the way they were conversing. Hera turned around to say that the waffles were ready and realized that I was up.

"Morning, Zeb! Hope you're up for some waffles and jogans this morning."

"You bet 'cha." I replied.

She grabbed a bowl of sliced jogans and a plate of waffles and took them over to the table, then resumed her seat next to Kanan. I sat next to Sabine, who scooted a little closer to Kanan and Hera. After all of us were finished eating, Kanan and Hera cleaned up the dishes then left the mess hall, telling Sabine and me that they were going on a supply run in the Phantom and would be back shortly. We both nodded, though to be honest, I didn't think that it was the whole truth.

After they left Sabine and I looked at each other awkwardly.

"So... um... you tell your story and I'll tell mine?" I asked her a little bit shyly.

"Sure. As you know my name is Sabine Wren. I'm a Mandolorian from clan Wren and House Vizsla. I joined the Imperial Academy as soon as I was able, willingly, because I thought that it was the most honorable decision at the time and that it was a noble cause. Now, I look back on it as one of the worst decisions of my life. I followed their orders blindly, thinking that being an Imperial cadet was one the best things in this galaxy. Later, I heard a snippet on the HoloNet about the Empire firing upon an unarmed cruiser and completely obliterating it. It was then when my eyes were opened to the cruelty. I managed to escape the Academy. I swore from that day on that I would fight the Empire in any way that I could. I picked up a couple of... jobs on the way but eventually made my way here."

Holding up my end of the deal, I told her my story. "My name is Garazeb Orrelios, or Zeb for short. I am a Lasat, from the planet of Lasan. The Empire eventually found us and attacked us, just to show their power. I was a... um, part of the military on Lasan. We, of course, fought the Empire because they had invaded our planet. After a while, we lost, and the whole species was eliminated. I am the only Lasat that I know of that is left in the galaxy."

We both were silent for a while and eventually smiled at each other.

"Want to go for a round of Dejarik?" I asked, hoping for a yes. Against what I had thought before, I actually was starting to like her.

"Sure." she replied.

After the holographic figures were summoned, I had to asked Sabine a question that had been burning in the back of my mind for a while now.

"Do you really think that Kanan and Hera really went on a supply run or were they lying?"

She looked up after she commanded her figure to attack on of mine, taking it down. It faded into particles in the hologram. Sabine smirked at me and said, "To be honest and after hearing all of what Hera thinks of Kanan, I think that its a half truth."

I laughed and she joined in. "Me too."

"Glad that I could have the pleasure of being your friend, Sabine."

She beamed at me and said, "Me too," as moved her character on the board to attack my last figure, which fell to the table.

"Are you kidding me! How can I lose every single time I play!"

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