Hera Returns

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Kanan's POV

As the Ghost came out hyperspace, I got more and more excited. This was the first time that I was going to see Hera in a year! An ejected escape pod was drifting around in space, which I assumed contained Hera.

Zeb, who was sitting in the co-pilots seat, sat back and scratched his head like he was nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as I piloted the ship nearer to the escape pod that had been drifting aimlessly.

"Well, I know this will sound ridiculous, but... what if she doesn't like me? What if she decides that I'm not of any help and that I needed to find a different life on my own?" he said, firing the questions rather quickly.

""First of all," I said, trying to reassure him and myself, "She will like you. I mean look at me and what I was. If she recruited scum like me off of the streets, she sure would like you. You come from a strong and noble species and are known throughout your world and some of the galaxy."

I was once upon a time...

He smiled and was reassured, just in time too, because the sound of the pod connecting with the air look rung throughout the ship. I set the Ghost  on auto-pilot and let it drift for a while. I stood up and practically ran over to the airlock, which was opening as soon as I got there. It opened to reveal Hera in civilian clothes, which was a bit odd, as I always see her in her pilots attire. She walked into the ship, her radiant smile almost making mine look pitiful. She walked towards me and tripped, just as she was about to hit the metal floor, I caught her in my arms. She spread her arms out and wrapped them around me tightly. I nuzzled my head into her shoulder and smiled even wider. After months and months I was finally seeing her. After what seemed like only a few seconds, we let go and I helped her up.

"Nice to see you again, Kanan." she said.

"Nice to see you again too." I replied.

"I'm a bit off balance in case you didn't notice." she said as she rubbed her stomach.

"I might have noticed. Also, I have a surprise for you. You can come out now!" I yelled at Zeb. "This is Garazeb Orrelios, but he likes to be called Zeb. He was once a member of the Lasan Honor Guard, but his planet was attacked by the Empire, and almost all of his people were killed. We think that there may be a few survivors, but who knows where they are. I was on a supply run when I found him. The Empire was looking for him. I took him in and he has been a great help since.

"What a funny coincidence, because I have a surprise for you too." she motioned with her hand behind her. "This is Sabine Wren. She was a cadet at the Imperial Academy on Mandalore, but she left once she realized the truth about the Empire. She was with a friend for a few years after that, but her friend abandon her. She managed to escape to the planet that I was on, and I helped her while she helped me."

We both looked at each other and laughed. We always had the same thoughts and usually what one did the other would do. Zeb and Sabine stepped forward and shook hands nervously. After they shook hands, Zeb went to Hera and shook her hand while Sabine came and shook mine timidly. I gave her a friendly smile that told her that she is welcome onto the ship. She took her helmet off and smiled a small grin. She was rather different from the Mandolorians that I had ever met before. She had the traditional armor, even a helmet. She was a very artistic person, that you could tell. Her armor was painted with splashes of bright colors and her hair was dyed a very bright yellow at the top, going down to a somewhat bright purple.

Hera announced that we should have a tour of the Ghost  for Sabine, so we all walked around and showed her around the ship. When we got to the cabins, Hera announced hers and mine, while I showed them which one Zeb claimed. There was only one last one that was empty, which we  gave to Sabine. Hera announced that we should all go to sleep, because it had been a long day of traveling for all of us. Zeb went automatically into his room and Sabine went back into the pod to get her and Hera's things before we ejected it. She gave Hera her bags and went into her cabin with her things silently. Hera was about to go to her room and put her things away before I tapped her shoulder.

"Put your things away and come to my room." I whispered.

She looked confused, but nodded. I unlocked my door and kept it from sliding shut on her and me as we walked in. "So what do you want?" she asked me.

"I... I need to tell you something." I said rather nervously, already regretting my decision to tell her.

She nodded encouragingly to me as I launched into explanation. "So you already know that I'm a Jedi, right?" I said, as she nodded. "I have a few things to show you."

I kneeled down and went into one of the compartments under my bed and grabbed my holocron. "This is a Jedi holocron. It contains information about the Jedi that no one can access unless they use the Force. And then there is this." I pulled the two parts of my lightsaber and put them together and ignited the ancient weapon. "This is a lightsaber. The weapon of the Jedi. A Padawan goes into a place known only to the Jedi to find the main part of the weapon, the Kyber Crystal. I crafted this when I was a Padawan in the Order." I turned the saber of and took it apart. "It splits into two pieces to be less suspicious. This weapon is a part of my life that I would honestly not rather remember, but it is a part of me nonetheless."

Hera looked at me and nodded. "I understand, Kanan, but why did you want to show me this?"

"I need you to know about the holocron and how important it is that nobody gets their hands on it. I needed you to know about the saber so if I can't protect you, you can protect yourself. And, they all tie into the main reason I'm telling you all of this."

"Ok, what's the main reason then?"

"You know me as Kanan Jarrus. That's not my real name. I only use it for safety so no one can find out about me or my past." Hera looked stunned and surprised, but understanding at the same time.

"My real name is Caleb Dume."

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