Kanan Gets a Call

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Kanan's POV

It had been eleven months, three weeks, and two days since Hera had left to go on this so called secret mission. During that time, I took the Ghost and laid low, not going out unless I had to go on a supply run. I had also made a new friend and possibly a new crew member. Garazeb Orrelios, once member of the Lasan Honor Guard, had fled his homeworld after the Empire had wiped the entire race of his people out. He was able to get away, and now seeks vengeance on the Empire and any person who aids them. I offered him a place on the ship, not permanent until Hera comes back.

"Ha!" exclaimed Zeb, interrupting my thoughts, "I finally got you this time!"

My eyes were drawn to the game of Dejarik as my last character fell down and faded. I chuckled to myself inwardly.

"Buddy, you just lost again." I said, as I spawned another character on the board. Pushing a button, my newly spawned character took out Zeb's last one as it threw the other to the floor, or should I say, table. He growled in anger.

"That... it's not fair! You always win!"

"Unlike you, I am not desperate to win." I retorted, while putting my arms behind my head. In the background, I heard Chopper banging his head in the wall.

"I'm not going to hammer that dent out again if you keep it up. I'll make you do it next time." he rolled away grumbling.

I heard a beeping sound a second later and excited beeping from Chopper, just as Zeb opened his mouth to complain about how it was unfair that I won. Chopper beeped even more frantically this time and rolled to where Zeb and I were sitting.

"What!" I exclaimed, jumping up and running to the cockpit.

As I entered, I saw what Chopper had been so excited about. There was an incoming message, and from the way Chop was talking, he thought it might be Hera. Zeb dragged his feet into the cockpit and leaned against the back wall.

"Um... Zeb? Don't say anything for now. I want Hera to be surprised when she finds out that I can recruit people just as well as she."

He seemed to understand and walked back to the cabins. After the door closed, I answered the incoming message.

"Hello?" a voice said.

"Um, yes? Can I help you?" I asked, not recognizing the voice and wondering who was calling.

"Specter 1, here are the coordinates that I need you to pick me up at. I don't have that much time to talk. I'll see you soon... and I hope you didn't scratch my ship up that much."

They ended the transmission and their hologram faded. I smiled widely and squeed. Finally! I reached my hand out and flipped on the inner comm. "Chop, Zeb, get to the cockpit. We're going somewhere."

I flipped the switch off and started getting the ship ready to take off as Zeb and Chopper came in. "Chop, program these coordinates."

I gestured to the coordinates that were sent as I carefully lifted the ship and flew out of the atmosphere.

"You got it programmed, Chop?"

He beeped in reply and I pulled the lever. The stars elongated into the familiar streaks of light in hyperspace.

We're coming, Hera. We're coming for you...

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