Hera's Choice

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Hera's POV

The stormtroopers forced us to stand against the walls. They patted us down and took away our blasters, comlinks, and a strange looking long metal piece from Kanan's belt. They marched us down to the detention block. I looked at Kanan one last time as they pushed him into a cell, the door closing suddenly after he was in. They marched me down the remaining length of the corridor and turned left. They pushed me into the cell that was the third on the right side of the hallway. I fell onto all fours and heard the door slide shut behind me. I looked around me. I was in a small room that had a bench with no padding and a pillow. The purpose of the design was to make the prisoner feel helpless. The color selection that the Imperials chose also helped. The walls were colored grey, along with the bench, floor, door, and every other object in the cell. I sat down on the bench and drew my knees up to my chest. After about two hours, an Imperial officer came in, with a few stormtroopers following him. He signaled them to wait outside of the door. He came in alone and sat down next to me.

"I have heard that you rebel against the Empire. Is this true?"

I stayed silent and looked at the man with disgust written all over my face.

"Shame that such a pretty woman like you would betray her beloved Empire." he pressed onward.

"I have no love for the Empire... not after what they did to my home and all of the other planets that people call home all over this galaxy." I said, losing her temper.

"Seeing as we, the Empire that you hate so much, need information and you seem to have some... well, we are going to have to relieve you of that knowledge. You see, most prisoners like you are not that eager to give out information, so we have to extract it from them, sometimes rather painfully. Because I am kinder than the others here, I am going to give you two options. One, we painfully break you and get the information out of you. Or two, we painfully extract that information out of the man that is here with you. So... it's your choice. Which will it be?"

"Um, let me think about that... no." I replied sarcastically.

"Then I am sorry for what comes next for you."

He reached out his hand to help me up, but I shoved it aside. I got up on my own and he grabbed my wrist. He walked me out of the cell and down a series of hallways. When we finally came to a stop, the officer escorting me told the stormtrooper following me to hold me while he punched in the code to the door. As he was putting the code in, the trooper holding me tried to flirt with me. I brushed him off and soon, the officer finished putting the code. The door slid open to reveal another grey room. I'm getting tired of this color already, and I haven't been here for a day. The officer put his hand on my shoulder and directed me towards a window that allowed the person behind it to view the interrogation room, but the person being interrogated would be unable to see them.

"There are two options for you. You can watch what is about to happen and give us the information we want, or you can do the one that is more painful. You're choice. I am going to give you the painless one first, then if that doesn't work..." the officer threatened. "Oh look, here is your friend now!"

Kanan walked in the room and was strapped to a table that was at a slight angle, but still gave you the idea that you were standing. My stomach twisted into a knot. I knew what was coming next. A stormtrooper nodded towards a technician at the control panel in the corner of the room. The technician flipped a switch and twisted a knob. Kanan screamed as electricity coursed through his body. I couldn't stand to watching him be tortured. I closed my eyes and covered my ears, though it did no good. The screaming was amplified by the small room, and the electricity that danced around his body was so bright that it shone though my eyelids. After few minutes of this kind of torture, the technician reversed the effect, and the electricity stopped. The trooper next to the door walked a few feet and opened a panel, which revealed a mind probe. Kanan's eyes widened. The droid moved slowly closer.

"Please, make this stop!" I screamed. I couldn't stand for him to be tortured like this any longer.

"Are you going to give the information?" inquired the officer.

"Never. I will never betray them, even if it means dying!" I exclaimed.

"Very well then. You will not die today, but I can guarantee you. After what happens next, you may hope that you did."

He held my hand tightly and walked me towards an interrogation room towards the left of the hall. As I was shoved in, I saw the stormtroopers walking Kanan towards me. I tried to look at him, but before we could make eye contact, the door snapped shut. I looked at my room and instantly my eyes widened. The officer shoved me against the wall and whispered, "Last chance. Give me the information and we need not torture you!"

"Never!" I screamed, spitting in his face.

"Very well." he said. He took me off the wall and threw me to the floor.

Kanan's POV

"Hera!" I screamed. "You can't do this to her!"

"Oh, but I think we can..."

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