Infiltrating the Imperial Base

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Kanan's POV

We pulled out of hyperspace over Garel. The more or less purple planet hovered in the empty black void of space, with clouds dotting the atmosphere.

"It looks like a nice planet. You never know though. A lot of planets can look nice, but they usually aren't..." I said to Hera, who was steering the ship through the minimal traffic that the space around Garel had to offer.

"Yeah. Ditto." She said.

She switched on the cloaking device and went through the the atmosphere. Landing at the spaceport, she turned the ship off and turned to face me.

"Ready?" She inquired.

"As I'll ever be." I replied. "We had better change. It's getting dark." I said, noticing the colorful streaks across the sky.

We had originally planned to get to Garel earlier, but giving that I had no dark clothing we had to do the unforgivable. We had to go shopping. Two hours of walking and looking at pointless cloth. Eventually, after the half hour mark, I had just let Hera pick out what she was going to get me. The when we started out, we found out that we were out of fuel, and had to go two planets out of our way to get to a fueling station. Eventually, we got to Garel, but we were about three hours late.

After we had finished changing, we sat on the ramp, waiting for darkness to take over. I looked over at Hera, who seemed to be thinking about the mission ahead. She was wearing the same outfit that she wore when I first met her. A skintight shirt with tight black pants, and this time, some cloth strips that held back her lekku from getting in the way. We started at the setting sun until they sky started to show the stars above us.

Hera tapped my shoulder and said, "Time to go. Come on."

She took my hand and pulled me up. Never letting go of my hand, we walked through the the spaceport and to the edge of the property. Eventually, we reached the Imperial base that we were supposed to obtain the information from. Hera let go of my hand and signaled for me to stop. I did so and looked at the looming fortress in towering over us.

"You know the plan?" She asked me.

"For the 5,763rd time, yes. I know. We've gone over it too many times." I muttered back to her.

She gave me a dirty look and punched me lightly on the arm. I turned my head to look forward again when I heard a faint rhythmic pounding of footsteps. I turned back to Hera, who was already hiding in the shadows. I crawled back with her behind a couple of crates. We watched the white armored stormtrooper snatch by and turn the corner. Soon, the noises faded into the distance, and Hera and I moved out to the edge of the wall that we had been hiding behind. We watched as the security light swept past, and slowly back to where it had originated from. Hera signaled for us to run over to the wall of the base, and we did so. We looked back and saw Chopper waiting there for our signal, since he was a bit slower than we were. The light swept over the area again and turned back the other direction when it suddenly turned off.

"The light's off! What happened?" I asked Hera.

"I don't know. Maybe the bulb inside blew. Who knows. I'm going to tell Chop to come over here, since the lights aren't working." She said.

I shrugged my shoulders to that and watched as Chopper rolled over to us. Dodging crates scattered throughout the selected path of the droid, he reached us and plugged into the door, opening it for us. We walked past him and sneaked around the corridors to the elevator, with him rolling behind. Eventually, reaching the elevator after many minutes of evasion, Hera punched the button and stepped back into the quickly opening lift, with Chopper and I following her footsteps. The ride up to floor three was a very tense silence, broken only by a mumbling of electronic sounds that Chopper made.

"No, I haven't noticed that, Chop. Now that I think about it, it actually is very strange. We'll see. If we are captured by a squadron of fifty-some stormtroopers, we will know that they knew we were coming."

She turned her attention to the lift monitor, which notified us that we had reached the third floor. The doors slide smoothly open and we stepped out. I became more and more nervous about what Chop had pointed out, and if they did know if we were coming. We went down a long corridor and turned left, then left again, and after that, right. After a long while of walking down the halls, we reached the main computer, and saw that it was guarded by two troopers. I gave Hera a confused look. There should be more troopers than that guarding the main computer to secret Imperial operations. I looked again at Hera and nodded, springing out from the wall we were hiding behind. The troopers had no time to react at all, for as soon as we left the cover of the wall, we took the troopers helmets and smashed them together. They crumpled to the floor unconscious. We took their bodies and hid them in a nearby room. When we came back, Hera told Chopper to plug in the main system and obtain the information we needed. Chopper sat planted on the ground for about a minute, then pulled away from the terminal, indicating that he had downloaded the information needed. As we turned around, I noticed that we were in trouble. I grabbed Hera's arm, and looked up to face the end of a blaster rifle five inches away.

Uh oh!

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