Professional Rescuers

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Kanan's POV

Well, I am back again with a brand new story! So, you know how I have told you about my obsession with Lothal, and then later mentioning going on a mission there for one of Hera's contacts, Vizago? Of course you do! And if you have that bad of a memory, you can always flip back though the pages. Anyways, we got on Lothal, which I was super excited about by the way, and went into Capital City. We were going to steal a few crates. So, we got the crates. Everything went according to the plan. But for us, something has to go wrong. Well, of course, something did. A boy and two girls, in fact. Street kids. Lothrats.  That happened. Let's just say, it was embarrassing to admit to Hera. After that, we were stuck saving them after their speeder that they stole was destroyed by TIEs. They hopped on board the ship, or at least two of them. Yeah, this is where the bad part begins. Just generally. I haven't gotten to the really bad part yet. Anyways, so the boy and one of the girls managed to get on. The other one, the human, most likely got captured by the Imperials. That's where we are heading now. Back to Lothal to drop the kids off after we find out about the human girl that we accidentally left behind. After that, the two kids, the boy (also human) and the Togruta girl , were with us. We traded the crates in when Vizago told us about a secret that we've been dying to know for a long time. The Wookies. We found out that the "Imperials were holding them in a prisoner transport" and that they were "going to be transferred onto a larger trip to be transported somewhere" and that this was the last opportunity we were going to get to get them. Of course, because we were so desperate to get the information about the Wookies, we took the information blindly, after checking with the kids to see if it was alright with them if we do this and help the Wookies and them coming back later to help their friend. After a large portion of reluctance from the two, the grudgingly agreed. We went to rescue the Wookies, which if you couldn't tell by the parenthesis around all the information above, was a major trap. On the way out, the boy was captured by an ISB agent after trying to warn us that the op was a trap. After major debate from the team, me getting the tie breaking vote, and pity for the Togruta girl that was left alone with us, I told the crew that we were going to go and rescue the boy. But through all of this, I had underestimated the boy's skill. He had escaped the Imperials and had crawled through the vents to the docking bay by the time that we had gotten there. After Zeb punching him in the face (longer story), we got the boy out of there. Then the boy had surprised us even more. He had found out where the Wookies were being held and had opted to go on with the mission. After that, we went to Kessel, where the infamous spice mines were. We saved the Wookies, but at a price. I had to reveal my true identity as a Jedi. Of course, not everyone left there dead, so word is going to get out about it. Honestly though, I'm not upset, which really surprises me, probably because I knew deep down that the word was going to get out sooner or later. After going tot the spice mines and the kid knocking the ISB agent that had captured him off of a catwalk, we return to Lothal. But there is something special about this kid and his friend, and something that I think I may have picked up on with their other friend. They have the Force. I hope that I was wrong with the other one. If the Imps find out, she's in trouble. Later, after saving the human girl on Lothal, I am going to pop the question. And no, not the, "Will you marry me?", but, "Do you know what the Force is?". Hopefully I can train them in the ways of the light, but that will be determined later on. Until later, I have to go back to Lothal! Bye!

The alarm for hyperspace went off as soon as I put the book away. Man, I thought, I wonder how I always get that perfect timing down? I walked out of my cabin as and into the cockpit to join everybody else as we looked down at the blue and green planet, spotted with clouds here and there.

"Everyone know the plan once we find out what where Syana is?" Hera asked the group.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as the Ghost dipped down into the atmosphere.

"I hope that you all can rescue better than you did last time or we're all in trouble," the boy, named Ezra, muttered.

His face turn extremely red as he turned his head the other way, realizing that he said that out loud. Luckily everyone took that in humor rather than the sincerity that he actually meant.

Silently in my mind, I thought, Hopefully we do do well. I don't want a death of a teenage girl with so much future potential on my hands.

Hey guys! I updated aren't you proud! Anyways the two girls, in case you might not have known, are my OCs. Oh and guess why Kanan times that perfectly? I think its because the author of this book (wonder who that is? they couldn't be typing this right now...) had a huge crush and thinks hes daddy. And that's the summary of another chapter. Help, my dad came downstairs to see why my "homework aka SWTOR or writing chapters" was taking so long. Here's a condensed version of the convo:

Dad: boi why u takin so long doin homework

Me: Uhhhhhhhhhh... I'm writin an essay

Dad: What subject

Me: *my mind: RLY!?* Uhhhhhhhh... English

Dad: boi u idiot is it due tomorrow?????????????

Me: *frisk* Uhhhhhh... nope

Dad: then y u writin it??????? *bish gotcha now*

Me: *frisk he got meh* Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'm writin 1/2 of it today

Dad: *crap I tried* kk well you hurry up ya need to go to concentration camp *clears throat* I mean school tomorra

Me: *gotcha sucka* kk night!

And that was basically it. The end. Yep and SWfangirl2002 you have about estimating 5 chaps till were done. RIP. Thx. Anyways gotta love Malavai Quinn. Don't know who that is? GET A LIFE AND LOOK UP MY HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jk jk jk jk I don't mean to be that harsh. BTW I love Wednesdays cause its the one day all week except for Sunday that we don't have practice! Oh and... GUESS WHAT ! Guess who is going to TheHuntressSnips house this weekend. ME!!!! Yepity yep fun fun fun! Cant wait because I feel like were going to binge watch Rebels episodes all night an dplay games all day and look at... THE MALAVAI COMICS!!!! YA READY???? TheHuntressSnips . KK. Anyways gtg so ttyl yep bye! TRIPLE DOTS!!! May the Force be with you...

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