The Leap of Faith

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Kanan's POV

Hera pulled over just as I finished and landed at the end of the pavement. Zeb was already and his way there and I ran to board the Ghost. Once on the familiar setting of the spaceship, I used the intercom that was down in the cargo hold to tell Hera to get the kid that had escaped into the fields. She gave a short reply and told Sabine to get to the turret. Oh great, more TIE's.

I opened up the ramp that I had closed to see a TIE exploding in flames and the kid staring in awe at what had just happened.

"You want a ride?" I asked the unknown saboteurs.

He stared at me strangely then looked into the distance, the girls gasping.

"Kids, do you have a better option?" I pressed on, hoping to convince them to hop on the ship. "Come on!"

He ran to the crate and my eyes widened at his unwise act. "Leave the crate! You'll never make it!" I cried.

I saw him activate the anti-grav and run towards me, then finally jumping, the Togruta girl doing so with him. The ship was hovering about 15 feet off of the ground, a jump that most people usually can't preform successfully.

"Woah!" I muttered aloud.

I watched as the kid pulled himself up and helped the other girl up onto the extended ramp.

The ramp started to go up as I heard a faint shout of, "Ezra!"

The girl and the Togruta and the boy where escorted into the cargo bay, where Zeb kept a very close eye on them. Sabine stood to the side of the crate that Zeb was opening. Once the boy say it, his eyes lit up.

"Oh, do you have any idea what these are worth on the black market?"

"I do, actually," I replied, watching him pick up an object from the crate and examine it. The Togruta girl stood near the closed ramp and looked between me and the boy.

"Don't get any ideas..." I heard Zeb growl, leaning towards him.

"They're mine," the kid retorted.

Zeb grabbed the gun from his hands and argued with him. "If you hadn't gotten in our way..."

"Too bad. I got to them first," said the boy leaning in closer and trying to eye level with him.

Sensing that this could get ugly, I stepped in. "It's not who's first, it's who's last."

The kid made a face at Zeb, while the girl stepped forward and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Keep an eye on our friends here," I ordered Zeb, glaring the kid in the eye.

I climbed the ladder and went up into the cockpit, where Hera was busy dodging TIEs.

"You said this was a routine op. What happened down there?" she inquired.

I leaned for the support of one of the chairs as the ship trembled beneath me. Chopper made a comment about me doing something wrong, to which I replied, "Ugh, Chopper, please. It's been a difficult morning."

"He has a point, love," she said, gesturing towards the scopes, "We've got four TIE fighters closing in."

I held onto the seat as Hera preformed some moves that made gravity want to throw me around. Getting frustrated at this and she agreed with Chopper, I said, "Hera, how about a little less attitude and a little more altitude."

 Just then, she dodged a couple of shots, causing me to fly into the chair that I was holding onto for support.

"If I didn't know better,  I would think you did that on purpose."

Chopper shuffled in the background to get a better sight of the viewport.

"If you knew better," she retorted, "we wouldn't be in this situation. Seriously, Kanan, what happened?"

"They did," I finally answered, turning my head to look at the cargo bay camera.

The boy was sitting on the crate while the girl was hanging onto the ladder. I saw the boy talking and Zeb step up and push him lightly. I shook my head and helped her with her job of dodging the TIEs. 

"Two kids tripped you up?" Hera exclaimed, obviously surprised. "Must be some kid. Spill it."

"Aren't you a little busy at the moment?"


So I told her everything that had happened for the past moments while we were separated.

"Kids sound impressive," Hera said after I finished my story.

"You're not thinkin' what I think you're thinkin'..."

"He held onto a crate of blasters with a pack of troopers on their tails."

"Because I was there to save them!" I exclaimed, "They're street rats: wild, reckless, dangerous and... one of them gone?"

I leaned over to the intercom and tried to control my rage as I asked, "Sabine, where's the boy?"

"Calm down, chief. He's in... uh, here?" Zeb said.

"Zeb?" I asked, my voice dangerously calm, "Where is he?"

"Well... he is still in the ship." Zeb stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh, he's in the ship alright," I heard Sabine say.

I leaned forward to hit a few controls on the panel in front of me as I heard Hera say, "Very creative. Sounds like someone I used to know."

I glared at her and then sighed, getting up out of my seat to go to the turret.

"Shields are holding now," I heard Hera say over the intercom after taking a heavy barrage of fire from the fighters, "but you need to buy some time so I can calculate the jump to lightspeed."

"Buying time... now!" I replied, firing the turret as I said so.

A little while later, I heard Hera say, "Calculations complete but we need an opening!"

"Found one!" I heard Sabine exclaim over the intercom.

"Entering hyperspace!" I heard Hera exclaim.

The stars turned into the familiar lines of hyperspace as we escaped from the Empire yet again...

Hey guys! I know! 2 updates in 1 night and back-to-back nights in a row too! You guys must really be special... jk you are. Anyways so I've been working up to this for a while now and we are nearing the end of this book rather quickly. Anyways AND WAIT GUYS THE FINALE NO NO NO NO UNCLE JUNE COME BACK (uncle june in heaven: if you love me let me goooooooooooooooooo...) *clears throat* anyways I'm dead. I'll talk about it next week when I'm not crying over everything and all. And when I'm not overreacting about it. AND NOW THE WAIT FOR SEASON 4 BeGINS!!! joy ima die now. ANyways thanks for reading and SWfangirl2002 for reading probably 2 seconds after I update. Thanks! and any other readers who read that fast thanks so much guys! Love you all! Right, so I'm gonna go find a hole in the ground so I can mourn UNCLE JUNE IN PEACE (if you love me let me gooooooooooooooo) SHUT UP INCLE JUNE WE'LL HAVE THIS DISCUSSION LATER! Anyways thanks so much guys! See you next week when I can rant properly. Oh and TheHuntressSnips ARE YOU PROUND OF ME NOW? IS THE PRIEST PROUND OF ME? duh obviously! sorry about that guys! ANyways TRIPLE DOTS! May the Force be with you...

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