The Lie and the Dream

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Hera's POV

I fell asleep at the wheel of a ship. Very responsible of me. Go figure. I woke up to the sound of the Ghost's alarms going off. What's wrong now? I had no idea how long I had been asleep. I automatically turned on the internal com and called Chopper to the cockpit. I looked at the alarm to see what was wrong. "Ship in the hyperspace lane?" I wondered out loud. This was a very often traveled hyperspace lane system. Why would any ship wonder into the lane when they knew that, unless they didn't or...I didn't want to reach the conclusion that was most probable but most ridiculous. I pulled the ship out of hyperspace and heard the hyperdrive powering down. accompanying a large crash from the direction of the med bay.

 I spoke through the internal com and said,"Kanan, you had better not be getting any clever ideas and possibly trying to get here are you?"

A few moments and then his reply, "Um...maybe?"

I sighed. He could be so stupid sometimes. "You had better get back in that bed or you'll have to be in there longer than you already do now."

"Yes, mother, anything else you would like me to do while I'm at it."

I sarcastically replied, " Yes. Don't worry about me."

I then looked out of the cockpit window and gasped. An Imperial Star Destroyer. Why were they in they in deep space like this...unless they were after us. But why would they be, we were just a small group of thieves and technically rebels, but still, it didn't make sense. The Star Destroyer then contacted us. Before I answered them I told Chopper to calculate a new hyperspace route. Then I accepted the call. The admiral's voice rang throughout the cockpit.

 "Corellian freighter, you were reported to have stolen Imperial property. Prepare to be boarded or be destroyed."

"Chop, do you have the coordinates?", I asked.

His machine language beeping confirmed that he had the new route.

"OK, Chop, power up the hyperdrive."

I watched as the stars got longer and longer, transforming into the familiar blue-white lines of hyperspace. I told Chopper to pilot the ship and walked to the med bay. I stopped on the way to grab a jogan for Kanan to eat. As I walked in the med bay, he raised his head and smiled at me.

"So what was that mess all about?", he asked.

"Um..." I hesitated. "The alarms went off because a ship blew up in the hyperspace lane and fragments were everywhere, so we had to calculate a new route."

 At least half of that was true.

Kanan's POV

A few months later, I was able to move around like normal and was completely healed. Thank goodness for advanced healthcare. I had a scar on my side, but I was expecting that. I just got back to my sleeping quarters and laid down. Dinner was very... awkward tonight. Very awkward. All Hera and I did tonight was stare at each other. Just stare. The only time we broke the stare was when we went to looked to get a bit of food. We didn't talk at all either. Awkward dinner, as I said. I was starting to fall asleep. It had been a long day today.

 "Goodnight, love.", I said.

I always said that before I went to sleep, even thought Hera might not know or be able to hear me. Then I fell asleep.

"Ah, back again, are we, Dume?"

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