Yoda's Final Warning

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Kanan's POV

"Master Yoda," I said, stunned that he was appearing to me again. "How... What... How did you..."

"Ah, no times for questions, we have, Dume. Time is short. Always passing, it is. Get the journal, you did not. Why is this, Dume."

I was stunned. Master Yoda had come to me again. Not fake, but real, as if he were still alive. The truth is that I actually did not believe him the first time he appeared in my dream. Basically, because I passed out and thought I was going delirious. I probably am, but nobody ever answers that question.

"Erm..." I murmured. "Why is this journal so important?" I asked trying to change the subject. Thankfully it worked.

"Answered this already, I have. In your future, people are coming. Special to you, they will be. Need to tell them you past, you must. Fail to do so, and great danger will your life be in. Information about your past and mistakes. Save your life, it might."

"Yes, master. I understand now."

I honestly did.

"Good. Coming, the time is for you to wake." He drew closer and stared into my eyes. "Always remember, Dume, trust in the Force."

With that he drew backwards until the darkness swallowed him. I wondered  why was he staring in my eyes. Was he trying to see something? My mind filled with so many questions I didn't even notice that I was being sucked down a long chasm, very fast. I zoomed at the speed of light and I landed back inside of my body.

After a somewhat rough landing, my consciousness returned and I sat staring up, banging my head on the metal bed above me.

"Ow!" I complained.

I walked to the cockpit where Hera was sitting staring out into the hyperspace streaks. She didn't even notice me until I sat down.

"You slept in late, love."

I might have forgot to mention that Hera and I called each other love and dear and all that sort of stuff now. I was sort of an inside joke that we have all the time now.

"Yeah. I was tired. So what's our next hit on the Empire."

I have know for a while that we were going on a mission soon. I was excited. Ever since that injury I have not been allowed to leave the Ghost, except for runs to the market. That was all.

"We're going to Anoat. Stealing some credits and some toxins there that a contact of mine is willing to pay us well for."

"Sounds like fun. Can't wait."

She laughed lightly. "Well, you don't have to wait long because we're here." 

I heard the hyperdrive power down and looked out into space. What I saw surprised me. There was the planet of Anoat, reddish and barren, and it's one moon visible. What I saw near the planet is what surprised me. Two Imperial Star Destroyers were blockading the planet. I gulped and quickly pointed this out to Hera.

"Just wait." She said. "I got a new toy I want to try out. She gave me a crooked smile and flipped a switch. The Ghost's external com network sounded and Hera reached out to answer.

Oh no! What have we gotten into now? 

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