Chapter 28

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I exited the tent to find that Charlie wasn't lying. I walked out farther to be introduced to a scene of Kitsune fighting Kitsune. Some of the Kitsune were more malicious-looking, black, and larger then the other Kitsune.

"Whats happening?" Wilder asked. I turned to him.

"Is Dark Forrest Sickness able to do this to Kitsune?" I asked.

"If I remember correctly, it can. But, its never happened before." he responded, flabergasted.

"Then this is ironic. That the tribe that can cure it is the same tribe in which it can cause canibalism." Abdallah spoke, walking towards us.

"Is it okay for you to walk around?" I asked. He nodded.

"We need the cure. To help the fellow Kitsune. Evn if it isn't the cause." I shouted.

"We'll get the cure, but we'll need a distraction." Wilder said.

Just as I was about to offer to cause one, someone said "I'll do it."

I turned around to see Charlie. He looked at me, eyes asking me not to interfere.

"For the village's sake, I'll do it." he finished.

"If you do this, you might die," Wilder replied, "Do you wish to do this?" Charlie nodded. Wilder's eyes started to tear up.

"Just be careful, son." Charlie replied.

"Be careful old man. Don't leave the world. Come back in one piece." Wilder rebutted. My eyes widen in shock as I felt my mouth gape open in suprise.

And, Charlie ran off to cause some trouble. To the other,  more evil Kitsune.

I ran towards the pharmacy building, scaring any Kitsune that I would run into with a simple slash attempt with my sword. I finally reach the building. Gasping for air, I entered the building, only...

To get ambushed by a Dark Kitsune, who I assumed to be the pharmacist. It tackled me to the ground, rolling in the dirt.

I struggled to keep it's fangs away from my face. But as we kept struggling, my strength faded, causing it's jaws to inch closer, ready to tear away my flesh.

It was the end for me...

















And it was forced off me by...

















Cyrus. What the heck was he thinking?! He could get himself injured, or worse, killed. I ran to help him.

"Just go!" he panted, "Get the solution!" I nodded, and ran back towards the building.

I entered the building, this time, I wasn't attacked by anything. I looked around to look for what was given to Abdallah, but it wasn't enough for each Kitsune infected.

My eyes then fell upon an open book. I followed my gaze, to the book. I turned the page, only to jump at the picture of the Turned Kitsune. I calmed down, and read  the page:

"June 18, XX777

I woke up to find that our village had been consumed in a fight. It was between the sane and insane. I walked towards the fight, only to find that the Turned Kitsune weren't injured, all that is, except one: My son, Wilder... He had a gash on his stomach. He was attacked by Fallen the day he returned to us, so it wasn't affecting him until a week later. So, using my knowledge, I administered the cure for Fallen poison, which is stored it the bottom-most shelf in the back room. And as I lay in bed, during the last few days I have left, due to a trauma caused by the attack, write this down so it never happens again. Turns out, when administered, the Kitsune will be in pain, but vwill split in half, awaty from it's Fallen half. I love my son, Wilder, and my husband Charlie, with all of my hear"

I closed the book and put it in my bag, and I found the cure. I then rush outside.

As I run, I apply the cure to all of those Kitsune. Not waiting for a reaction, I left, and met up with Wilder. I gave him the book.

When he read through it, he started to sob.

"Mom. Thank you for helping us." he muttered.

"Wheres Charlie?" I asked. Wilder sobs some more.

'Oh no.' I thought. I ran straight towards a group of Kitsune, and saw a limp figure that could only be Charlie.

-Time skip-

"I'm coming with you. To get back at Zucrandar." Wilder said. I just nodded. This is now getting interesting.

I walked towards Cyrus, who waved at me.

I WAS still mad at him for being reckless, but I commend him for him being alive.

I stopped next to him.

And I leaned towards him...
































And whispered "Thanks. I owe you one."

I saw a light blush form on his cheeks, probably because I was close to him, but I didn't mind.

"You don't need to." he replied, sounding confused.

"Bu-" I was cut off by him.

"I mean it."

I turned away, "LETS GO NOW!" I shouted. I turned back to Cyrus. All he did was smile.

























And he also gave me a small kiss on the cheek.


Hola todos! Konichiwa minna! Hello everyone!

FINALLY!!! Book  1 is completed! Like all of my twists and turns? My cliffhangers? I hope you do... Because there are a LOT more left in this series...

NEWS!!! No more submissions! I'll announce the winner on a latter update...

Remember minna, look out for Book 2: Breakthrough The Prison... It'll be told in Mark's Point-Of-View.

Thats all!!!

Bueno suerte todos! Ganbanta minna! Good luck everyone!

Adios todos! Sayonara minna! Goodbye everyone!

I love all the appreciation!

Signing off,


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