Chapter 27

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Abdallah came in, right? Those were the words I thought when he made his sudden appearance. I mean, Abdallah WAS bleeding sure, but something was off about him. He had entered, anger and bloodlust filled his eyes.

"Hey Abdallah... Whats wrong?" Gwen asked him. She healed him up, but the look in his eyes lingered on.

"Betrayal," he chanted, like he was in a trance, "I am... Betraylal... Traitors... Liars... I am Betrayal." He kept saying those words over and over.

"Ummm... Mikala? Could you... You know?" I asked.

"Sure. No problem." she replied. She walked towards Abdallah calmly. She opened her mouth, and sang the exact same song that she had sung to us when we were in our dragon state.

"To reach above the clouds,
One must try to complete their dreams,
And succeed,
Yet challenges push us back,
Making us feel, depressed, and weak,
Just lift your head."

And after Mikala had sung these words, Abdallah had fallen to his knees, and screamed.

"ABDALLAH!" Gwen screamed.

"Don't worry, the song that was just sung was a purification song." Laura replied. Gwen stared at Laura.

"Oh yeah, I remember now." she beamed back at us. I smiled.

We then heard Abdallah groan and say "What happened?"

"Oh, you bumped your head." I replied. He stared at me.

"Not. Funny." he sputtered through coughs. Gwen stared at him with fear.

"Oh no... Hes caught it!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Caught what now?" I asked. I pulled Abdallah to his feet. He coughed.

"Thanks." he muttered. He glanced at Gwen through squinted eyes.

"Hes caught a disease native to the Dark Forrest, which there is a fort under his jurisdiction is there." Gwen replied.

"So how do we cure it?" Mark asked.

"There is a village that has the cure. Good thing that its in the mountains where we're going through. We can stop there." Gwen replied.

"Good then... We must travel faster if we're going to make before it gets worse!" I shouted.

And with that, we were off traversing the plains towards the mountains faster than we've ever traveled.

After several hours of trversing the mountains, we ran into some trouble.

WELL, not excactly trouble, but it didn't seem to be going well. Turns out, there was a village, but it was a tribe of Fox Spirits, also called Kitsune. Three of them stopped us.

"Hey! Stop right there!" one of them shouted.

"SILENCE CHARLIE! LET ME DEAL WITH IT!" another one said. This one was your average sized man, except the fact that he had fox ears on his head, with a fox tail swinging around.

"Uh... So, what does it take to get through to the village that can cure Dark Forrest Sickness?" Gwen asked, "One of our party was infected."

"That village is ours," he replied, "But how do I know you aren't poachers who want our fur?"

"Well..." Gwen started, scraching her head, "We can't really prove that."

"Then I can't let you pass," he replied, "You'll then have to tu-"

"Actually we can," I interupted, "Everyone! Drop your weapons!" The reaction I recieved was pouts and complaints but they dropped their weapons.

The one speaking raised an eyebrow, but otherwise, let us pass. He took us into the village, his companions holding our weapons.

"These humans are our guests. Treat them like fellow villagers!" the Kitsune named Charlie said. He gave me a look of disgust.

I turned to the other Kitsune. "Whats his problem? Couldn't he have just killed us back there?" I asked.

"No," he replied, "He can't disobey me because..." he trailed off, "I'm this Village's chieftan." My eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry sir!" I replied as I bowed my head. He laughed.

"Its alright. We like truthful visitors." he replied.

"Whats your name?" I asked.

"The names Wilder." he replied.

"Chief!" Charlie barged in.

"What is it now?" Wilder asked.

Charlie replied with eyes filled with shock, "Some of our kin are going insane and are attacking us."

Wilder and I ran outside.

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