Chapter 3

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Miranda's POV

"Wait what?!" Mark exclaimed, "Thats not true." I just stared in the distance in horror. Peter... Where had I heard that name? Peter... Peter... Peter...

"THATS IT!" I exclaimed, "You were in my dreams."

"Wait, so you're Dreams..." my brother began.

"Yes. Those nightmares I've been having for the past ten years. I feel as if the had been tied to our lost memories." I said.

"Thats true. Our father had a spell that could lock memories away," Peter said, "But yet, another yet rare side effect is that the target will relive the time of when it was locked over and over until you remember everything that happens."

"What're you gonna do to us now?" Mark asked, "Take us away to a torture zone?"

"Actually, quite the opposite. I'm gonna take you to your true home." Peter said. He cut the ropes. "Come on, lets go."

We got up and out of our chairs and said good bye to the lady and off we went. We traveled on a Pegasus and we flew across the sky. We traveled overnight and in the early morning, we had arrived in the town of Mikasashi. The capital of Xclusia. We approach the castle and find that four others were waiting for us.

"Mark, Miranda, these, are your siblings," Peter said pointing at three of them, "This is your older sister Laura, and your younger brother Abdallah and younger sister Gwen. And this our mother Nagisa."

"Hi" Mark said.

"Nice to meet you" I said. Laura approached us, and pulled us in for a tight hug.

"You finally came back. Oh, how I've missed you." she said.

"Pfft," Abdallah said, "It nice to see you."

Gwen merely started to cry. And our mother just said "You have your father's eyes." looking at me. I realized that I looked exactly like her. She turned to Mark, "You look exactly like your father, but you have my eyes." He blushed a little.

"Can anyone explain why I have these dreams that Mark can't have" I asked my mother. She turned to me.

"I don't know the answer to that I'm afraid." She replied. She turned to Peter, "Tell the guards to call everyone to the center of town."

"Yes mother." Peter turned and left. I stood there for several moments when I started to feel pain. I fell to my knees, with everyone watching me carefully. I started to see things: buildings crumbling, people dying, Mother dead, in my arms, two dragons rampaging, a girl singing. These images kept running through my head over and over, until I see one more image, one of my father in Zucrandar.

"Are you okay?" Mark asks, I breathe several times before answering "I saw something. I feel as if its what'll happen in the future. And it doesn't look good." I explained what I had seen. Mark's face turns dark. He turns around and says "We shouldn't do the meeting."

"We will." Mother says.

"Hurry up, we've got an event to go to!" Laura says. I follow.

Rest of book will be told in Miranda's POV

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