Chapter 4

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I follow my siblings and Mother to the plaza. "You ready?" Mother asks.

"We're ready." Mark replies. Mother faces the crowd and begins to talk a glorious speech. As she speaks, I notice a strange hooded figure in the front of the crowd. I signaled Mark with a glare and he saw what I meant. He nodded back and we steadied our hands near our weapons, ready to draw them at any moment. The figure raised an arm towards us and our weapons flew to his hand. Yes, the weapons morphed together as they flew. He raised the barbed sword towards me. He threw it and it exploded into many parts destroying buildings and killing people. One section was heading towards me and I was too dazed to even blink. It came closer and closer. I heard Mark yell my name. I shut my eyes.

I opened my eyes to find my mother in front of me, chest bleeding. I watched as she fell to the ground. Mark walked over and knelt with me. Too many questions left unanswered. I felt rage building up in me. I watched as Peter approached the figure and ran towards him, sword at the ready. Mark and I had snapped. If one of us broke, the other will no matter what.

Mark broke. He screamed and started to morph into a dragon. "What're you doing Mark?" I asked. Laura rushed towards me but I yelled"Stop! Part of being a twin means if one does something new, the other will as well. Stay away, I don't want to hurt anyone els-" I winced as I turned into a dragon as well.

I don't really remember what happened during that time, as my memory was a little bit fuzzy. all I can remember is that we beat everyone that stood against us. And then, a girl approached us. "Mikala!" Peter shouted.He ran after her, but was stopped by a barrier.

"I must do this." she said. Then she started to sing. The song was calm and soothing. I relaxed and turned back into myself. Mark was not as easy. As she came close, he grabbed her ad pinned her to the ground. She yelped and I tried to approach her, but was stopped due to the extensive pain I was faced with. I heard her say "If you need to kill me, do it. But do it as yourself." He stopped. And he let go of her throat and turned back to normal.

"What was that?" I panted. My breathing was starting to slow down. I stumbled only to be caught by Peter.

"This is Mikala. She is about the same age as you guys. And her songs can do miracles." Peter explained.

"When it comes to emotions," I said, "I'd rather feel love than rage at a time like this."

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