Chapter 8

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Mark looked at our siblings. "We have our answer," he stated, "And we have decided to go against our adopted siblings. I'm sorry, but this is what we decided. We have our reasons. Our father has become corrupt and needs to be stopped. He sent us there knowing we'd be captured and brought to the Queen. We have to stop his greed to kill everyone." He closed his eyes. He turned towards me. All I could manage was a smile. He nodded.

"What do you mean? It appears you have been brainwashed," San replied, "You need to come back to us. Come on, there is no  way that you can be with them now."

"They have made their mind," Peter said, "They side with us and there is nothing you ca-"

"They are TRAITORS!" Septimus interjected, "Don't you see Sam? They are with them. Show them no mercy." He turns and shouts "KILL THEM ALL!" The Zucrandian army approaches, weapons at the ready. They start to charge at us. But, alas, we were ready. We had our army behind us. 

I meander away from Mark just to some air. Jeez, Mark sure nailed how I felt about it. And Septimus is very intent on the topic loyalty. I put my hand on a nearby cherry tree and started to pant. 'What the heck was happening?' I asked myself. But, my moment of peace was interrupted a soldier jumping out of the bushes attempt to take my life, but another soldier jumped out from behind me to take the blow. The sword pierces through his chest plate and it strikes through the backside of his armor.

"Go," he mutters, "Run away from here. Go to Lord Peter." He then stabs the other soldier and pins him to the ground. I start to run away. I take a glance back at the soldier, and I run back towards Peter.

When I reach Peter, he looks at me. He nods his head. "You made the right choice. Nobody could make the choice that you just made." He stares at me. "Wait, wheres Mark?"

I turn around. "We got seperated. I ran away to get a breather since I saw images in my head again. Like last tome." I replied. 'Darn it Mark.' I thought to myself. He really did it this time.

"Well, we are wasting precious time," Peter told me, "They may kill him. We have to find him." He turns and runs. I follow him.

We search for Mark for a while. Boy, that kid can sure run far in a short amount of time. It's almost dusk, and we still haven't found him.

"Found him!" Gwen shouted. We all converge towards her. Of course, we saw Mark leaning on his sword, Gringildir, which how he got it I'll explain some other time. He was panting, but he wasn't hurt. I fall onto my knees. I start to cry, and I punched the ground hard.

"DARN IT!" I shouted, "WHY DID IT END THIS WAY! I DIDN'T WANT ANY ONE TO FIGHT! I THOUGHT THAT THEY WOULD LISTEN TO ME!" I was bawling at this point. My clothes, now soaked with blood, got tugged by the back. I look to see who it is, it was Gwen.

"Please," she pleaded, "Don't cry. This is only one day. Tomorrow will come, look towards the future. Today is history. Today's events are the most painful to the people of Nixford." 

For once, I somehow didn't believe that. But I know one thing:

Today is only the beginning of some of the most challenging days of our lives.

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