Chapter 9

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The next day, after we rested from the previous battle, we head back home, towards the castle. All I had thought of was of the hurtful words that Septimus had said the day before. Were we truly traitors? I shake my head. No, that isn't  true, we made the right choice. We were only going this route because of Father. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to find Mark, who was shaking his head slowly. 

A signal for me. 'Don't think that.' is what it meant. And sadly, I disagreed with him. I told him with my eyes, and he understood. Its a cool thing about us, we can understand what we are thinking. And it's almost as if we have a telepathic link.

"Just stay positive." he replied. I just stare at him blankly.

"We've arrived." Peter said. He knocked on a door. A young boy opened the door. His jaw dropped.

  "L-L-L-L-Lord Peter," he chattered, "What brings you to our humble temple? And I see you've brought your siblings."

"You know your royalty facts well. May my Siblings use this temple for the night? We would humbly thank you for your act of kindness." Peter bowed to the boy. He bowed back. 

"I'll ask my father." he said. And he left. Several minutes pass. The boy returns with what seems to be his father. He looks at us, then his eyes seem to open bigger when he stares at me and Mark.

"Hmmmmm... What brings the entire royal family here to our beloved temple?" he asks.

Peter answers with "My younger siblings need to rest somewhere nearby. And somewhere where they can feel at peace."

"Wait, what about you?" I ask.

He turns around. "Abdallah, Laura, and myself have to check our jurisdictions." He turns and converses with the man. He looks at us and nods his head.

"Well, come on in. My son will set up rooms for you all. He will also provide new clothes.

"You have my gratitude." Peter told him with a bow. The man bows back.

"The names Buba. And welcome to my temple." he says. We walk inside. Peter looks at us.

"We will be back in two weeks. If anything happens, let us know by messenger hawk." he says. He turns and commands "Abdallah, Laura, we must get going. Our retainers are expecting us at Quintonsfield." They follow Peter out the door.

"Be good." Laura mutters. She hugs me tightly.

"Don't do anything stupid." Abdallah adds. The door closes. We turn towards Buba. He Walks out into the praying hall.

"Make yourself at home." he shouts from the hall.

I sigh. this was going to be a long two weeks. Someone taps my shoulder. I turn. It was Gwen.

"Now what?" she asks, "You're the oldest one here. So lead us." She stares at me with her innocent, big, hazel eyes.

"Well, I have never led anyone before. Wait, I don't think anyone told you that I was older." I reply.

"I can tell. Its by the way you talk with Mark. You talk with him barely and usually speak with your body language. Like as if you're teasing him." she explains.

"Well, lets relax and help this temple out then." I said. Mark rises from his chair.

"Now THATS a plan," he says, "Lets get to work then!" We all laugh as we went outside.  

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