Chapter 3: Twenty-One Demands

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In Asia, Japan wanted to seize all German ports in China in order to expand his empire and capture the German Colonies in Asia. He knew he had to ask China for some demands... He went and asked China 21 Demands. "If you do not accept these demands this will surely result in dire consequences. " Japan said. 

The Twenty-One Demands were divided into five groups:

Group 1 (four demands) confirmed Japan's recent seizure of German ports and operations and expanded Japan's sphere of influence over the railways, coasts, and major cities of the province.

Group 2 (seven demands) pertained to Japan's, extending the leasehold over the territory for 99 years, and expanding Japan's sphere of influence in southern and eastern, to include rights of settlement and, the appointment of financial and administrative officials to the government and priority for Japanese investments in those areas. Japan demanded access to Inner Mongolia for raw materials, as a manufacturing site, and as a strategic buffer against Russian encroachment in Korea.

Group 3 (two demands) gave Japan control of the Han-Ye-Ping (, and ) mining and metallurgical complex in central China; it was deep in debt to Japan.

Group 4 (one demand) barred China from giving any further coastal or island concessions to foreign powers.

Group 5 (seven demands) was the most aggressive. China was to hire Japanese advisors who could take effective control of China's finance and police. Japan would be empowered to build three major railways, and also Buddhist temples and schools. Japan would gain effective control of, the form, which had been ceded to Japan in 1895.

Knowing the negative reaction "Group 5" would cause, Japan initially tried to keep its contents secret. China attempted to stall for as long as possible and leaked the full contents of the Twenty-One Demands to European powers in the hope that due to a perceived threat to their own political and economic spheres of interest, they would help contain Japan.

"These aren't 21 demands, they are 14!" China shouted. Japan seemed suspicious. "W-what? Oh, I miscounted," Japan nervously replied. He nearly got caught. 

"I am not going to accept it," China said. "Okay, okay! I will reduce it to 13, happy now? If you don't accept it then I will invade you!" Japan shouted. China knew he couldn't handle Japan's power. So he accepted the proposal. The final form of the treaty was signed by both parties on May 25, 1915. "Finally," Japan said. "WHY DIDN'T YOU ACCEPT THE OPEN-DOOR POLICY!!!!!" USA shouted. 

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