Chapter Eleven - Lace and Leather

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Gong-Gi sat in a dimly lit corridor. It was by scrolling through his phone where he read the latest social media posts. He had already seen Mini Rose's new song. Apparently it was only written in ten minutes. It seemed like everyone was talking about it. The song was a diss track aimed at her cheating ex, and it had already racked up thousands of views.

As he read through the comments, Gong-gi's heart sank. He knew that there would be some negative comments, but he hadn't expected them to be this cruel. One post in particular caught his eye, and he couldn't help but feel the sting of the words.

"Cowardly man, Dal Gong-Gi didn't even leave a note, only beer cans. What a scumbag!"
Gong-Gi knew that he had messed up. He had been unfaithful to Mini-Rose, and he had paid the price for it. He had lost the love of his life, and now he was the subject of public ridicule.

Breaks were a luxury in this place. Gong-Gi commended any idols that were in training or due to debut because he feels the standards had only gotten higher since his debut. He tried his best not to think about the social media comments, but they followed him in his head. Taeyang had been smuggling pieces of fried chicken to the girls. It made him chuckle because it was something Gong-gi used to do in VALENTINE COOKIE.

"What's your favourite thing about being an idol?"

Taeyang's question threw Gong-Gi off. So much so, he was unable to speak. Gong-gi looked up from his thoughts, startled by Taeyang's question. He hadn't expected to be asked that, especially not while they were in the middle of their gruelling training schedule.
He paused for a moment, considering his answer. There were a lot of things that he enjoyed about being an idol, despite the challenges that came with it. He just needed to remember.

"Come on. You don't seem happy in this job, but there's got to be something that you like. Something that gets you up in the morning."

"It's not that I'm miserable," Gong-gi, "I just feel like I'm being turned into a Disney villain."

Taeyang dug his hands in his denim pockets and raised his leg. "Nothing wrong with that! Disney villains are awesome. Wait, this is about your wife's new single isn't it?"

"How can you guess?" Gong-gi muttered.

"Why don't you make an official statement, saying it's all a big misunderstanding?"

"Do you really think Flo would let us do that?"

"Yeah, our fake romance might be a minor problem. How about speaking to her face to face?"

"I doubt that will ever happen."

"What exactly did you do that Flo considered to be a breach of contract?"

"Dating: a big no-no in the industry. On top of that, I got another idol pregnant. I knew after my military service, there would have been serious infractions if I returned to the music industry. So I laid low."

"That's odd considering Flo really wants us to bang."

"She means no girlfriends for us, Taeyang!"

"Hang on a minute! If an idol can't date, people must know we're faking it?"

"Doesn't matter," Gong-gi replied as he got his stage outfit on. "If something goes viral on social media, they automatically think it's real. Also, I miss the days where I could pick my own clothes." Gong-Gi groaned as struggled to breathe in his tight leather pants. It wouldn't surprise him if they were the same pants from his VALENTINE COOKIE days. The concept of his ex-girlfriend keeping his clothes for over a decade caused tremors. As far as Gong-Gi was concerned, the old him was gone. Seeing his older self struggling to mould his younger self's frame was painful. The fabric squeezed his calves.

Taeyang laughed. "It suits you."

"You're just saying that because it's me. Even if I wore a bin bag around my crotch, you'd still whistle at me."

As for his top (if one could call it a top), it looked like somebody had taken his grandmother's blouse and cut the front and back, leaving only the collar and laced sleeves. Gong-gi knew he wasn't fat, but knew he would be called chubby or chunky. If you didn't have the BMI of a school kid, you were done for.

As an idol, Gong-gi knew it all too well how stupid the fat phobia could be, especially to the girls. If his daughters ever wanted to become pop stars, he would forbid it. In the corner of the room he saw a young girl crouched by the door. She was crying her eyes out as her long hair swept the floor. Two other girls stormed towards her and slapped her shoulders.

"You need to stop being fat or you will destroy the entire band."

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" A man's voice echoed from the door the bullies arrived from. All three of the women gazed at him in awe. "Why are you being total bitches?" 

"She's put on half a kilo this week!" The blonde trainee said.

"So what?" Taeyang yelled. "This is why so many people have mental health issues."
"We all love each other. We're doing this for our own good. We're going to make it together!"

"You're all so skinny. The three of you all need to eat and drink properly. How are you expected to perform if you can't look after yourselves?"

He took the words right out of Gong-Gi's mouth. Had the girl on the floor been one of his daughters, his anger would have consumed him to do unthinkable things. A few years ago, Gong-Gi spent a night in jail. He punched a teacher for saying the reason a boy was picking on his eldest daughter was because he fancied her.

In ten years, his daughters would be the same age as the girls. They had this strong idols-in-training vibe about them. He didn't know their names or faces, but it was clear to him that they were made to be the modern-day  BLACKPINK.

It's hard to believe Taeyang wasn't even in his twenties. His wisdom and spirit made him wiser than his years.

It wasn't long until Flo Glitz burst in to add smoke to the fire. "What's going on here? Why aren't you all rehearsing?"

"They need rest, and a good meal!" Taeyang begged Flo. "I can see their ribs. This isn't healthy."

"Taeyang!" Gong-Gi called, rushing to his aid. He cowered as he cradled Taeyang and dragged him away from the room."

"Good," Flo said with her eyes glinting at Gong-gi. "You're supposed to be the dominant one. You should be controlling Taeyang."

"I'm not a puppet!" Taeyang said. "Everyone deserves to be treated fair and square."

"It's a good thing I'm not like other managers. If you worked in another entertainment agency, they would have fired the lot of you ages ago." Flo stormed off into her office.

"Has she always been like that?" Taeyang asked.

Gong-Gi nodded. "Welcome to the K-pop industry."

Gong-Gi and Taeyang continued to talk as they walked into the rehearsal room. Taeyang seemed concerned about the wellbeing of the trainees, and Gong-Gi could see a genuine desire to help them.

"I just wish there was more we could do," Taeyang said. "These girls are barely eating and they're being pushed to the brink. It's not right."

Gong-Gi nodded. "I know. But unfortunately, we're not in a position to change things. All we can do is try to be a positive influence on them."

Taeyang sighed. "I just don't understand why things have to be this way. Why do they have to starve themselves and conform to impossible beauty standards just to be successful?"

Gong-gi put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I don't have the answers, Taeyang. But what I do know is that we can't let this break us. We have to stay true to ourselves and be a voice for those who can't speak up."

Taeyang smiled weakly. "You're right. We can't give up now. We have to keep fighting."
They walked in silence for a few moments before Taeyang spoke up again. "Hey, have you thought about what we talked about before? About leaving the industry? I'm starting to miss my family."

"I thought you loved this?"

Taeyang sighed. "I love singing, dancing and being with you. I just don't like the abuse I am seeing."

Gong-Gi shook his head. "I don't know, Taeyang. It's not that simple. I have a family to support and bills to well as a hefty divorce settlement coming up. I'm not gonna see any of the money we make from this skint."

"I know, but is it worth sacrificing your happiness and your mental health for this?"

Gong-Gi and Taeyang sat in the back of the taxi, both feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. The car came to a sudden stop, causing Gong-Gi to jolt forward in his seat. As they stepped out, they were greeted by a woman named Flo Glitz, who escorted them to the top floor of the building.

Gong-Gi couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh. "I wish you would tell us where we are going before we go," he grumbled to Flo Glitz. She simply smiled and replied, "You'll be meeting Professor Takeshi Denki!"

Taeyang's eyes widened in excitement as he gasped, "The PROFESSOR DENKI? The former tennis table champion and robot rights activist?"

Gong-Gi intervened. "The bastard brain-hacker that left his wife for a robot?"

Flo Glitz nodded, confirming Taeyang's suspicions. "That's him. He has a new product called the iBroom. It's a bike that flies. You two are going to be doing promo shots advertising his new products."

Taeyang couldn't contain his excitement, but Gong-Gi seemed less than thrilled. "Why doesn't he call it iBike?" he grumbled. "iBroom is such a stupid name."

Flo Glitz let out a hiss. "iBike is already trademarked," she explained.

Gong-Gi let out an "oh" of understanding, but he still couldn't shake the feeling of unease. What kind of person was Professor Denki? And what kind of promo shots would they be doing for this strange new product? The tension in the air was palpable as they approached the studio.

As Gong-Gi and Taeyang followed Flo Glitz to the top floor, Taeyang couldn't contain his excitement. He had heard of Professor Takeshi Denki before, but he never thought he would get the opportunity to meet him in person. Gong-Gi, on the other hand, seemed less than thrilled. He was still muttering under his breath about the name of the new product, the iBroom.

As they entered the studio, Taeyang's eyes widened in amazement. The iBroom was there, gleaming in the light, and he couldn't wait to try it out. Meanwhile, Gong-Gi stood off to the side, crossing his arms and looking sceptical.

Professor Denki walked over to them with a warm smile. "Welcome, Taeyang and Gong-Gi. I'm so glad you could make it. I'm excited to show you my latest invention." He gestured towards the iBroom. "The bike that flies. It's very good. It's so good. No need for wires. It will charge every device. It's solar-powered, so very eco-friendly."

Taeyang practically bounced on his toes. "Wow! I can't wait to try it out!"

Gong-Gi, however, remained unimpressed. "What's so special about a bike that flies? It's not like we need to get anywhere that fast."

Professor Denki chuckled. "Ah, but imagine the possibilities. Commuting to work, avoiding traffic, exploring new places from the sky. The iBroom has the potential to revolutionise transportation as we know it. You can go all over the world with this."

Gong-Gi rolled his eyes. "Sure, but what's wrong with good old-fashioned walking?"

Professor Denki just smiled, unfazed by Gong-Gi's scepticism. "Why don't you both try it out for yourselves? I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."

With a shrug, Gong-Gi climbed onto the iBroom, while Taeyang practically leapt onto it. As they soared through the air, Taeyang let out a whoop of excitement, while Gong-Gi couldn't help but grin. Maybe this iBroom wasn't such a bad invention after all. The owner was still a twat though.

Gong-Gi watched as Professor Denki turned around, his eyes lighting up as he picked up a little girl, affectionately calling out to her as "Yuzuko." The girl was around 4-6 years old and she seemed in awe of the band Taegong. Gong-Gi felt a little uncomfortable as the young girl approached him and Taeyang.

"Who are you?" Yuzuko asked, her big eyes staring up at Gong-Gi.

"I'm Gong-Gi," he replied, trying to smile. "And this is Taeyang."

Yuzuko turned to Taeyang. "What does Boys Love mean?" she asked innocently.

Taeyang's eyes widened and he seemed taken aback. Gong-Gi tried to suppress a laugh at his bandmate's reaction.

"It's our song," Taeyang explained. "It's about spreading joy."

"And do you like Grandpa's magical bike?"

Both men nodded.

Yuzuko looked thoughtful for a moment. "Do you play with dolls?" she asked.

Gong-Gi chuckled. "No, we don't really play with dolls," he replied, trying to keep the conversation light. Nothing that a kid should hear anyway.

Yuzuko looked a little disappointed, but then her attention was drawn to a swarm of robots. She ran off to explore the studio.

Gong-Gi couldn't help but smile at the little girl's innocence and curiosity. He was glad that the tension from earlier had dissipated and that they were able to enjoy this experience together. Yuzuko was a sweet girl with a challenging future ahead of her.


Elaine Jinx had sat in her luxurious office, scrolling through her social media feed when she stumbled upon a picture that made her blood boil. It was a promotional shot of Gong-Gi and Taeyang riding on Professor Denki's iBrooms. She couldn't believe it. How could the universe be so cruel as to make the two men she despised the most coincidentally collaborate?

She had thrown her phone on the table, fuming with anger. "This can't be happening," she muttered to herself. "I need to find a way to ruin this for them."

Elaine had been repulsed of Taegong's success, and one could easily mistake it for jealousy. She would do anything to bring them down. She had picked up her phone and dialed her assistant's number. "Get me the contact information for Professor Denki. I need to have a word with him," she had demanded.

Her assistant had hesitated for a moment before responding. "Are you sure about this, Ms. Jinx? Professor Denki is a well-respected figure in the robotics industry. He might not take kindly to your interference."

"I don't care," Elaine had snapped. "Just get me his contact information, and make it quick."

As she had waited for her assistant to comply with her request, Elaine had plotted her next move. She couldn't let Taegong get away with this collaboration, not when she had worked so hard to keep them down. She would stop at nothing to bring them to their knees.

Elaine had pulled out her phone and started a live stream, addressing her fans with a scowl on her face. "Can you believe this?" she had said, holding up the picture of Gong-Gi and Taeyang on the iBrooms. "The two men I despise the most, Dal Gong-Gi and Professor Denki just happen to collab? Isn't that ironic?"

She had taken a deep breath before cackling with laughter as she continued, "And don't even get me started on Gong-Gi. He's the epitome of sexism in the industry. Always objectifying women and making inappropriate comments. And now he's still pretending to be in a relationship with Taeyang? Please, it's all staged for attention. Even a blind man can see that!"

Elaine's fans had started flooding the comments section with their own thoughts and opinions, some agreeing with her and others defending Gong-Gi and Taeyang. But Elaine had been too focused on her own anger to pay attention to anyone else. She had continued her rant, fueled by the validation of her fans.

As she had finished her stream and shut off her phone, Elaine had couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She may not have been able to stop Gong-Gi and Professor Denki from collaborating, but at least she could let her fans know how she really felt.
Elaine's heart had skipped a beat as she had read the message from Poe Tree. She had known that Poe Tree was not one to be taken lightly, especially since the enigmatic figure had a reputation for being able to track down anyone. Elaine had started to panic and had wondered how Poe Tree had found her personal information. She had quickly shut down her livestream and had tried to take a deep breath to calm down.

But the fear had lingered in Elaine's mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She had decided to call her security team and had told them about the death threat. They had immediately started tracing the message and investigating the source. Meanwhile, Elaine had tried to convince herself that Poe Tree was just a troll and that she shouldn't be afraid. But deep down, she had known that Poe Tree was not to be trifled with.

Elaine's phone rang, and she picked it up, hoping for good news from her security team. However, what she heard was a sinister voice on the other end that made her heart race with fear. "You messed with the wrong people, Elaine Jinx. You will regret what you said about Taegong," the voice said.

Elaine's anger rose as she realized that Poe Tree had found her. She tried to remain calm and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Poe Tree's response was full of tension and anger. "I want you to publicly apologize to Taegong and their fans. And if you don't, well, let's just say you won't be able to hide from me for long."

Elaine knew she had to protect herself, so she reluctantly agreed to issue a public apology. But deep down, she seethed with anger and frustration that she had been put in this situation.

Later, when Elaine suggested a collaboration with Poe Tree, trying to ease the tension between them, she snapped back at her. "Don't change the subject!" she yelled. "You're the last person I want to talk to."

Their conversation quickly escalated into a heated argument, with both sides throwing accusations and insults at each other. "You ruined my life!" Poe Tree yelled, her voice dripping with anger and hatred.

Elaine tried to defend herself, but Poe Tree wouldn't listen. "Okay, so I crossed the line talking about your clamfish juice," she said, her own voice shaking with anger. "But you have no right to send me death threats. And I know it's you, and you will get locked up if you follow this path."


Gong-Gi was lucky to debut with VALENTINE COOKIE, even luckier to release an album and a few singles. His old band was never nominated for any prestigious music awards like the National Music Awards, cause his band was considered corny. He didn't know why, he though Taegong's music was tepid. Alas, he had a job to do and debt to pay.

"And the winner of best new act is..." the lady in the gold dress opened the envelope with the audience on the edge of their seats. "Oh it's one of my favourites. It's Taegong!"

The band went to collect their first reward as an act. Gong-Gi didn't think much of the pompous arse-kissing but seeing Taeyang's excited face was brought his lips to smile. One half of the room were stares from fans of other bands, but the other half had applause that could fill stadiums.

Taeyang held the reward close to his heart. "I'm sorry. I didn't prepare a speech because I didn't think we would win. I want to thank our manager, the amazing aunty...whoops sorry, I know she hates it when I call her that. Flo Glitz, my amazing godmother brings so much joy to this industry and empowers women every day. I also want to thanks the fans, the lovely Taegongers."

"And to the haters!" Gong-Gi roared with the peace sign.

"I love you all!" Taeyang squealed, but the fans squealed louder.

Both of them got plenty of steps in that night. They were nominated for six more awards, and won the lot. At the end of the night, Flo Glitz had the awards locked up in a safe. The band would never see nor touch them again. 

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