Chapter Ten - Takes One to Know One

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Gong-Gi injected two white pills washed down with cold coffee. Stretching the soles of his feet, he transferred the weight between each leg. It was as if somebody had poured boiling water on his legs. As he gritted his teeth, he massaged his body. His head felt like the heaviest part of his body. All of a sudden, every moment became a struggle. Suppressing his urge to yell, he leaned against the mirror and glided to the floor. Not even paracetamol or caffeine could ease Gong-Gi's grinding headache.

The entire album (including b-sides and bonus tracks), and all the dance routines had been memorised. The record label people had told him that everything was ready. The studio sessions and gigs had been booked. Parts of their performances including their rehearsals would be used for the video album that would accompany the main release.

There were many ways to enjoy music: streaming, MP3s, CDs, vinyls, cassettes and through film. No doubt Flo would be doing her best to get Taegong's first record available in every format. The shade he threw at Aldo Benz had created more buzz than anybody could have expected.

As tempting as it was to complain about the busy schedule and problematic management, he remembered how lucky he was to be there. He thought of all the idols and wannabes that could have been in his place. Then, his thoughts drifted further to the people in the north who did not know the joys of love, happiness and music. Ones in the north only knew hunger, survival and a fat man who called himself God.

After Gong-Gi had sabotaged the interview with Aldo Benz, numerous women, including former prostitutes, came forward. They all confirmed something that Gong-Gi suspected all along: he had a small dick. Aldo Benz was sacked from his news show and his wife was filing for divorce. It was nice to know that he still had fans that remembered him from his VALENTINE COOKIE days. He looked at Taeyang still snoring his little head off and thought to himself: "What a lovely guy." Taeyang wasn't so bad. He would be lying if he said he didn't have fun with him. All the singing and dancing made him feel nostalgic, even though he couldn't do the splits anymore.

To be back in Korea was a relief to say the least. Rome was a gorgeous city, from what he saw of it anyway. He had never imagined he would be carrying a coffee past ruins that had outlived hundreds of generations. Like many other cities, Gong-Gi would never get the chance to enjoy it at work. He thought to himself that at least he got to see the Mediterranean delights on old cruises. No doubt they would be back.

All the thoughts running through his mind were a distraction. In order to keep his rhythm, Gong-Gi needed a clear mind. VALENTINE COOKIE's choreographer gave him yoga sessions for breakfast, aerobics for lunch and zen for dinner. Instead, Gong-Gi and Taeyang had energetic zumba for breakfast, ferocious jive for lunch and a raunchy paso doble dinner.

"You did a good job with that interview," Taeyang said, smiling. His teeth were brighter than the bulbs in the studio. The interview was going to be something people would talk about for years. They both knew it.

"Yes!" Gong-Gi didn't know how to cope with his sudden fascination with Taeyang's teeth. The whiteness made his mind travel to winter wonderlands, countless clouds and ice cream. Before they finished their final practice run, Flo Glitz marched to the centre of the studio.

"Aww, aren't you two cute together?" Daydreaming came to a sudden halt to Flo's grating voice. "Have you heard what your wife has done?"

"No?" Gong-Gi gasped. "Is she okay?"

"Of course she is," Flo said, whipping her hair back. "Why wouldn't she be?"

"It's just I haven't heard from her in a while."

"I don't know why you can't just forget about her."

"Madam!" Taeyang jumped in between them with his hands in the air. "There's something you need to understand. Yes, Gong-Gi got his fame back. Yes, Gong-Gi is going to top the charts again. But he's also lost his wife, home and freedom all in one night."

"She's sold the house!" Flo announced, pulling a grey flip phone from her denim coat. "Sold it to me!"

"That's my phone!" Gong-Gi roared. His eyes widened as he reached out to retrieve it. Flo buried it back in her pocket. "What have you done to her?"

Flo whacked his shoulders with her arms. "Gong-Gi, my dear, who do you think I am? A murderer? Mini Rose has moved in with her new boyfriend and dumped your girls at their grandparents. She had this planned. Mini Rose was gonna leave you anyway. We just made it easier for her."

"Maybe you're not the right person to tell him this," Taeyang hugged Gong-Gi as his eyes darted at Flo. "Mini Rose should tell him this herself."

"I'm the boss. Whatever I say is law!"

Gong-gi felt Taeyang's body quiver at Flo's response. "My father defected from North Korea. What you said reminds me of all the nightmares he shared with me."

"Did you..." Flo trembled as her mouth dropped. Her face had gone pale. "Did you just compare me to that dictator?"

Taeyang failed to hesitate. "Yes! Gong-Gi has already cancelled one person, we don't want you to be the next one."

"Certainly takes one to know one," Flo muttered under her breath. "I suppose I've been too harsh on you. It's just, I could never stand Mini Rose, and she's exploiting you, Gong-Gi. She really is. I mean, have you heard her new song?"

Gong-Gi shook his head. "She has a new song?"

"Yes! And a music video to go with it. On one hand, it's good that it gives us attention, but on the other hand, I hate how she's relying on us to boost her flopping solo career."

"Wow!" Taeyang twirled, stamping his foot, imitating the dance moves of Gong-Gi. "You really let your jealousy wind you up. If you want to keep your artists and staff, I advise that you learn to treat us better." Just as Flo was about to speak, Taeyang raised his hand. "I know what you're going to say. You're young and should accept and appreciate every opportunity that comes your way. But I think this is exploitation at its finest."

"I'll let the video speak for itself!"

"Where is that?" Gong-Gi asked as he recognised nothing about the rain-ridden street other than his wife in a wedding dress. "She's crying!" Even though he knew it was just a music video, seeing his wife cry pulled his heart strings. The ambient choirs chanted over a symphonic orchestra. Mini Rose lifted her veil as the distorted bass guitar kicked in. The music video was simple. Mini Rose was walking down an empty street. Her wedding dress soaked through puddles and rainfall. The lyrics made it clear that it was about Gong-Gi.

Taeyang took a step back and gasped in amazement. "The production is slick on this track!"

Verse 1:
I gave you my all, I made you a home
    All I ever took from you was your name
    So tell me why, you've got no backbone?
    Am I really the one to blame?

Happily ever after is no more (RIP)
    Here we go again (Oh no)
    Misery forever more (Oh)
    I used to have nightmares about this
    Now it's come true, can't sleep no more
    I'm scared of what I'll dream next
    What hurts the most is that you
    Never even said goodbye

Verse 2:
Am I just not good enough to kiss?
    Was everything we did together for nothing?
    Can't believe this is the end of a beautiful love
    I submitted to you, I made myself your loving wife
    Babe, can you least tell me what's going on?
    I thought you said you had the time of your life?

Happily ever after is no more (RIP)
    Here we go again (Oh no)
    Misery forever more (Oh)
    I used to have nightmares about this
    Now it's come true, can't sleep no more
    I'm scared of what I'll dream next
    What hurts the most is that you
    Never even said goodbye

Bet you don't didn't about the kids
    Bet you never thought about our parents
    And all our friends, colleagues and everyone we know
    How the hell am I supposed to explain this to them?

Empty sheets, no letter, no note
    Not even a goodbye or thank you
    You've damaged me for life now
    Time to move on baby
    Can't believe this is the end of a beautiful love


Elaine Jinx sat in front of her camera, ready to film her latest video blog. She had just finished watching a music video that had left her speechless. The artist, Mini Rose, had donned a wedding dress and walked down an empty street in the pouring rain, singing a powerful song about a man named Gong-Gi.

As the ambient choirs chanted and the symphonic orchestra played, Mini Rose lifted her veil and revealed tears streaming down her face. The distorted bass guitar kicked in and Elaine felt her heart pounding in her chest.

"That was amazing," she said, clapping her hands together. "Just incredible."
Elaine paused for a moment, trying to compose herself. "I don't even know where to start," she continued. "The music, the visuals, the lyrics... It was all so powerful. And Mini Rose's performance was"

Elaine took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "And the fact that this song is about Gong-Gi just proves that he's scum," she said, her voice shaking with anger. "I mean, how could he do that to her? To anyone? It's just...unforgivable."

Elaine took another deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "But at least we have this incredible song to help us through it," she said, a small smile returning to her face. "Misery Forever More is a true masterpiece, and Mini Rose is an absolute force to be reckoned with. I can't wait to see what she does next."

"I wanted to address some of the responses I received on my last video. I want to make it clear that I am not mean or trying to hurt anyone's feelings. My intention is to shed light on the issues within the K-pop industry and the companies that perpetuate them."
She took a deep breath before continuing. "I understand that my comments may have come across as harsh, and for that, I apologise. However, I will not apologise for speaking out against the toxic practices that have been allowed to go unchecked for far too long."

Elaine's expression turned serious as she continued. "I will continue to investigate and bring attention to the problems within the industry, and I hope that through my efforts and the efforts of others, we can create a safer and more equitable environment for K-pop artists and trainees."

She paused for a moment, taking a sip of water before concluding. "Thank you for watching, and I do have a special message for Poe Tree. Get a job! Lose some weight! Have a shower! The world does not want to see your wet crotch. I shudder at the thought of what's there."


Poe's hands clenched into tight fists, tugging at her green dreadlocks until they threatened to come loose. Her tears flowed freely down her flaming red cheeks as she screamed into the camera, her voice shaking with rage and pain. She knew that this video was going to go viral, and she wasn't about to back down without a fight.

"Listen up, Elaine Jinx!" she shouted, her words punctuated by sobs. "You have raped me with your racism. You think you can come at me like this? Well, I've got news for you. You're nothing but a jealous, bitter hater, and you can't stand to see someone else succeeding where you've failed!"

Poe's eyes blazed with fury as she stared directly into the camera, her message ringing loud and clear. "You can try to tear me down all you want, but I won't let you. I won't let anyone stand in the way of my dreams, no matter how hard they try. So go ahead, Elaine. Keep spewing your hate. But I'll be here, rising above it all, and you'll never be able to bring me down."

Poe gazed at her phone, her face twisted with anger and disgust. She took a deep breath before starting her rant. "I can't believe what I just watched. Mini Rose, you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to cash in on your ex and trying to destroy the reputation of Gong-Gi. Taegong means everything to me. I won't stand by and let anyone try to tear them down."

Her voice shook as she continued, "I am scared, petrified, and traumatised at the thought of what Mini Rose's song could do to the band. How could she be so selfish and heartless? This isn't just about Gong-Gi's career, it's about their lives and the fans who love and support them. Mini Rose has no right to use their personal lives for her own gain. It's despicable."

Poe's eyes filled with tears as she finished her rant. "I won't let Mini Rose or anyone else destroy Taegong's legacy. They deserve better than this, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect them."

"Listen to me!" Poe yelled, with her eyes fixated at the camera. "Mini Rose, Aldo Benz and Elaine Jinx are the three devils!" Gasping, she leaned back from the camera. Panting for breath, she stood up and stepped away from the camera for a few seconds.

After five deep breaths, she sat back down. "Listen to me!" Poe exclaimed, her eyes locked onto the camera. "I know it's hard to believe, but Mini Rose's song is not what it seems. She's just trying to cash in on the pain and suffering of others. Aldo Benz is just another industry puppet and Elaine Jinx is nothing but a hack journalist who will do anything for clicks and views. I won't stand for it, and neither should any Taegong fan. We need to protect the reputation of the band and ensure that justice is served."
Poe took a deep breath before continuing, her voice quivering with emotion. "Taegong is everything to me. They've gotten me through the toughest times in my life. I won't let anyone tear them down, especially not for their own gain. Mini Rose, Aldo Benz, and Elaine Jinx should be ashamed of themselves. They're nothing but vultures preying on the pain of others. I won't rest until they're held accountable for their actions."

Poe takes a moment to compose herself before ending the broadcast with a firm statement: "To all the Taegong fans out there, I want you to know that we're in this together. We won't let anyone tear down our beloved band. And to Mini Rose, Aldo Benz, and Elaine Jinx, I have a message for you. We see through your lies, and we won't be fooled. Taegong forever." She then turns off the camera, her face still flushed with anger and determination.


During a break in their studio rehearsals, Taeyang turned to Gong-Gi and asked, "So what do you think of these two women? Poe Tree and Elaine Jinx?"

Gong-Gi's face twisted in disgust. "Poe Tree reminds me of a cartoon character, with those ridiculous green dreadlocks and all. She's just an attention-seeking troublemaker who doesn't know when to shut up," he replied with a sneer.

Taeyang nodded thoughtfully, but then his expression shifted to concern. "But she does stick up for us," he said, trying to be fair.

Gong-Gi rolled his eyes. "That may be true, but it doesn't excuse her behaviour. And as for Elaine Jinx..." he trailed off, his voice dripping with contempt. "She's obsessed with me. It's sickening, really. I can't stand the sight of her."

The thought of Poe Tree and Elaine Jinx together made Gong-Gi's skin crawl. He imagined them plotting and scheming, their minds twisted with jealousy and hatred. It was a dangerous combination, and he knew it could only end in disaster. "Those two together?" he muttered. "It would end in bloodshed."

Taeyang turned to Gong-Gi and asked, "Are you angry with Mini Rose for her song?"
Gong-Gi leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. "No, not at all. In fact, I'm happy for her," he replied, surprising Taeyang.

Taeyang raised an eyebrow. "Really? After everything that's happened between you two?"
Gong-Gi nodded. "Yeah, I mean, I can't deny that the song is about me. I deserved it. And if anything, it shows that she's moving on and that's a good thing."

Taeyang nodded in understanding, impressed by Gong-Gi's maturity in handling the situation. "I guess you're right. You guys were together for a long time, and it's understandable that she would want to express her feelings through her music."
Gong-Gi chuckled. "Yeah, and besides, it's not like we're enemies or anything. We're both just doing our own thing now."

Taeyang nodded again, feeling relieved that there was no animosity between Gong-Gi and Mini Rose. Maybe there was hope for a peaceful resolution after all.

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