Chapter 1

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Suddenly, in a room about 8 people were laying there unconscious. Then, one of them, Floyd Lawton, AKA, Deadshot, woke up first. He groans and stood up. He leans against the wall as Captain Boomerang sits up.

Cap. Boomerang: Strewth, I got the hangover, but I don't recall the party.

Harley was next to sit up, realizing where she is.

Harley: Aah, crap, not this again.

She falls down as Cap. Boomerang stood up, staring at Deadshot.

Boomerang: You too? It's like a bloody recurring nightmare.

Deadshot: Looks like we got rookies.

Soon, the other five stood up, groaning. Floyd saw someone that's way more smaller than the rest.

Black Spider: Who are you people? And why am I in uniform?

Killer Shark: No bars, no chains.

Killer Frost: Hasn't anybody noticed we got a kid here?

They turn to see Daikon Katayama looking around and turning to look at them.

Daikon: The fuck ya'll lookin' at?

This surprised almost everyone. This kid just sweared at them, not even knowing or caring who they are.

Black Spider: Hey, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Daikon: I killed that bitch and that asshole of a father. Why do you care?

This shocked everyone even more. He killed his own parents? But before anyone could answer, someone else spoke.

?: Enough!

They all turn to see an obese woman standing there: Amanda Waller.

Amanda: Sit down.

Everyone sits down as she walks in closer to them and begins to speak.

Amanda: I'm Amanda Waller. I'm here to indoctrinate you convicts into our special forces.

Killer Frost: Pass.

Black Spider: I killed to keep degenerates off the streets. I won't work alongside them.

Boomerang: Fresh air and time off my sentence? Feel free to keep calling me up, love.

Daikon: And why am I here? I was perfectly fine in Arkham Asylum until you brought me hear with a bunch of freaks. Hehe. Not that I hate it, anyway.

Amanda: Task Force X is an off-the-books government strike team made up of convicts with no hope for release, serving as expendable agents for impossible missions.

Daikon raises a brow in interest. Impossible missions means he could have some more fun.

Amanda: Succeed and I'll shave time off your sentences.

Black Spider: If we don't?

Amanda: You'll be dead. Any other stupid questions?

Killer Frost: Yeah, what's in my neck? A tracker?

Amanda: Yes. And a powerful nanotech explosive. Run away, get yourself captured, disobey an order, hell, give me a right answer too slowly, and I'll blow your head clean off.

KG Beast: You lie.

Everyone turns to look at him, seeing he's calling her bluff. He stood up.

KG Beast: You would not take all of this trouble just to kill us.

Amanda steps back as. The door behind opens upward.

Amanda: Try me.

KG Beast starts to walk forward as everyone watch him. Daikon slowly stood up and points his hand at Beast. This caught everyone's, but KG Beast, attention.

Harley: What are you-

Daikon makes his hand into a gun gesture and shots a small ray of Ki at the explosive in Beast's neck.

Soon the explosives sets off, blowing KG Beast's head off as his body falls down. The others turned to look at Daikon, shocked that he killed him without even using his own hands.

Daikon: What? That guy would've been dead anyway. I only made it quick.

He sets down as Amanda can see the look in his eyes. Remorseless. After a brief moment, she speaks again.

Amanda: Anyone else?

No one said a word.

Amanda: I didn't think so.

Deadshot: What's so dangerous this time that you had to send in the newbies? Including the kid there.

Amanda: You're going to break into Arkham Asylum.

Everyone, but Deadshot, Harley, Boomerang, and evening Daikon, were shocked and terrified.

Killer Frost: That's insane.

Boomerang: Don't want much?

Killer Frost: Screw that.

Killer Shark: I don't do freaky-deakies.

Harley: Yahtzee!

Daikon: Sounds cool.

Deadshot: How do we start?

Harley: Oh. I like you, cowboy. You're loco and me likey your loco-motion. Aah!

Deadshot steps aside, making Harley fall.

Deadshot: What's the plan?

Amanda: A week ago, while in my employ, a lowlife calling himself the Riddler managed to gain access to my computer system. He downloaded a file containing the identities and histories of every current, past and potential member of the suicide squad.

Deadshot's eyes widen as he sees a picture of his daughter on his file.

Deadshot: Including ours.

Amanda: That's right. He's threatening to release them all on the Internet. You're going to get it back.

She later shows a hologram of the Riddler's cane.

Amanda: Riddler's got one copy and it's on a thumb drive in his cane which is currently locked away in the Arkham property room.

Harley: In the intensive treatment building, right under the solitary confinement cells. Good times.

Deadshot: So we get someone inside.

Harley: Is it me? Can it be me? Dibs!

Black Spider: She's a wild card.

Amanda: Harley Quinn and Daikon Katayama have an encyclopedic knowledge of Arkham's layout and its logistics.

Deadshot: She gonna be okay that close to the Joker?

Harley frowns as she turns her head to glare at him.

Harley: I'm fine. We're done. He's a jerk. Whatever.

Daikon: Hmm.

Amanda: Is there something in your mind, Daikon?

Daikon: Nothing, Ms. Waller. I'm in, if there's more guys I could pummel into bloody pulp.

Killer Frost: Well, I'm convinced.

Amanda: You'll be snuck into Gotham. You'll rendezvous with a power broker who will set you up for the break-in. This is as off-the-grid as it gets, so let's keep the body count to a minimum. Deadshot, rubber bullets only. Daikon, only beating, not killing.

Deadshot: What about The Bat?

Amanda: He has his hands full on another case. In fact, we work it right, we might be able to take advantage of him.

She turns around to leave, until Lawton calls her out.


Amanda: What, Lawton?

Deadshot: Play fair and I'll shoot straight. Jerk me around and I'll kill you.

Amanda: Be a good convict, Lawton. Don't make me blow you up. I'm clear. Gas them.

Suddenly, a gas comes out as the door closes. Amanda resumes walking, until she sees Daikon right in front of her.

Amanda: How did you-

Daikon: I want a new outfit.

This surprised Waller. He didn't tell her how he got out of there, but only to get a new outfit.

Amanda: Alright. What do you want?

Daikon: Give me Gi that is Black, grey and a red belt, along with white boots. That is all.

Amanda: Whatever you say.

Daikon: Also, why am I here with them? You know that I'm a kid.

Amanda: A kid that killed his own parents in cold blood, after years of abuse.

Daikon: Hmmp. They deserve it.

Amanda: And all the cases that occurred during your time in Arkham, including ripping off a man's arm and leg and overpower and breaking Bane's back. You're far more stronger than any other kid in existence.

Daikon: Thank you. I'll go to this mission. I was waiting for a better work.

Amanda: Then, you'll be happy to know that you're mission involves beating and hunting down criminals.

Daikon: Sweet.


Daikon was given his brand new outfit as he puts it own. He marvels at his new look.

Daikon sat in a set inside a deploying plane next to Killer Frost as the others woke up. Killer Frost looks at him.

Louise: Nice outfit. Tell me, sweetie. What did you do that got you into Arkham?

Daikon: I killed my parents after a couple of years of abuse. Later I ran off, training to become stronger and even killed others in the next three years, until I turned myself in to Gotham Police and confessed to the murders.

Louise: And yet you're still a kid she. You did all that? Geez, you must be crazy.

Daikon: Wait if I am? Even the best kinds of people are crazy. They just don't show it to anyone else other than their own guilty conscious.

Soon, the alarm sounded as everyone stay seated. They were locked onto their chests as they get ready.

Harley: You think that means we're there?

Soon their seats were concealed into boxes as the floor below them opens, dropping them all. The boxes separated as everyone but Daikon yelled out and Killer Shark said.

Killer Shark: I hate heights!

Daikon watch with pure calmness as he easily breaks out of the locks. He later busts through the box falling as they others watch him, thinking he's insane. Daikon and Harley laughs as they spin around next to each other.

Soon, the boxes opens as everyone screams and falls downward. Suddenly, each other them were held onto as they felt they stopped. Soon, they see Daikon holding Deadshot and Black Spider in one hand, Killer Shark and Killer Frost on the other,
his tail rapped around Harley and he had Captain Boomerang rapped onto his legs.

Boomerang: Just who the hell are you, kid?!

Daikon: Call me Daikon Black!

He descend down, not losing his grip on anyone as he yells out.

Daikon: Where's the rendezvous!?

Deadshot: Over there!

Daikon sees a building from where Deadshot pointed and flies over, making sure no one would see them. Soon he lands and let's go of everyone, before landing on his feet.

Black Spider: Thanks.

Daikon: Keep your thanks. I wasn't trying to help you. I only did it so you can have chance in having fun.

Harley: Well, thanks anyway!

Harley kneels down and hugs him, causing the kid, for the first time in his life, blush a deep pink. Including when she gave him a kiss in the cheek, making him blush even more.

Daikon: *in his mind* I hope I erased what just happened.

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