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In a house near the city of Gotham, a young boy sat in his bed, with his head down and lifeless. He's not dead, he's just motionless like he was dead. He's feeling the effects of a lot of abuse since at the age of 4.

This boy's name is Daikon Katayama, but he's not similar to the rest of his family as he was child not like any child. He was adopted by the Katayama family when he was a baby and had lived good life until he was abused at the age of 4. He doesn't know why they hated him.

Was it because he was different than the other boys? Was he just adopted so he can be a punching bag? A stress reliever? He doesn't know, but all this abuse has affected his mind, added to the fact that he has a hidden power, waiting to be released.

Now, he has had enough of this abuse. Inside his mind, there was a small voice telling him to run away or call the police, but there was a more serious and more terrifying voice telling him to hurt them as they hurt him.

While Daikon was looking down, the door to his bedroom opens revealing his adopted father. He has a whip with him.

Father: Alright, you little shit. Time for your punishment for being a mistake.

He goes to get closer to the kid and lifts his whip up. As he went for the strike, Daikon caught it. The man was shocked until Daikon rips the whip of his hands and tossed it away.

Daikon lifts his head up, revealing a really insane face that terrified his father.

Man: Daikon. What has gotten into you?

Daikon stood up from the bed and starts to walk towards him. The father got scared and tries to run away, but Daikon grabs his legs, making him fall and pulling him back in his room and breaking them with no problem.

The man screams in agony, as he was forcibly turned to his chest as Daikon got on top of him, smiling.

Daikon: What has gotten into me, dad? Well-

Daikon grabs him in the face, sticking his thumbs on his eyes, starting gouge them.

Daikon: You're the reason why I'm like this. You and this accursed family. But don't worry. I send all of you to Hell. Starting with you.

Daikon start to gouge his adopted father's eyes in as he screams in pure agony, and he bed for mercy. Though Daikon didn't hear anything as he crushes the man's skull, killing him.

Blood splatters onto his face he looks at what he has done. He killed someone mercilessly. He looks at his hands, covered in blood, as his only reaction was...satisfaction.

Daikon slowly smirks as he stood up and leaves the room. He goes to where his adopted mother was watching the TV and goes after her silently. Daikon felt his strength rising as he arm starts to glow purple. Then, he slowly creates a Blade made by his own energy. He glares daggers at his adopted mother.

He then lifts his blade and goes through the sofa, stabbing her as well. The mother screams in shock and pain as she slowly turns her head to see Daikon who was glaring at her.

Mom: D-Daikon, what are you-

Daikon: You know why I'm doing this, you bitch! This is payback for all the abuse you put me through growing up.

Mom: Daikon, please. Don't do this. I'm sorry.

Then, Daikon made a sad look.

Daikon: I'm sorry, too mom.

The adopted mother managed to make a smile, until Daikon went back to insanity.

Daikon: Sorry for stalking your death!

Daikon starts to raise his blade up, making his adopted mother scream until he cuts her upper body in half.

Blood splattered all over the floor and walls as Daikon pulls his blade back and makes it disappear. He looks it hand, still amazed of the energy blade he made. He couldn't believe he has all this power in him, and he is excited for this. He packs up his belongings and leaves this prison he once thought was home, leaving the dead bodies of his abusers.

*3 years later*

Daikon spent the next three years mastering his powers and learning many martial art skills to become even more lethal in hand-to-hand combat. Not only that, he also fought and killed bad guys in alleys and parks outside of public view to test his newfound skills and strength. And so far, it made a lot of progress.

Unfortunately, while he was walking down with a jacket in a hoodie to cover his face in the streets of Gotham City, he sees a news report, detailing the unsolved case of the death of his adopted parents. It also tells his supposed disappearance and might be presumed dead or experimented for some awful reasons.

Daikon just shook his head and chuckles, but he felt he might worry some people that he knows and have befriended since he was with his abusers. So he decided to turn himself in to Gotham Police.


Daikon enters the police department as one of the officers saw him.

Officer: Can I help you, kiddo?

Daikon: Is the case of the Katayama family still open?

The officer was surprised that this kid knew about this case and the family involved.

Officer: Not at the moment, but why do you ask?

Daikon pulls out his hoodie, revealing his hair and face as the police eyes widen in shock that he's here.

Daikon: I'm Daikon Katayama.


Daikon was put in a interrogation room, waiting to be questioned. A normal kid would've been bored beyond belief and fall asleep, but not him. He waits patiently for the interrogators to arrive. Soon, two of them arrived one female and the other male.

Female: Okay, Daikon. It's nice to se your safe and okay after these last three years. My name is Jessica Johnston with my partner, Thomas Roberts.

Thomas: Nice to meet you.

Jessica: Okay so let's start. Where were you during these last three years?

Daikon: I was far away from home, learning how to fight to handle with bullies that anger me.

Jessica: Okay. Where were you at the time of your parents' murder?

Daikon: I was sleeping in my room, like I was unbothered by anything. Not even the screams of my parents a when they got killed.

This starts to get the interrogators unsettled by the boy's too calm attitude towards the death of his parents.

Jessica: So when you woke up, what did you do when you found your father dead in your room?

Daikon: I felt strangely...neutral. Like his body didn't bother me all that match.

Jessica: And why didn't it bother you that much?

Daikon: Quite possibly due to how much my parents abused me since the age of four. And when I saw his body, I wasn't sad or mad, I was glad. Like I could've danced in his corpse finally feeling free from his clutches.

Jessica and Thomas were indeed shocked that this kid had these kinds of feelings. He was happy that his parents are dead and he admitted he would've danced around their bodies. But they remembered that he said he was abused.

Jessica: So, you said you were abused by them, right?

Daikon stood up from his chair and lifts his shirt up, revealing a pretty muscular and ripped body, but with scars and scratches on it, as well.

Daikon: Does that answer your question, Ms. Johnston?

He sat back down on the chair as the officers were still horrified of his scars and scratches.

Jessica: O-okay. So, you have any idea of who would've wanted to hurt your parents?

Daikon: For me, I had a pretty good motive to kill them, for all the abuse they put me through, not to mention they called me a mistake of their lives, and yet they even adopted me in the first place.

The officers start to get very suspicious of this, but they still tried to deny it.

Jessica: Sorry for asking this, but this sounds like you were the one who did the deed.

Daikon: What if I did? It's not like I gouged my 'father's' eyes in and crushed his skull and then took a blade and sliced my 'mom' in half while they beg for mercy, yet they deserved none from me.

The officers stood their in pure shock and silence. Is he admitting he killed both his parents? This shouldn't be true, but most of the time in Gotham truth is stranger than fiction. After a couple more questions, it was concluded that Daikon killed his parents in cold blood, but they didn't released this to the public.

Instead, they said that Daikon was abused by his parents and on the day they were killed, when seeing their bodies, it made him insane. They later put Daikon in a mental clinic, but it didn't help at all. He was quick to anger and would fight other patients and doctors when they get on his nerves. Plus he has his superior strength which he was able to beat anyone there easily.

In the diagnosis, it revealed that Daikon's mind was severally damaged by the abuse, though not to the point of complete insanity like Gotham City's infamous Joker, though is as equally as dangerous as the Clown Prince of Crime.

With all the violence and fights, it was decided that Daikon will have a room for himself at the most dangerous place that houses most of Gotham City's villains: Arkham Asylum. Jim Gordon, the Commissioner of the GCPD was against this, saying that even though this child is hurt and mental, he could still be a good kid. Sadly, most weren't with him as Daikon is now placed in Arkham Asylum as the youngest inmate there.

Daikon was okay with this as he was transferred to a cell that is more like a room than any cell for other inmates. That way he wouldn't be bothered by the other inmates or even the guards and doctors there. However, he had to leave his cell in order to get food or continue in his martial arts training, so yeah he has to be with other inmates. But instead of them intimidating him, he intimidates them.

Strangely, he developed fangs on his teeth that are sharp enough to cut through any limb within seconds. This happened to an inmate that was touching his face as he was reading a book. He ended up having one of his arms and one of his legs ripped away.

So other inmate of Arkham Asylum never tried to get near Daikon as he's as very dangerous. But one man got enough guts to do so.

*in the courtyard*

Daikon was sitting at bench, reading a book about the history of the Asylum in how it was created and the uses for helping patients. As usual no other inmate in Arkham tried to get near him, so they won't get beat up or even ripped apart by this unsuspected dangerous kid. But one man did.

As Daikon was reading his book, he hears a few stomps coming closer to him as a shadow slowly goes over him. At first he ignores the person behind him, until the individual spoke.

?: It's strange that a pequeño niño is now here in Arkham. You don't seemed to be scary to me, enano.

Daikon turns his head to see the man looking down at him. 

Daikon: And you are?

Bane: You should know who I am, mocoso. I am the man that broke the back of Batman. I am Bane!

The other prisoners look at the two, wondering what is going on. Bane would tell the tale of the time he broke Batman's back in one of their fights to intimidate others. He must be doing the same to this kid. But what they heard next shocked everyone.


Daikon was laughing like he heard a very good joke as the inmates and Bane watch him in shock.

Bane: Why are you laughing, escuincle?!

Daikon continues to laugh as he was kicking his legs up and holding his stomach. Though his laugh was more intimidating than Bane's way of scaring others. Soon, Daikon's laugh slowly fades as he slowly sat, while chuckling a bit.

Daikon: You...You're so funny. *wipes his tears off his face* I understand that you broke Batman's back, yet you used the Venom chemicals to even the odds against the Dark Knight. In any case, you cheated that time. If you haven't had those chemicals, Batman would've been the one breaking your back.

The inmates and guard were shocked by the boy's simple retort against Bane. They couldn't believe he has the guts to even make fun of the Luchador right in front of him, which it could be a death wish or others, but not him.

Bane is glaring at him in anger and embarrassment. Daikon just smirks at him, making him even more mad. He quickly lifts his fist up and goes for a punch, as the guard quickly charge in. Daikon simply blocks his punch and gives one back.

He grabs his arms, turns him around and wrenched them from behind, making him scream in pain, making everyone look at him in fear and amazement. If that wasn't epic enough, Daikon lifts Bane over his head, shocking everyone by his strength.

Daikon: Let's see how Batman felt when you broke his back!

Bane cries out in pure agony as Daikon looks at him with a pure insane grin on his face. He pushes Bane away as he he looks down at him. Everyone was silent in shock and terror by what they've just witnessed. Daikon steps his foot on the back of Bane's head.

Daikon: Word of advice. Don't understand someone smaller than you. You might get yourself ass whipped if you're not careful.

Daikon kicks him in the ribs, sending him flying through several trees before crashing into a rock. Satisfied, Daikon grabs his book, and leaves while everyone is looking at him in shock and terror. He took out Bane, no problem as others feared him. Looks like Bane has finally become someone's bitch.


Daikon lays down in his bed looking at the roof of his cell slowly starting to go to sleep. It was boring this day, but he had fun with Bane earlier. He sighs and goes to sleep. The thing is, things are going to be crazy.

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