Chapter 4

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Everyone sat at the chairs as they lock onto them for the electroshock that will defuse the bombs inside them. Black Spider stood by for lookout as Deadshot takes off his weapons and his helmet.

Deadshot: Are you sure Daikon should have the same treatment? He's still a kid.

Edward: To be honest, I don't know. Waller never brought a kid like him in the mix. It's best that we gave him the electroshock as well.

Boomerang: Besides, the kid would lose his head anyway.

Harley turns to Daikon, who's sitting next to her, worried for him. Daikon just gave her smile.

Daikon: Don't worry. I can take it.

Harley: Are you sure?

Daikon: I'm positive, Harley.

After that, everyone was ready. Until, Floyd got a call from Amanda Waller.

Deadshot: Damn it. Don't stop working. Yeah, Waller?

Waller: I am getting reports there's a break-in at Arkham. You're on red alert.

Deadshot: News to me.

This made Waller angry.

Waller: What part of "off the books" do you not understand? Are you in the medical center?

Deadshot: We hit a snag.

Waller: Batman again?

Deadshot: Spider needed medical attention.

While that was going on, Riddler was breaking a broom stick.

Amanda: Spider? But he's...No excuses, Lawton! You get that?

Riddler puts on the pieces of the broom stick on everyone's mouth, with Deadshot the last person.

Deadshot: Mm... Uh-huh.

Amanda: No more crap! No more time! No more shenanigans!

Daikon: *muffled* You're really pissing her off, pal. I like that.

Soon, Riddler turns on the electricity, and the current begins to shock everyone. Daikon and Harley spat their piece and start to laugh psychotically. But, Daikon was only laughing from the tickling of the electricity, put was also absorbing it.

Soon, Riddler turns of the power, as everyone breaths a sigh of relief.

Boomerang: I never need to do that again.

Harley: Are you kidding? I feel great!

Daikon: Me, too, Harls!

Daikon breaks out off his chair and stretches out. Suddenly he hears beeping and realized it was coming from Shark.

Shark: Uh, guys?

Daikon quickly goes to him and puts his hands around his neck. Soon, he charges up and starts electrocuting Shark, causing him to scream out in pain. Everyone looks on while still sitting down, with Frost worried.

Soon, the beeping stopped and Daikon stops and backs away. He successfully defused the bomb before it could detonate.

Daikon: Shark?

Soon, Shark woke up, and breaks out of his chair.

Shark: I'm okay!

Everyone was surprised, with Louise being relieved that he's okay. Daikon saved his life, something they never thought they see. Shark turns to Daikon and picks him up and hugs him.

Shark: Thank you, little man!

Daikon, surprised by the hug, gave a smile.

Daikon: No problem, big guy.

Riddler: How did you-

Daikon: I absorbed some of the electricity from the shock. Once I heard Shark's bomb wasn't defused, I used the electricity to quickly defuse it.

Deadshot: You absorb it? That's crazy.

Boomerang: More like nuts to me.

Daikon smirks as Shark let's him go. Suddenly, he turns around to look at Spider. He tilts his head, as everyone looks at him in confusion.

Frost: What's wrong with him?

Soon, Daikon charges at Spider, who quickly dodged out of the way. Daikon stops himself and looks at him.

Daikon: You know, disguising yourself is a neat trick, but I know for a fact that you're not Black Spider....Batman.

Everyone looks on in shock as Batman reveals himself. Soon, they got up and ready themselves for a fight.

Batman: I want to know. Why are you here?

Deadshot: Waller wants Riddler dead.

Batman: Waller? What's she got-

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard as everyone cover themselves. Soon they turned to see who fired....The Joker.

Joker: I'm here, bitches! And I brought favors for everybody!

He laughs as he tosses his signature marbel bombs on the ground, and they exploded, causing everyone to cover themselves from the smoke and explosions. Daikon didn't as they leave the room while Batman fights off the Joker.


They ran out in the hall way to get out of the building until they stopped. Soon, Joker appears in front of them, whistling as he plays with Deadshot's forearm gun.

Joker: I think this was yours, Deadhead. Finders, keepers.

Soon, Harley drops her mallet and goes to him, with Daikon watching her.

Harley: Pudding! You're free.

Joker just smacks her away, making everyone glare at him. But Daikon was also clenching his fist, enrage that Joker hits Harley.

Joker: Don't you pudding me. I go away and suddenly you've got new friends. Especially the kid there.

Daikon just smirks at him and walks slowly towards him. Both stare at each other, not breaking eye contact.

Daikon: So you're Joker. I've heard a lot about you.

Joker: Really? I also heard about you, Daikon. I also saw you breaking Bane's back with ease. Honestly, I was surprised by the strength of a kid like you.

The others look on in surprise that Daikon was being calm. Soon, Harley got up.

Harley: You got it all wrong, baby. I was using them to help you escape. Who else would I break into Arkham for?

Daikon already knew that was a lie. It's classic abusive relationship between Harley and Joker. He stays silent as Harley gets closer to Joker, hiding his true feelings.

Harley: Nobody, that's who. It'll be just like old times.

Joker calms down as he puts the gun down. He and and Harley turn around and walk away, with Harley picking up her mallet. Suddenly, Joker turns around.

Joker: You. New kid. I don't like people touching my stuff.

He points the gun at Daikon, making Deadshot angry and Harley worried. Daikon smirks at Joker.

Daikon: So? Like I give a damn about who you are, Clown. Go ahead. Shoot me.

This shocked everyone. Not only did he make fun of the Joker, but dared him to shoot him? Has he gone crazy?

Joker: *smirks* If you insist.

Joker aims and shoots at Daikon. But Daikon did something that no one expected. He caught the bullet with his bare palm.

Joker: What?!

Joker then shoots a couple more, but Daikon keeps catching every bullet with ease. Joker then stops as Daikon drops all the bullets he caught and chuckles.

Daikon: Weren't expecting that, did you? How about this?!

Daikon appears in front of Joker, and punches him in the gut, knocking his back to the wall. Joker crashes against the wall and falls down. Daikon glares at him as Harley goes to his aid. Soon, Daikon stares at Harley, who stares back at him. But his look changed to one of sympathy and understanding, but also promising for Harley.

Harley sees the look on his face, and feels more comfortable with him looking at her with that same stare. Suddenly, she was grabbed by Joker and they went down on the laundry shoot. Daikon sighs as he grabs Floyd's weapon and tosses it to him.

Boomerang: Kid, you just out-crazied the Joker.


Daikon, Boomerang, Frost, Deadshot, and Shark head to the lower quarters and see a large ground of cops there, looking around.

Frost: This place is crawling with cops.

Deadshot: I'm gonna kill Waller. Can

Boomerang: we get out of here first?

They then leave to another way out.


Soon, they went to a corridor after barging in.

Shark: Why are we running?

Deadshot: We're sitting ducks here.

Boomerang: And whose fault is that, do you suppose, leader?

Deadshot: I've been carrying this team all night, you douche bag.

Soon, Frost saw something as Daikon sensed it.

Frost: Uh, fellas?

Boomerang: Really? Is that what you'd call it, eh?

Frost: Guys. Guys, listen.

Deadshot: That's what I'd call one-gimmick hack.

Boomerang: Great, let's split up. I'm better off on my own.

Daikon: Guys. Batman's here.

Soon, Batman appears in front of them as they went into position to fight.

Batman: Joker. Where did he go?

Boomerang: Don't owe you squat, Bats.

Daikon: Stop!

They stopped as Daikon looks at Batman.

Daikon: Joker and Harley are at the laundry shoot.

Batman: And the mallet?

Daikon: Thag as well?

Shark: Why?

Batman: It has the bomb.

The Squad's eyes widen in shock. The bomb was underneath their noses the hole time. Suddenly, the tv screen near them turned on, revealing the Joker.

Joker: Sibilance, testing. Sibilance. I know you can see me, Bats. Hope you brought protection because I'm about to give Gotham...a terminal case of tainted love...and it's really gonna burn. And just in case you were thinking of stopping me...I figured I'd invite some friends to my big blow-out.

He lowers the switch, making the alarm sound off. Soon, Daikon eyes widen.

Daikon: The inmates are out.

They look at the window and see all the prisoners running out, yelling.

Batman: I need to find Joker and stop that bomb.

Boomerang: Good luck with that, mate.

They turn around only to see Batman disappeared. Not only that, Daikon also disappeared as well.

Shark: Where did they go?


The inmates went out as the guards get ready for a fight. Suddenly, Daikon appears out of nowhere, in front of them.

Daikon: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Daikon charges up his power as the ground begins to shack. The inmates stop as the feel the ground shaking violently as Daikon charges up even more.


Daikon's aura bursts out in the sky, blowing everyone back from the wind created by him. Soon, his aura goes down as he looks at the inmates, smirking.

Daikon looks at the inmates before, shooting several energy balls.

The blasts hits most of the inmates, causing many explosions, and most of the prisoners dead. When the smoke clears, Daikon charges at Bane, who was there now in full venom.

Daikon punches him in the face, kicks him in the chin, sending him flying up and teleports above him, and kicks him back down, and teleports down, and finally grabs him and breaks Bane'a machine.

Daikon: Looks like deja by, ay?

Daikon breaks Bane's back again, this time more devastating then the one in their first meeting. Daikon pushes Bane's broken body away as he goes to fight more inmates. He then confronts Scarecrow as he easily took him down with ease.

Then, he gets bullets heading towards him as he sees Two-Face shooting at him. Daikon teleports behind him and punches him in the chin, sending him up, and grabs his leg and slams him back down hard.

Suddenly, he felt vibes grabbing his limbs as he turns to see Poison Ivy there. He teleports in front of her and stares her down. Ivy is one of the only inmates that respected Daikon, even having unique conversations with him, mostly about plants

Ivy: I knew you have something in you, cutie.

Daikon: Thanks for the compliment, Ivy.

Ivy: Sorry for the surprise, there. I just wanted your attention.

Daikon: And pitting a couple of guards under your control?

Ivy: Well, it's to throw away the others away.

Daikon: Anyway, I need to go. Goodbye, Ivy.

Ivy: Bye, cutie.

Daikon flies off to the sky as Batman and the officers handle the rest. Soon, he sees a Helicopter flying away and he sensed it was Joker and Harley.

Daikon: Bingo!

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