Chapter 5

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Harley was flying the helicopter as Joker stays behind while they head somewhere in the city. Suddenly, they felt a whoosh until Joker yelps as he was taken down. Harley turns for a bit and sees Daikon there on top of the Joker.

Joker: How did you get here?!

Daikon: None of that matters, Joker!

Joker punches him in the face, 'making' him go back and stood up. He grabs his gun and shoots at Daikon, who deflects it. Unfortunately, the bullet hit the windshield of the helicopter, breaking it. Daikon and Joker continue to fight as Harley tries her best to get control of the helicopter.

Suddenly, Daikon sensed Batman coming as he continues to fight the Joker. Joker kicks him back and pulls out his gun. Before he could shoot, Batman appears and and punches him, and Daikon grabs in a chokehold.

Then, everyone sees that their heading to a building.

Joker/Daikon: Uh-oh.

Batman grabs Harley and quickly got out of the helicopter as Daikon and Joker stayed. Soon, the copter crashes through the building, with Daikon and Joker thrown out of it. Daikon stood up as he sees Joker standing up as well.

Daikon: It's time to end this, Joker. You ran out of time.

Joker: Not until Batsy stops the time, I won't. HAHAHAHA!

Daikon charges at Joker, throwing punch after punch, as Joker took each him, even hitting Daikon with some strikes back. Daikon grabs Joker and throws him to a pillar, as he crashes into it. He closes in, until Joker sprays his acid at him, with Daikon hoping back.

Daikon teleports next to him, until Joker surprised him with a slash on the chest. He runs off laughing as Daikon looks at the wound, as it was not severe, thanks to his durability.

He runs of to find Joker, who hid himself from him. Unfortunately for Joker, Daikon can detect him, but Daikon decides to play along. He looks around, pretending he's trying to find him with no success, hoping that Joker takes the bait. Luckily he did.

Daikon sensed Joker throw something at him as he quickly caught it. It was a chain with a hook at the end as he pulls it back, making Joker fly towards him, and kicks him back away.

Joker: Hehe. Y-you know. You're not like every other kid I've seen.

Daikon: And yet every single one dies when they come across you. Like Robin.

Joker: What can I say? It's just a joke.

Daikon appears in front of him, grabs him and slams him down. He punches him several times, until Joker goes for a stab, but Daikon caught the blade with his bare hand.

Daikon: You think that will help you?!

Daikon smirks as he forcibly makes the blade Joker still has and stabs himself in the chest. It only made the blade bend as it barely made a wound. Joker couldn't believe it.

Daikon: See, Joker?

Daikon throws him to the side and glares at him.

Daikon: You know, if the justice system got their balls back, you could've been dead a long time ago.

Joker: Hehe. I know. They could've put me in the electric chair, but instead sent be back to Arkham.

Daikon: But look at the bright side. If you die, no one will remember you.

Joker eyes widen as he looks up at the kid.

Joker: What did you say?

Daikon: You're scared that people will forget about you, Joker. You may have done horrible things before, but when you die, no one will give a damn about you. Even if you had Batman hurt by your actions, he still avoided killing you. If it were to me, you would've been dead years ago.

Joker: Shut up.

Daikon: Aww, did I made wittwe Joker cry? You're more pathetic when you're angry.

Joker: Shut up?

Daikon: What's wrong? Can't take a joke? I though the Joker was suppose to make joke. Though I guess you're not good with jokes, since you suck at it.

Joker stood up and growls at the kid.

Joker: Shut up!

He charges at him as Daikon dodges every strike Joker through at him. It was like a baby failing his arms around having a tantrum. Daikon punches Joker in the face, then a knee to gut, and finally a kick to the head, knocking him back away.

Joker: Why you little-

Daikon looks at him with a smirk.

Joker: You really think you're clever, huh? I know Bats have defused the bomb, but that doesn't mean I'll come back and do it again.

Daikon: Even it means hurting Harley?

Joker: Yes, and I would do it whenever I want! She's my property and I will do whatever I do to make sure she's stays with me! Even if it means beating her down!

Daikon has had enough. Joker has cross the line. He openly said he'll hurt Harley and takes pleasure at it.

Daikon: *lowly* That won't happen.

Daikon gritts his teeth as his hair begins to float up, and his aura flaring.

Joker: What?

Daikon closes his eyes, feeling something with him coming within him. He looks up and glares at Joker.

Daikon: I...won't...let my HARLEY!

Daikon yells out as his surges through, scaring Joker and making the ground shake. Daikon's appearance has changed. His hair went blonde and his eyes went blood red.

Daikon: Time to end your miserable existence, Joker.

Daikon steps forward, before dashing quickly in front of Joker and starts savagely beat him.

He kicks him up, making him crash through the upper floors before appearing above him and knocks him back down. He appears back to the floor they were, grabs Joker by the neck. He pulls out his Ki Blade and stabs him in the chest.

This cause Joker to spit blood onto his face. Daikon just smiles.

Daikon: Goodbye....Puddin.

Daikon kicks Joker back inside in the helicopter. He goes towards and said.

Daikon: Tell Satan, I said hi.

Daikon pushes the helicopter of the edge and it falls. He creates a Ki Ball and blasts it at the helicopter. It hits the helicopter and they go down, creating a huge explosion, obviously killing the Joker.

Once seeing the smoke fading away, Daikon calms down and he goes back to his base form and teleports to where Batman and Harley are.

Batman: *turns to him* And Joker?

Daikon didn't say anything as he goes toward Harley, who is unconscious.

Batman: You did well. You protected the police and saved the city from any danger. Though, I don't appreciate the killing.

Daikon: I know. But with Joker-

Batman: It had to be done.

Daikon picks up Harley bridal style.

Daikon: I can't take all the credit. You saved the city from a bomb. And in the nick of time.

Batman looks at him silently and then said.

Batman: From being a child abused from his parents, you're really a good kid.

Daikon: Thanks. But, it was Harley that melted my cold heart.

Daikon turns around to face Batman.

Daikon: See you, Bats.

He turns around and flies away, with Batman looking on as he leaves from view.


Harley slowly opens her eyes, as she sees she's in a some sort of room. She sat up and looks around.

Daikon: Glad that you're awake, Harls.

She turns to see Daikon there, smiling at her.

Harley: W-what happened? And where's Mr.-

Daikon: Batman defused the bomb before it exploded. I fought Joker and I sent him to his death.

Harley was shocked as she couldn't believe it. Daikon killed the Joker, and have saved her from more abuse from him.

Harley: B-but what am I-

Daikon: You can stay with me, Harley. I'll protect you from any danger.

Harley: B-but I don't want to be a bother-

Daikon hugs her, making her surprised that he hugged her without hesitation.

Daikon: Don't cry, Harley. It hurts me when I see you cry. You may have done things that are bad, but you're misunderstood. Joker hurt you more than what you think. You won't be a burden to me in any away. It's going to be okay.

Harley couldn't hold it as she cries out and hugs Daikon back, feeling more safe and comforted than before. She gives him a kiss in the cheek, and one back to her, making her blush as he did.

And so, Daikon rescued the rest of The Suicide Squad and put them where they won't get caught. Now, Daikon and Harley are together, which made both of them happy.

Also, Daikon told Harley Deadshot's going to kill Amanda Waller, so she won't bother anyone again.

Daikon: 3...2....1.

Deadshot/Daikon: Bang.

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