Chapter 1: A New Baby...

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*9 Months later*

Tyler and Chasity just had a new baby and his name is Blaze. When he grows up he is gonna rule the school and everyone in it besides his parents, their friends, and especially this girl.

 *Tyler's POV*

It was about 9 months ago that we had a birthday party for Sandy, and now Chasity gonna go into labor any minute now. We got into the car and we started to drive to the hospital. We got to the hospital and Chasity got out of the car and her water breaks right on the concrete. I ran into the hospital and got a wheelchair and she sat down.

We got a nurse and a doctor to take care of her and get her into the delivery room. When we laid her on the bed in the labor room her contractions started and I could tell they hurt like hell. 

Already I could tell that lil Royce was gonna be a trouble maker like his father haha which was me.

*Chasity's POV*  

When they put me on the bed in the labor room my contractions started to hurt like hell.  A few minutes later my doctor said the my contractions are fully dilated and that I could push and so I did.

*2 Hours Later* 

I tried to keep pushing but the doctor said stop. He put his arm inside my vagina trying to feel what was wrong and he said the umbilical cord was around Blaze's neck. He unwrapped the umbilical cord from around his neck and he told me to push 1 final time and I did and He came out finally.

I got to hold him when he first came out and Tyler cut his cord. The doctor handed my baby to the nurse and she went to go clean him up and put him in an incubator for a few days to check to see how he was doing and the doctor recommended that I stay as well so I could heal up and the doctor said in a week we could take him home.

Every day I got to hold him and feed him my breast milk but in a baby bottle. I rocked him asleep every night and every day he was getting stronger because when he came out he was weaker than all the other babies. It has been a week now and the doctor signed a release form saying that me and my baby Blaze and Tyler could go home.

In the convertible I put baby Blaze in his baby car seat and I put the roof up so the car is safer for the baby. We drove to the store and got baby wipes, diapers, baby toys, baby powder.

*The Next Day*  

Tyler, baby Blaze and I got into the pick up truck to get the bigger baby stuff from the store. At the store we bought a highchair for when he gets to be 2 years old, and we got a playpen. We started driving home and when we got home we got out and I took the baby car seat out of the truck too and put Blaze in the house and he was still asleep so I kept him inside the car seat until he wakes up.

Blaze looked so peaceful when he was asleep and I just smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

*5 Months Later*

It was 5 months ago when Blaze was born and we were now on our way to his aunt and uncles house. Kyra and Zane and Sandy were waiting anxiously by the window looking out for our arrival.

*What Blaze looks like when he gets older*^

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