Chapter 2: Blaze Is A Year Old...Oh Boy...

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*1 Year Later*

*Blaze's POV*

Hello my name is Blaze and my mommy is Chasity and my daddy is Tyler, my aunt is Kyra and my uncle is Zane and my other uncle is Dean. I also have a cousin and her name is sandy, she is very pretty. Sandy is a vampire girl and I am a werewolf boy. My birthday is on Christmas which is December 25th. Ever since I was born I don't listen to anyone and I'm a bad boy at the age of 1.

I don't have a mate yet because my mommy said I'm too young. I can run very fast like the speed of light. I love my cousin Sandy, she is the best ever. I break her stuff because thats what boys and bad boys do. She tries to boss me around, She is 1 Year older than me.

It's my first day of school today and I'm in kindergarden and my cousin Sandy is in 1st grade. I got ready for school and got in my daddy's car, My daddy drove me to school and got out and went to my side of the car and helped me out of the car.

"Thank You, Daddy" I said as I grabbed his finger.

"You're Welcome, Blaze" he said as he walked me into the school.

"I'm scared Daddy, what happens if nobody likes me here?" I asked.

"I'm sure they will love you, kiddo" he said.

We walked to the classroom and everyone started to stare at me. I hid behind my daddy's leg to get away from the stares. I peeked out and stared everyone down telling them with my mind to stop staring at me and then they looked away from me.

My dad glanced down at me and began to kneel on his knees to get to my height.

"Did you use mind control on the other kids?" he asked.

"Yes, daddy" I said as I looked into his eyes.

"Okay kiddo" he said then he walked out of the classroom and out of the school. I ran over to the window just in time to see him get into his car and drove away.  

*Sandy's POV*

Its my first day of school and I'm now in 1st grade and I'm now also 2 years old. I got into my dad's car and he started to drive me to school. Once we reach school I open the door and got out and shut the door behind me.

I walked up to the school and opened the school doors and kids were rushing to class. I found my class by the help of the office and I hung up my backpack and coat outside the class room. I walked into the classroom and towards my new desk and put my stuff inside.

I sat in my desk and then a note flies onto my desk in shape of a paper airplane, and I opened it and it read:

Hey new girl,

         I saw you in the hallway and I think you are cute and look like a nice girl. I was wondering if we could hang out sometime and get to know each other. I would like to be friends with you, if you let me :). I got chills when I first saw you, it wasn't bad chills. I know I just met you but let me introduce myself.

My name is Klaus and I am 5 years old. My favorite colors are black, blue, purple. I like to read and swim. Oh and I have some powers...Just like you. I can tell the future by the way. ;)



*This is Klaus when he grows up in the book but idk if there is a younger version of him on the internet*

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