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Roshni's eyes were getting blurred. The fear plus the wound on her head was making her miserable.  With teary eyes, she looked at the wolf.
She sensed it was going to pounce upon her.


Roshni closed her eyes and ears. She waited it to attack, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see what's going on.

Roshni saw Vicky, standing infront of her as a sheild.
She got up somehow and clutched his shirt, hiding herself.

Vicky closed and opened his eyes, turning it dark red. Fangs came out from his mouth. And he was coming in his original self - A Vampire.

The werewolf knew, it can't win over a Vampire alone.
The deadly look of Vicky was scaring it. Roshni peeked out to see whats happening. She saw the wolf taking steps backwards. She then looked at Vicky. She couldn't see his face, but was sure something in him was scaring the wolf.

She was slowly losing concious. Before her eyes completely closes, she saw the wolf retiring back.

Vicky felt a weight on his back. He dragged her towards the front, and saw her unconscious. But something else was dragging his attention. Something else was calling him. The oozing blood from her wound. He tried hard, to be back in normal form. But he couldn't.
For a young vampire , its hard to keep his thirst in control.

Unknowingly, the fangs came out again. He roared in anger ,frustration and helplessness. Vicky neared to her neck.

"..Vi.. Vicky..."

Her feeble voice reached his ears. Realisation hit him.

"What was I going to do... No Vicky.. No. You can't kill her. No.. I won't let anything happen to you Roshni. My love is more powerful than me. I can control myself. And will. "

Taking a deep breath, he composed himself. The deep red eyes turned black and his fangs has already disappeared.
He touched her wound. Using his healing powers, it disappeared leaving no mark behind.

"I should take you home before they come back again with the pack. "

Vicky lifted her in his arms and walked away.


Chand and Clare sat beside the fireplace, with two glasses of a red liquid, that could erase their hunger.

The front door opened , making a way for Vicky carrying Roshni in his arms.

Clare: "Vicky.. What happened.. Why is she unconscious...? Vicky listen.."

He didn't cared to give her answer. Vicky climbed up the stairs and reached his room followed by his parents. He gently placed her on the bed, and caressed her head.

"Dad, Mom... They found her. The werewolves found her."

Chand: "I knew... I knew something like this will happen. Vicky, we should be alert. "

Vicky : "Before that, Dad she was wounded. I tried to heal her. But why is she still unconscious.."

Chand touched her head . "Nothing wrong Vicky. It's just she is frightened and tired. Let her sleep for a while. Clare... Come. "

The Vampire couple left them alone in the room. Vicky sat beside her, keeping away the strand of hair fallen on her face.

He went near the window, and took the photo frame of his and Gayatri's placed on the table. He caressed the picture with his thumb and kept it back.

"Help.. help... Vicky.. they...kill me... Help.. Vicky.. Vic.."

"Roshni.. " , He went to her who sweating profusely and crying out for help.

"Vicky...help me.. Vicky..."

"Roshni, cool down. I am right here beside you. Sleep..sleep.."
He caressed her hair. Roshni opened her eyes slightly.


"Shh... Sleep... I am right here, won't leave you ever."

Roshni was tired. She couldn't keep her eyes open. She gripped his shrit and pulled it closer. Vicky partially laid beside her leaning over the headboard. Roshni snuggled more to him gripping tightly.

"No Roshni, it's wrong. You can't be this close to me.
       But even it's that wrong, why it feels so right. Why my not beating heart want you so close. "

He glanced again at the picture of Gayatri.
"You both are becoming one in my heart. Not only by face, but you are exactly like Gayu from heart too. "

Gayatri : "Vicky, I am getting scared.. What if they try to harm you. What if they seperate us forever..."

Vic: "Shh... You are thinking too much. Nothing in the world can snatch you away from me. Not even death. So now close your eyes and sleep. And let me sleep too.  You are eating my brain alot these days."

Vicky received a smack from her and she kept her head over his chest. He held her so close giving her assurance.

Vicky held Roshni more closer. He could sense her racing heart beats getting normal.

"Today my worst nightmare was going to happen. I was nearly going to kill you. This was my dear Roshni. That moment, that moment when your blood calls me more than your heart. That day, I myself will become your biggest enemy. No, you should stay away. I can sense you falling for me. I can't let this happen at any cost.
     I will always protect you from all danger. I will be always beside you like your shadow. But I won't let you love me. I will maintain the rude arrogant face of mine before you. And when every danger is out of way, I will go far away from you. So that you can live a normal human life. "

Hmmm... Nothing much to blabber. 😬😬😬

Hope you guys liked the update.
Stay safe.

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