Chapter 1

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It was a nice day in Japan as a teenage Izumi Midoriya was walking to school

Izumi "can't believe it's been 8 years since Zander ran away"

Now you may be wondering why her last name is Midoriya and not yagi, well after Inko divorced Toshinori and took Izumi, she went back to her original last name, Midoriya, but that's not also what changed, Izumi, the Todoroki and Bakugo twins faced severe punishment after confessing of abusing Zander, they lost the recommendations they were going to receive for UA, Endeavor(good dad in this) refused to train his children, the 5 lost their allowance and had to do community service for the quirkless and therapy, during that time the girls regretted what they did and soon became friends with Erza who was devasted Zander left but knew they would reunite, as for Katsuki and Shoto, they vowed to make Zander pay, anyway back to Izumi

Izumi "I hope you're OK Zander" she hears a roar as she sees a villain on tracks fighting Kamui woods

Izumi "it's Kamui woods, he's so cool for someone starting in the hero business" she quickly takes out her notebook and starts writing


Mt lady "CANYON CANNON!!" a giant hero drop kicks the villain off the rails

Men "money shot money shot money shot"

Mt lady "hi everyone I'm Mt lady, pleasure to meet your ass-quaintance"

Men "money shot money shot money shot"

Izumi "gigantification huh, she's definitely got the looks to be a crowd favorite but her quirk doesn't seem suited without causing damage, ah crap I'm gonna be late" she closes her notebook and runs


Teacher "as third years I'm supposed to hand out career papers so you can decide what to do with your lives but why bother" he throws the papers into the air

Teacher "I know you all want to go to the hero track" everyone cheers while using their quirks

Teacher "yes yes you all got amazing quirks but remember no quirk usage in school, get ahold of yourselves"

Katsuki "hey teach, don't lump me and my crew with these extras, they'll be lucky to be a sidekick to some d-lister"

Class "you think you're better than us Katsuki?!"

Katsuki "let's go, I'll take you all on"

Shoto "and you'll all lose" the three girls in annoyance at their brother/ex friend

Teacher "huh, you and your group have got impressive test results, maybe you will get into UA"

Girl "they're gonna try for the national school?"

Boy "that school has a 0.2 acceptance rate"

Katsuki "that's why it's the only school for us, we aced all the mock tests, we'll end up more popular than all might himself and be the richest hero of all time and all starts with UA high then me and Izumi will get married and have powerful kids!" Izumi sighs and looks out the window

Later after school

Izumi was putting her stuff in her bag as an arm wraps around her

Katsuki "babe, why are you in such a rush" Izumi pushes him away from her

Izumi "get it through your head Katsuki, I don't love you and never will"

Katsuki "yes you do, wait, you're not honestly still thinking about that loser brother of yours, get it through Your head, he's dead he's not coming back" Izumi gains a dark look and slaps Katsuki leaving a red handprint on his face

Izumi "don't you ever say he's dead" she grabs her bag and runs with tears in her eyes

Shoto "way to go idiot"

Katsuki "SHUT IT ICY HOT!"


Izumi "stupid Katsuki, calling my brother dead and a loser" she was walking under a tunnel while wiping her tears as a manhole gets blown off as she sees a green sludge monster

Sludge "perfect a meat suit and a sexy one at that" he charges towards Izumi as he start taking over her body

Sludge "stop struggling kid, it'll make this easier for both of us, I didn't expect him to be in the city, thanks kid you're a real hero to me"

Izumi 'no, I can't die like this!, mom, Zander, someone, HELP!!'

??? "let her go creature!" the sludge villain sees a cloaked figure with a red bat

Sludge "I suggest you get away kid, you could get hurt"

??? "I warned ya" he slams the bat on the ground sending a wave of ice that separated Izumi from the sludge

Sludge "my meat suit, you'll pay!" he charges towards the cloaked figure as the figure changes the bat to a staff and twirls it creating a gust of wind sending the sludge everywhere

??? "easy peasy" he puts the sludge in bottles and walks over to Izumi

??? "Izumi" he hears a man hole get blown off and sees All might


??? "jeez, calling someone a villain all because they're in front of an unconscious girl and wearing a cloak"

All might "TEXAS SMASH!!!" All might throws a punch which hits the figure causing him to turn to smoke

All might "AN ILLUSION, IZUMI, WAKE UP" he repeatedly taps Izumi's face as she wakes up

Izumi "huh? All might?"


Izumi "it doesn't feel right anymore" she grabs her bag and starts walking as All might puts a hand on her shoulder


Izumi "it's because I don't deserve it, I'm giving it to someone more worthy, like Zander" she walks away from the tunnel as All might clenches his fists

All might 'she still clings to that weakling!'


The cloaked figure lands on a building as he removed his hood to reveal a teenage Zander as King climbs onto his shoulder

King "so why'd you save your sister?"

Zander "cause that what a hero does"

King "if she was my sister and she betrayed me I would've made her bow before me!"

Zander "and that's why she's my sister and not yours"

King "hmph" Zander smiles and grabs King as he hugs him tightly

Zander "who's a cute demon king, who is who is"

King "it's me, it's me!" Zander smiles as an explosion was heard near them

Zander "ready pal?" King climbs on Zander's shoulder

King "ready" Zander puts his hood on and starts jumping from roof to roof


The sludge villain was causing destruction while trying to take over Katsumi's body

Katsumi "let me go you  piece of shit!!"

Sludge "I like a meat suit with some fire!" he uses Katsumi to create explosions keeping the heroes back

Mt lady "oh no, I can't get through without preventing people from being hurt!"

Death arms "we just have to wait for someone with the right quirk!"

Death arms 'sorry kid, you'll just have to hold out a little longer'

Izumi "Kaachan!!" Izumi runs past the heroes and throws her bag at the sludge's eye while she claws at him

Katsumi "what are you doing Izumi?!"

Izumi "I can't let you die! Plus my body moved on my own!" She pulls Katsumi out of the sludge

Sludge "that's it kid, you're dead!" he charges towards them as they wait for impact but don't feel anything as they see a small wall of ice

??? "twice in one day huh, this'll be fun" they see a cloaked figure land with a dog on his shoulder

Sludge "you, I'll kill you!" he sends tendrils at the figure as he dodges as the wind blows his hood off as Katsumi and Izumi gasp while covering their mouths

Katsumi and Izumi "Zander"

Zander "guess they know, it was bound to happen soon" he  pulls out three papers and claps them together

Zander "Abomination Rise!" A creature of slime, vines and ice appears in front of Zander

Zander "Abomination, Attack!" the abomination starts fighting the Sludge as Zander pulls out his bat and turns it into a shotgun

Sludge "who are you?!"

Zander "I am the great mage Merlin, hero of peace" he loads up the shotgun and aims it

Zander "NOW EAT THIS SUCKA!" he fire shots of fire, ice and plants at the villain sending him everywhere

Zander "and that's how it's done, Abomination, boom" the abomination turns into a puddle of slime and disappears

King "you showed that slime who's boss" Zander picks up King and hugs him

Zander "that's right pal"

Izumi "Z-Zander?"

Katsumi "is it really you?" he sees Izumi and Katsumi next to him with tears in their eyes

Zander "yes, so, you gonna stand there or you gonna hug me?" the two girls charge towards him and hug him tightly while crying into his chest

Izumi "Zander we're so sorry! Please forgive us!"

Katsumi "we promise we'll be nicer!"

Zander "I already forgave you years ago" the two look at him as Zander wipes their tears and kisses their foreheads

Zander "listen, I gotta go but we'll catch up soon, ok?"

Izumi and Katsumi "ok" Zander turns the shotgun into a staff and gets ready to leave as Death arms puts a hand on his shoulder

Death arms "you're not going anywhere, you're under arrest for illegally using your quirk"

Zander "King" King tackles Death arms and claws his faces as he jumps on Zander's shoulder

Zander "let's get one thing straight, that wasn't a quirk it was magic, gun it magic stick" he gets on the staff as he flies off

Izumi "we gotta tell the others" Izumi and Katsumi run off as All might was watching through the crowd in his skinny form

All might 'that damn brat is back, heh heh I can use his power usage to convince the others he's working with Afo'


Zander and King arrives at the Owl house and gets off his staff

Hooty "password?"

Zander "Hoodini" Hooty opens his mouth as Zander and King enter inside

Zander "hey-o we're back" something crawls on his shoulder as he sees a hand

Zander "grandma, it's not gonna work" Eda pops out from the couch as she reattached her hand

Eda "dang, it used to be fun, anyway did you get what I asked for?"

Zander "yes I got your apple blood and ingredients" he reached into his bag and pulls out a bottle of apple blood and assorted items

Eda "thanks kid" she ruffles his hair and kissed his forehead as Zander takes his shoes off and plops onto the couch while turning on the TV

Reporter "hello everyone as I'm sure you witnessed a teen stopped the sludge villain attacking this market, we asked some witnesses and even a couple heroes what they think"

Man "that kid did an amazing job stopping the villain, and his quirk was amazing"

Woman "that boy was so kind and heroic, he'll be a great pro one day"

Death arms "that kid was reckless, he should've let the pros do their job"

Kamui woods "while I'd agree with Death arms, that kid showed real heroism"

Mt lady "he took care of the villain while some of us were keeping citizens away and rescuing them, I definitely support him"

Reporter "you heard it here folks, Merlin, if you're watching, thank you"

Eda "wow kid, already making a name for yourself and ignoring some heroes words, I could never be more proud"

Zander "thanks grandma" the door opens as Amity and Luz walk in

Zander "hey mom, Hola mama" he gets up and hugs his mothers

Luz "Hola mijo, we saw what you did today and we're proud, but" Amity pulls his ear

Amity "that was reckless and dangerous"

Zander "ow ow ow ok I'm sorry" Amity sighs while letting go of his ear

Amity "just, try to be careful"

Zander "I will mom"

Eda "alright, now that the theatrics are over, what do you say we go out and celebrate Zander's debut"

King "let's go"

Luz "I'm down, you Amity?"

Amity "alright let's go" the five leave the Owl house, get on their staffs and fly off

Later that night

Zander enters his room with a towel around his neck as he gets a message on his scroll phone

(I'm talking about the scroll phones in owl house, not rwby)

Zander "Erza but how?"


Zander :calm down Erza I'm happy to hear from you too

Erza:you better meet me at the park tomorrow or so help me

Zander:ok OK, I'll be there I promise


Zander:good night Erza, sweet dreams

Erza:good night Zander

Zander smiles as the scroll rolls up as he puts it on his desk

Zander 'guess my old life is catching up to me, I couldn't have it any other way' he turns off his light and falls asleep

End of chapter

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