Chapter 2

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It was a nice day in the Owl house as Zander was dressed nice as he looked at himself in the mirror

Eda "*whistle* wow kid, you look like a real lady killer" Zander turns and sees Eda leaning in the doorway while drinking apple blood

Zander "yeah, my old friend Erza texted me last night, how she got my number is beyond me, but she wants to talk"

Eda "yeah, so what'cha gonna do about the rest of your past?"

Zander "I'm definitely going to see my mom and explain to her what's been going on, Izumi, Shouka and Katsumi, they deserve another chance, but Katsuki, Shoto and Toshinori, they can go to hell for all I care"

Eda "alright kid, just don't forget about us"

Zander "how can I, you guys have been the best family I could ask for" Eda ruffles Zander's hair as he chuckles

Zander "I better get going, come to me magic stick" he extended his hand as a few crash noises were heard as Zander's staff enters his hand

Zander "see ya grandma" he exits the house as he gets on his staff and flies off

Zander 'I can't wait to see her again' after a few minutes Zander arrived at the park to see Erza in a blouse and skirt as he lands

Zander "hey Erza, long time no see" Erza smiled and hugs Zander tightly

Erza "I missed you so much" Zander smiles and hugs back

Zander "I missed you too"

Erza "now" she clenches her fists and punches him into a tree


Zander "Ow what was that for?!"

Erza "for disappearing and making me worry!!"

Zander "that didn't mean you had to punch me!!"

Erza "yes it did!!" The two bud heads and growl as they start fighting in a dust cloud

30 minutes later

The two were laying on their backs covered in scratches

Zander "you gotten better"

Erza "so have you, how did you do all that?" the two sit up as Zander brings out some glyphs and his staff

Zander "I use these glyphs and this staff to perform magic"

Erza "like my quirk"

Zander "yes but on a completely different level, plus my staff can do things any other staff can do" he twirls the staff as it becomes the glyph bat

Zander "with this I can bash my opponents with glyphs and" he twirls the bat as it turns into the glyph shotgun

Zander "with this I can blast magic at my enemies" he turns the shotgun into the staff

Zander "not only that, but do you remember that sword in the forest we played in when we were kids?"

Erza "yeah, after a couple of years after you left, it was gone and Bakugo and Todoroki was so pissed, wait you don't mean" Zander takes out a gold hilted sword

Zander "that's right, I'm the one who pulled it"

Erza "amazing, so how'd you learn all this?"

Zander "from my moms and grandma"

Erza "huh?"

Zander "let me explain, a few weeks after I ran, I met up with the pro heroes Mittens and Azura, they took me to their home and soon decided to adopt and raise me with The Owl lady and it was really fun, they soon taught me magic they know, and I eventually got my staff and palisman"

Erza "palisman?" the Owl cat shakes and comes to life and jumps on Zander's head

Zander "meet my palisman Howlitty"

Erza "she's so cute"

Zander "wait till you see my best friend/pet King"

Erza "I can't wait"

Zander "so, how have things been for the others?"

Erza "they lost the recommendations they were going to get, they did therapy, community service for the quirkless, your mom divorced your dad and took Izumi with her, and the girls regret what you did so the four of us became friends"

Zander "wow, what about Bakugo, Todoroki and Yagi?"

Erza "those three hate you since they think you're the cause of their lives being ruined"

Zander "eh, I could care less about them"

Erza "yeah, hey Zander, did you ever get a girlfriend?"

Zander "yeah"

Erza "oh, can you tell me about her?"

Zander "sure, she's beautiful, smart, kind"

Erza "I bet"

Zander "her hair is as red as strawberries and her scent is amazing"

Erza 'does he really mean'

Zander "and her name is Erza scarlet" Erza blushes as Zander pulls her into a passionate kiss as Erza melts into it

Zander "I love you Erza, every day I thought about you"

Erza "I love you too Zander" They share another passionate kiss as they rest their foreheads together

Erza "so, when can I meet your new family?"

Zander "in a few days, I got a few people to see right now, unless you wanna come"

Erza "of course" Zander smiles as the two get on his staff

Zander "gun it magic stick" Howlitty spreads her wings as the two start flying

Erza "woah"

Zander "yeah, people love to travel by car, plane or boat, I like going by staff"

Erza "I think I like going by staff too" the two continue flying as they reach a an apartment building as they land

Zander "*breathes* here goes nothing" he knocks on the door as it opens to show Inko as she gasp and covers her mouth

Zander "hey mom, long time no see"

Inko "MY BABY!!!!!" She hugs him tightly while crying

Zander (strained) "mom.. Can't... Breathe"

Inko "you deserve it for making me worried!!"

Zander (strained) "ok ok I'm sorry"

Izumi "mom, who is it? *gasp* Zander!" She joins the hug as a soul comes out of Zander's mouth

Erza "I think you killed him, let me" she grabs Zander from Inko and Izumi as she slaps the ghost into Zander

Zander "ow, thanks"

Gran torino "Inko what's all this noise out there"

Recovery girl "it's so noisy" an old man and woman with a cane walks up to them

Zander "hey granny, hey gramps" Gran torino and Recovery girl walk up to Zander and pokes his stomach sending him to his knees as they whack his head with their canes

GT/RG "you idiot, do you know how worried we were?!"

Zander "ow! I feel like I'm just getting abused today"

Everyone "you deserve it"

Zander "alright alright, let's head in, I can't stay long" everyone goes inside as they sit down

Inko "so where have you been all these years?"

Zander "that I can't explain right now but I do want you to know that I've been taken in by a loving couple"

Recovery girl "I hope they treated you well"

Zander "they have, they even helped me get something related to a quirk"

Izumi "explain"

Zander "not today, but in a few days I want you to come to this location, there me and my new family will explain everything" he gives Inko a card with a location

Zander "I gotta go but I'm really happy to see you all again" he hugs everyone as he and Erza fly off

Zander "didn't expect my grandparents to be there"

Erza "yeah, they come every week to visit Inko and Izumi"

Zander "how'd they handle the news 8f yagi?"

Erza "oh somewhere along the lines of, you idiot Toshinori! Nana would be rolling around in her grave!"

Zander "figures" they arrive at a nice house as they land as Zander knocks on the door

Mitsuki "I'm coming!" Mitsuki opens the door as she gasps

Zander "hey auntie" Mitsuki glares at Zander as she smacks his head down

Mitsuki "you brat! You know how worried I was?!"

Zander "ow, yes and I'm sorry" Mitsuki smiles and pulls him into a hug

Mitsuki "but I'm so glad you're ok"

Zander "yeah, is Kat here, I need to talk to her you and uncle"

Mitsuki "sure come in you two"

Erza "thanks" the two go in to see Katsumi and Masaru watching TV

Mitsuki "look who came to visit" Katsumi and Masaru see Zander as Katsumi runs and hugs him tightly

Katsumi "Zander!! You came to visit!"

Zander "hey Kat, I'm glad to see you haven't changed"

Masaru "hey Zander"

Zander "hey uncle, listen we can't stay long, I'm here to give you the location of where we'll talk so I can explain where I've been" he pulls out a card and gives it to Mitsuki

Zander "also, try not to tell the exploding pomeranian"

Bakugo family "we won't" Zander hugs the three again as he and Erza leave and fly off

Erza 'I wonder if I should ask him'

Zander "hey you ok Erza?"

Erza "oh I'm fine" Zander smiles and pets her head

Zander "alright" they land at a Japanese house as Zander rings the doorbell as Rei answers it

Zander "hey auntie" Rei covers her mouth and hugs Zander tightly

Zander 'phew, no smack or bear hug'

Rei "you're ok! I'm so glad!"

Zander "yeah, hey can I come in, I gotta tell you and the others something real quick"

Rei "sure" the three go in as they enter the living room to see Endeavor, Natsuo, Shouka and Fuyumi drinking tea

Zander "so, where's prince icy hot" the 4 look and see Zander as they hug him tightly as his soul leaves his body

Zander 'seriously?!' Zander's soul enters his body as the Todorokis let him go as he cracks his back

Zander "ow, anyway its good to see you all"

Endeavor "where have you been?"

Zander "I can't tell you now but in a few days, come to this location" he gives him a card

Zander "and don't bring prince icy hot"

Fuyumi "we won't"

Zander "great, see ya guys" he and Erza leave the house as they fly off

Erza "hey Zander"

Zander "yeah princess?" Erza leans and kisses him passionately

Erza "I love you"

Zander "I love you too"

The next day

Everyone in the Owl house was lounging around watching TV as a knock at the door was heard

Eda "don't worry I got it" she pops a hand off as it crawls to the door

Zander "you are the definition of lazy grandma"

Eda "yeah yeah sue me kid" the hand opens the door as it shows Erza, the Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugo families minus the two assholes

Zander "hey guys, come in" the families enter the house as the Clawthornes sit up

Zander "mom, mama, grandma, King, I'd like you to meet my original family"

Inko "so you're the ones who raised my baby"

Luz "your baby, he's my baby"

Amity "so back off"

King "you are in my kingdom, bow before me!"

Zander "enough!" he slams the bottom of his staff down sending a shockwave

Zander "listen, we're to make peace with each other and get an explanation, now sit down" the three mothers sit while pouting as everyone else sits down

Zander "now, for my past, you deserve an explanation as to where I've been"

Past "yes"

One explanation later

Inko "so you're not with Afo?"

Zander "no, why would you think that?"

Gran torino "*sigh* apparently Toshinori is suspecting you of working with him since he saw you using powers"

Zander "well I really don't care what he thinks"

Recovery girl "we figured you wouldn't deary, now my question is, what are you planning to do with your future?"

Zander "I was going to join UA, become a hero and marry Erza in the future" Izumi, Shouka and Katsumi's faces turn sad

Erza "Zander, there's actually a couple things I wanted to talk about"

Zander "what is it?" He takes a sip of apple blood

Erza "ok, first, my parents are in a struggle, they want my sister Momo to be in a quirk marriage with Todoroki but she doesn't want to and they don't want to have Momo marry him, so I told them about my boyfriend and said he would accept being in a marriage with her since he's a gentleman" Zander spits out his apple blood on Eda

Everyone "what?!"

Endeavor "Shoto keeps telling me he'll be getting a fiance with a creation quirk, is that your sister?"

Erza "yes, so Zander, would you help me and my family?"

Zander "you're really ok with me dating your sister?"

Erza "I'm fine with sharing you but I'm the alpha"

Zander "alright Erza"

Erza "good, now, Izumi, Katsumi, Shouka, I'm alright with you three dating Zander"

Three "really?!"

Mitsuki "but Zander and Izumi dating is incest"

Zander "about that, when I was with the Clawthornes, we performed a ritual that made me their biological relative but I still kept half of my Midoriya blood so we're half siblings"

Izumi "yes it won't be wrong!" the three girls tackle Zander and kiss him passionately while the mothers cry tears of joy

Mothers "my babies are growing up"

A few months later

Zander was at the yaoyorozu mansion in a suit with King on his shoulder as he rings the doorbell to show Erza

Erza "perfect, come on they're waiting for you" the three go inside to see a red haired woman, black haired man and a black haired girl

Erza "Zander this is my mother Irene"

Irene "hello dear"

Erza "my father Kirito"

Kirito "hello young man"

Erza "and my sister Momo"

Momo "hello"

Zander "hello Momo, hello Mr and Mrs yaoyorozu I'm Zander Clawthorne Midoriya and this is my best friend King"

King "hello!"

Irene "have a seat" the two sit down as King sits on Zander's lap

Zander "so Erza told me the situation you're in"

Kirito "yes, now before we agree, what do you want with my daughters?"

Irene "do you like them because of their quirks or their bodies?"

Zander "no, I don't care about those in a girl, I always believe inner beauty is better than outer, it's who they are on the inside that counts" Momo blushes as the two parents look at each other and nod as Irene pulls out two papers from her breasts

Irene "we approve, sign these and you'll be in a marriage"

Momo "thank you Zander"

Zander "you're welcome, I can't let you be with prince icy hot" the three sign the papers

Kirito "so Zander, tell us about yourself"

Zander "alright but it won't be for the faint of heart"

King "it's darker than me"

One explanation later

Irene "you poor child"

Kirito "we're really sorry that happened to you"

Zander "it's alright"


It was the day of the UA entrance exam as Zander was in front of the gate with Excalibur on his back and King on his shoulder

Zander "at long last, my dream"

Bakugo "DEKU, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?!" Zander looks to see Bakugo walking towards him as Zander uses a plant glyph to make Bakugo trip

Zander "see ya" Zander walks in and sits down


Zander "HELL YEAH!!!"


King "easy"

Iida "excuse me sir, you said there's only three types, but the flyer says there's 4 types, if this is a mistake of UA then I'm disappointed, and you, pets are not allowed here and why do you have a sword, if you're here to kill people with it, then I suggest you turn yourself in"

Zander "how about you shut up you sonic rip off, Uncle mic was about to get to the 4th enemy, and this sword is part of my quirk, and I have permission for King to be here, now how about you shut up and get that stick out your ass"


Iida "yes sir" he sits down as Zander sighs


Zander and King were at city B as they were stretching

Zander "ready pal?"

King "yeah! Let's rip those robots apart!" Zander notices a green haired girl nervous as he walks to her as Iida stops him

Iida "she looks like she's trying to concentrate if you're going to mess her up then leave" Zander ignores him and walks to the girl

Zander "hey there"

Tsuyu "huh, oh hi"

Zander "I could tell you look nervous, just breathe in and out"

Tsuyu "ok *ribbit*"

Zander 'adorable' Tsuyu breathes in and out

Zander "great, don't worry you'll do great"

Tsuyu "thanks *ribbit*" the door opens as Zander smirks

Zander "good luck" Zander and King rush into the city

Teen "he's going to fail"

Teen 2 "yeah Present mic didn't say go"

Present mic "what are you doing?! There's no countdowns in real life, after that guy" everyone else starts running in


Zander "alright let's go Excalibur!" he draws Excalibur as it turns into a golden version of itself

Zander "alright, let's go!" he zooms around the city while slicing up robots as King uses sonic shouts to tear them apart


Nezu "we seem to have quite a batch of students this year"

Inko "look at my babies go!" They look to see Izumi blasting beams of psychic energy at a 3 pointer

Toshinori "since when could she do that?"

Inko "ever since Zander taught her and her friends"

Toshinori "you let that villain near our daughter?!"

Inko "first off he's no villain, second she's my daughter"

Midnight "seems like you two are still fighting"

Snipe "though I am curious, how did Zander get a qurik, or in this case multiple" they see Zander send fire ice and plants at robots

Inko "it's not a quirk, Zander is still quirkless, but he wants to keep it a secret"

Nezu "well then, let's see how he handles this" he presses a red button


The ground shakes as the 0 pointer emerges

Zander "this'll be fun"

Tsuyu "help, *ribbit*!" Zander sees Tsuyu under rubble as he runs and lifts her up bridal style

Zander "you ok?"

Tsuyu "yeah, my ankle hurts though" Zander sets her against a building as he brings out his staff as he and King get on and fly to the 0 pointer

Zander "ready?"

King "ready" Zander makes a magic circle as King lets in a deep breath

Zander and King "AHHHHHH!!!!!" They blast sonic waves at the 0 pointer as it explodes from the shock

Zander and King "yeah!" They land on the ground as Recovery girl walks to them

Recovery girl "my my, you got quite the power deary"

Zander "hey granny, hey um, I never got your name"

Tsuyu "my name is is Tsuyu asui, call me Tsu"

Zander "alright, granny, Tsu's ankle is broken" Recovery girl kisses Tsu's forehead as her ankle heals

Tsuyu "wow thanks, and thanks for saving me um"

Zander "you're welcome and my name is Zander, I hope I see you at UA"

Tsuyu "me too, *ribbit*"

A week later

Zander was reading a book as Luz comes in with a letter

Luz "mijo your letter came" Luz gives Zander a letter as he opens it to show a disk

Zander "huh?" He pushes a button to show All might as a hologram

Toshinori "I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION, LET'S CUT TO THE CHASE, YOU HAVE FAILED BOTH EXAMS, DON'T EVER TRY TO JOIN UA AGAIN!" Zander grabs the disk and throws it as Hooty ate it

Amity "hey guys I'm back, Zander your letter came"

Luz "but I just gave it to him"

Amity "there was a mistake with the person telling the results" she gives Zander the letter and opens it as he turns on the disk to show Inko

Inko "hi sweetie, I wanted to tell you that you passed both exams with flying colors, you got 200 points and are the freshman representative, welcome to your hero academia" the hologram ends as Zander smiles as Luz and Amity hug Zander tightly

Luz and Amity "we're so proud of you!"

Zander "thanks mom, mama" Zander gets a message from Erza saying come upstairs

Zander "I gotta go, see ya" he goes upstairs and enters as he sees Erza in seduction armor and Momo in a bikini

Momo and Erza "come get your reward for passing big boy~" Zander gets a nosebleed as moans filled the house

End of chapter

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