14|The Aftermath

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I fluttered my eyelashes open but immediately closed it back as I felt the harsh sunlight glaring on my face.

"Ugh." I groaned as I moved to stand up from the bed to go shut the curtains but then I noticed that I was naked. I felt immense soreness between my legs as I stood up, leading to me letting out a small moan of discomfort. Once I had successfully cut off the sun from my room, I stood there for a moment wiping my eyes with the back of my hand, my face scrunched up.

Slowly, memories of last night came to my mind making me blink my eyes wide open and look to my bed sharply.

It was empty and as I went to feel it, I discovered that it had been that way for a while now if the coldness was anything to go by.

I quickly checked the time seeing that it was past 9 in the morning before sitting back on the bed with a small sigh. I don't know what I was expecting anyway, he is after all a king and has his duties but I couldn't help but be a little disappointed at his absence.

Thinking back to last night, a small grin appeared on my face. It was amazing. All I had imagined it to be and more which made me wish that Theo didn't shut me out after all we had done because I know for sure didn't regret it one bit.

With a groan, I decide to stand up and begin my day with a shower. As I moved to the other side of the room, something caught my eye on the bed side table. I realize that it was a piece of paper and immediately I felt my heart race in my chest.

Rushing to it, I opened the carefully folded paper adorned with the neat cursive handwriting I now identified as Theodore's.

Sorry I won't be there when you wake up. Last night was amazing and I want to see you again.

Have dinner with me tonight. I'll send a driver to pick you up by 7:30 pm.


I couldn't help the little squeal that left my lips at that making me rush into the bathroom to handle my hygiene, a goofy smile permanently etched on my face.

Once showered, I dressed in a pale blue Chanel two piece outfit with the top being a fitted cotton bodice and a short mini skirt. I paired it with a white Fila disruptor and a small white Salvatore Ferragarmo purse.

Once I was done getting dressed, I checked the time again seeing it was already almost 11 pm so I quickly got out. For today, I planned to go out for lunch with Alice and then shopping. She had insisted on a girls day and I was all for the idea as far as she would allow us quit it once I was tired. Like my mum, Alice loves to shop and if she could she would all day long. Literally.

As I climbed down the stairs, I noticed the house crystal clean and rid of all the decorations from last night, not a single evidence of the party left behind. My mother stood in the kitchen with her back to me as she made a call, some maids scurrying around. Not wanting to intrude, I tapped the kitchen island which immediately alerted her of my presence as she turned around.

"Morning, Mum." I greeted as I took a sit on one of the stools.

"Good morning, darling. How are you feeling? I hope the headache is all good now." She asked, concern etched on her face.

I was confused by the question before figuring out that Theodore must have told her I wasn't well to explain my abrupt absence from the party. The thought brought a smile to my face as I replied her, "I'm much better, Mum."

"That's good then. Where are you off to?" She asked.

"I'm going out to lunch with Alice and then shopping." At the mention of shopping her eyes lit up. "No, Mum, you aren't invited." I told her with a laugh as I stood up from the stool.

Her face fell before she replaced it with a grin. "You girls have fun. That outfit looks beautiful on you, honey."

"Thank you, Mum." I told her with a laugh as I walked out.

"See you at dinner." She hollered making me pause in my steps before walking back to the kitchen.

"About that, I'm going out to have dinner instead." I told her. She looked up at me with a small frown.

"Surely Alice isn't going to be with you all day."

"No. I have...a date." I said lowly. Knowing the kind of mother I have that would put all sorts of ideas in her head and she will make it a big deal but I just decided to tell her anyway. I don't need anyone asking me any more questions.

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she looked like she was trying to hold her excitement in. Geez, she was even more excited than myself.

Okay, not true. But, anyway.

"With who?" She asked.

The King, I mentally replied.

"Someone." I said cryptically. I don't need her to know who. Not now, and probably never.

"Obviously. Is it the guy who bought you that beautiful dress?" She asked still with that wide grin.

"Yes." I told her deciding to throw her a metaphoric bone. But that was all she was getting from me so I quickly turned around to leave. "Bye, Mum."

"Bye, darling."

I went outside to see my Mercedes parked in its usual spot before getting in and driving off.


Here's a mid week update because I have such amazing readers. More to come this Sunday.

In the meant time, please don't forget to vote, comment your thoughts, share and follow me for updates in the near future.💘

Also, what do you think of Maria LeVonne (Kelly's Mum)?

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