16| The Little Secret

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Kelly LeVonne

Once inside the cabin, I was marveled at the interior design and the way everything was arranged. It was all so modern and chic, just the kind of place I liked. It was littered with beautiful abstract paintings and a few of lines and shapes which when brought together was actually pretty good looking.

"You have a really good interior decorator." I tell Theodore as I study the sharp color contrasting walls. "She has a good eye."

"And you have a good taste, Kitten." Theodore says as he pours us both a glass of red wine. "I designed it."

I turn to him shocked. "No way."

He laughs as he hands me a glass. "When I was younger I wanted to be an interior decorator but my future had already been planned from birth so that was out of the picture. So whenever and wherever I can, I still practice it. I redecorated this house three years ago. It needed it." He added lightly making me laugh.

He just watched me with the ghost of a smile on his face making me stop shyly. "What?"

"I like your laugh. It's soothing." He says simply before smoothly slipping my hand into his. "Dinner is that way."

Once at the dinner table which had only two chairs, he pulled mine out for me making sure I was settled in before taking his seat.

I stared at the plate of fettuccine Alfredo pasta and smoked salmon before me that had my mouth watering at just the scent alone.

"Did you make this?" I asked him as I once again took in the fact that he was in just a white button up dress shirt which was rolled up at the sleeves and black slacks. He looked like he had been working.

"I did." He affirmed with a nod.

"Wow. Now I'm excited to try it." I said with a small laugh as I take a forkful of the pasta, blowing it a bit before eating. The cheese melts in my mouth immediately and the burst of flavor had me shut eyes closed as a small moan of appreciation was released. "This is really really good." I told him once I finally came to it and looked back at him.

He was staring at me with unconcealed desire in his eyes before he looked down at his food rolling up a forkful. "I'm glad you like it." He said.

As we continued eating, we engaged in conversation and I got to discover that Theodore was actually a really funny guy. He told me a little bit about him and how it was like growing up. Apparently, he has a sister who now lives in France with her husband and three children. I told him a bit about my self as well and how life was for me in America. He expressed his dislike for the president and I wasn't surprised by that because I had been following the prior news on their diplomatic relations.

We also talked about our hobbies and we discovered that we both had some things in common. For instance, we both enjoyed reading, had a lot of love and appreciation for art (something my father had made me develop in my childhood actually) and we both had a hidden passion for music.

That part brought back to my mind that day at the palace and I was tempted to bring it up but I decided against it so as not to sour the mood.

"They say the way to a woman's heart is through the stomach and right now you're on the right track, Theodore. Thank you for this meal, it was the best I've had in a while." I tell him as I stand up to carry my plate to the kitchen.

He gave a small laugh before standing up and holding my hand to stop me. "Let me."

"It's the least I can do." I argued.

"It's my house." He retorted with a smirk.

I just rolled my eyes, a slight grin present before allowing him have his way. The kitchen faced the living room with the an island between them so I settled in on a stool as I took off my heels. At the clacking of the shoes hitting the ceramic tiles, he looked to me.

"I'm sorry I had you dress all up. I should have told you where we were going." He said apologetically.

"It's fine, really." I told him honestly. "This has been the best date ever. I mean, I'm watching the King do the dishes. What could get better than that?" I teased making us both laugh.

Once he was done, he wiped his hands on a napkin before coming to sit beside me on a stool. He poured us another glass of wine before sliding my cup to me.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to get me drunk, Your Majesty." I say jokingly as I pick up my glass. "To take advantage of me probably." I add before bringing the cup to my lips.

"Oh, trust me, I don't need to ply you with wine for that." He told me as he stroked my hips with his thumbs.

He was one hundred percent right, though. He doesn't need me to be intoxicated to allow him have his wicked ways with me.

"So beautiful and young." He commented as he studied my features closely, his form hovering over me even in the stool. I could feel a slight blush stain my cheeks as I diverted my eyes from his. He brought his hand up to my chin, pulling my head up so I could look at him again. "How are you still not taken?"

"I've told you before," I said with a playful grin. "I'm waiting for my Prince Charming."

He chuckled. "Well, I can't promise to be a Prince Charming, but I do promise to fuck you better than any." He told me seriously making my breath falter.

Had he kissed me in that moment, my mind would have been hazy and I wouldn't have fully understood what he had just said. He wanted me to himself fully. At least that was what his grey eyes were trying to convey to me.

This both made me excited as well as dreadful. "Doesn't our age difference bother you?" I asked him.

"Age is nothing but a number, Kelly. You should know that." He says as he slowly stands up from the stool which he previously occupied coming to tower over me with his muscular form.

I looked up at him. "But what would people say?"

He paused, "Well, then, I suppose this will be our little secret until we are ready to let anyone know." He said before his lips descended on mine possessively making me release a loud moan.

And all night, as he had promised, he fucked me better than any Prince Charming ever could and I loved every minute of it.

An update as promised. The next one will be on Saturday or Sunday so add this book to your library, if you haven't, to be notified when it is up.

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