Mission gone wrong

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Washington D.C 

Smithsonian National Air and Space museum

Ruby: "Come on Dad we are going to missed it"

It show Ruby speed walking ahead from David and Summer as David was wearing casual clothes while walking down to the museum as they looked at the banners of the Knights elbem showing as people were walking in the Knights Museum 

Speaker: "A symbol to the nation."

It show the sign with the recording of the American flying waving as the sign said Thank you Cap as David, Summer and Ruby continued walking ahead to the museum that U.S President built for David and his team as there was a painting of David saluting behind the American flag while leading his men to battle.

Speaker: "A hero to the world. The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery and sacrifice." 

Summer: "Looked at you when you were young David"

Summer teased David as he was blushing at the photo he took before entering Portal and meeting Team STRQ as they were looking photographs and Video recording that the Knights recorded as Ruby was amazed what David and his team did in the past

While walking looking at the video David move his head to the side to see a kid looking at David surprise seeing Captain America looking at his museum David raised his finger telling the kid to keep it a secrets the kid nod as the Family moved on

Speaker: "Battle tested Captain America and his Knights quickly earned their stripes their mission defeating the Queen of Grimm Salem" 

it show mannequins wearing the same outfits as it show the picture behind it as the pictures are David, Nick, Ramirez, Sarah, Razor, William, Louis and Zemo after looking at the picture Ruby was amazed of how they got the posing of the Knights right Summer chuckle at Ruby sheingains as she turn to face David as he was looking at the picture of all the man.

Who died in the Battle of Mistral as it show 30,000 men name on the list as David place his hand on the glass feeling regrets that he didn't get to save those men

David: "Five months ago we lost thirty thousand men in a blink of a eye as the world just watch while those troops were burned and died by the bomb that Adam used against us"

Summer hugged David making him feel better as Ruby walked behind tugging David right hand while pointing at the weapon section that the Knights used in their previous missions 

Ruby: "Dad looked all the weapons that you guys"

David smiled at his daughter craziness before he could talk to Ruby his phone went off. Checking the message David see it from Nick

Nick text: 'We found him'

David: 'Alright gather the others we are going in'

Time skip

Vale downtown


Sarah was pouring sugar in her coffee after done she place her spoon in her cup and start mixing it as the ear piece came alive

David on radio: "Alright what do you see"

Sarah: "Standard beats cops. Small station and a quiet street it a good target Captain"

It show David wearing his gear with his shield on his back while he was in looking at the window of the hotel room he at 

David: "There's an ATM on the south corner which means?"

Sarah on radio: "Camera"

David: "Both cross streets are one way "

Back to Sarah

Sarah: "So, compromised escaped routes"

David on the radio: 'Means our guys doesn't care about being seen and he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block"

Ramirez on the Radio: "You mean the red one Captain it's cute"

Sarah: "It also bulletproof which means private security which means more guns and which means more headaches for somebody probably us." 

Ramirez position 

It show him in the building scoping with his sniper as he was chuckling at his sister responds

Ramirez: "You guys know I can sniped him from where am at right"

Sarah on the radio: "Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature"


It show Nick walking on top of the roof wearing his gear as he built himself jet booster and some on his hand while he have a bandana wrapped around his head showing his face

Nick: "Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid"

Sarah on the radio: "Not to my face why did you hear something" 

David on the radio: "Eyes on target guys. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow since the collapse of the White Fang I don't want to lose him" 

Nick: "Right if he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us"

Razor on the radio: "Of course he does"

After saying that David was moving to the next window seeing a garbage truck moving past traffic as Cars were honking at the truck as one person threw a trash a tomato at it all in curious David radio Nick

David: "Nick see that garbage truck tag it"

Nick send out a droid that he kept and open the small recording feed while controlling it as Nick move it close and under the truck he switch the camera X-ray as it show weight of the truck was heavy and seeing the driver armed

Nick: "That truck's loaded for max weight and the driver armed." 

Sarah: "It a battering rammed..."

David on the radio: "Go now"

Nick jumps off the roof active the jet booster and fly off as Ramirez got confused of what happening 

Ramirez: "What going on??"

David: "He not hitting the police"

David quickly grabbed his helmet and ran out of the door as Ramirez, Sarah and Razor started following where the truck is going


Institute for infectious disease

It show one of Vale security guard watching his guard post as a fly came the guard tied to kill the fly but failed not till he notice a truck going fast as the driver door was showing the driver jumping out as the guards at the gate move as the truck hit the barricade breaking the entrance.

As two delivery truck came in as they came to the stop the back door of the truck open showing Former White Fangs groups coming out shooting their weapons at the guards as their new leader stepped out wearing gas mask while the two White Fang member fired tear gas in the building making people collapse to the floor after inhaling the gas

Few moment later 

As member were left outside one hears something flying close by he turn around point his gun in the air as Nick dropped David he raised his shield making him land on the Former Fang after landing a top of him David used his shield as one was shooting at him 

While hearing the guys was reloading David quickly kick the left front of the car making it move  and hit man was shooting at him after doing that he see one was running at him David quickly threw his shield knocking him down 

Catching his shield David ran up top of the security truck and drop kick the enemy to the wall making him dropped his weapon 

David: "Body armor, dust weapons I make seven hostiles"

Nick was flying by not till the roof as two enemy turn to their weapons in the air starts firing Nick dodge from them as he knock two to the ground as he lands one was getting up as Nick pull his pistol shooting him making him fall and crashed on the roof of the car

Nick: "I make five"

As one enemy got up and aimed at Nick back he got shot behind as it show Ramirez in a different tower holding his Sniper as he loaded a new bullet

Ramirez: "Four..."

Nick on the radio: "Show off."

Back to David 

David: "Nick get off of the radio and boost me up"

Razor: "What about the gas??"

David: "Find a way to get it out."

Nick boost David as he crashed into the window of the room as one of the enemy turn around and points his rifle at David. David quickly hit the man rifle away from him and remove the gas mask that was protecting him as the man was chocking on the gas David kick him in the chest making him hit the wall.


Rumlow a Bear Faunus broke the door down and push one scientist to the ground as he opened the one of the dangerous biological case up

Rumlow: "Pack it up.."

Back to David 

David was in cover by the pillars as one Faunus was firing at his position David grabbed his shield and throws it on the floor and it bounces until it hits the Faunus who was in cover as he was stun David run up to him and kick him to the door that leads out to the hallways.

One tried to rush David with a sword but he grabbed him by the leg making him hit the floor and then slammed him to the pillar knocking him out.

As Razor was getting the gas out Nick was tying up the ones from outside as Ramirez continue scope the building seeing if anyone is coming out not till he see Rumlow exited out of the building with a small group as they remove the gas mask 

Ramirez: "Guys I have eyes on him he trying to escaped"

David on the radio: "He have a biological weapon"

Sarah on the radio: "On it."

Sarah was driving on the motorcycle as one turned pointing his weapon at Sarah she dropped low on her bike sending it flying making the bike hit the guy as Sarah ran up two more she threw a knife at one on the left as two more point their weapons at her.

Sarah quickly took them down after doing that she taking out anyone who was trying to get on the transport as all the Faunus were down Rumlow grabbed Sarah by her shoulder and pull her to him Sarah tried to break free as she used the wrist bracelet on her hand as this shock Rumlow not effetely.

Rumlow: "That won't work on me!"

Rumlow later tossed her inside the transport as Sarah was on the floor on the transport Rumlow pulled a pin of the grenade as he smiled at this.

Rumlow: "Fire in the hole."

He later dropped the greande with Sarah and some members in the transport as the grenade was ticking Sarah punch one that got up as Sarah used the other one as a body shield as the grenade exploded Sarah was launch out of the truck and land on the grass. 

As David finally made it out of the building he see Rumlow loading a rocket and fired at David making him used his shield in cover he fired the rocket launcher sending David inside the building as Rumlow got on and drove off while on the ground David radio in as Nick was chasing him in the air.

While chasing the truck it finally crashed at the market place as four Faunus dropped their gears and ran one question Rumlow as he was getting ready.

Former White Fang: "Where are you going to meet us."

Rumlow: "I'm not"

Few Minutes later 

Nick later flew in as did a quick scanned around the market seeing the four splitting up 

Nick: "I got four splitting up"

Sarah came in the motorcycle as she put it on stop and start running on the left side 

Sarah: "I got the two on the left."

David came in jumps over parked cars as he see the gears on the floor checking on it David radio in

David: "They ditched their gears it's a shell game now one of them has the payload."

After saying that a small devices was thrown at David shield while it was beeping David quickly threw his shield in the air making the devices explode in the air once seeing the bomb explode David was suddenly punch by the back sending him crashing through small market stores. 

As Rumlow walked up to the knight leader.

Rumlow: "There you are you son of bitch I been waiting for this!"

As David was getting up Rumlow punch David again in the face making crash some tables that are in the way.


Former Fang: "HA! Those knights we would never-"

He was later stopped and got punch by Razor as another pulled his pistol ready to shoot him not till Nick came in drop kicking the guy as the two search the bag finding nothing

Razor: "Shit...."

Nick: "We're empty Sarah?"

To Sarah

Sarah was chasing the two in deep of the market pushing people out of the way as she took the shortcut cutting the two off while catching the two off guards Sarah quickly disarmed the one guy as the other one pulled his handgun and points at Sarah she then quickly grabbed a basket that was nearby and throws it at the guy blinding him as she sweeps him by the legs sending him to the ground.

Sarah then got on the other guy tactile takedown on him sending him down to the ground. after doing that the guy who got his leg sweep got up and ran to Sarah as she roundhouse kicks him and then punch him three times in the chest sending the ground and then grabbing the pistol that was in the ground as one grabbed his pistol.

As the two point at each other as the partner stand in the background grabbing something from his bag.

Former Fang 1: *Holding the payload* "Drop it or else I drop this."

Sarah kept her pistol trained as she see a shining light in the building as she smiled.

Former Fang 1: "DROP IT!"

Former Fang 2: "He'll do it!"

Still not dropping the pistol the guy holding the payload was sniped as he let got the small vital as his partner turned Sarah shot him in the head as she quickly grab the vital before it hits the ground as she radio in.

Sarah: "Payload secure thanks brother"

Ramirez on the radio: "No problem sis"

Sarah: "also took you long enough"

Ramirez on the radio: "Hey I have to run across building to get eyes on."

Back to David

It show David fighting blocking the attack that Rumlow giving him as David throws some hits making Rumlow stumble back as he taunt at David.

Rumlow: "Come on!"

As David grabbed both of Rumlow arms he quickly headbutted the knight and then uppercut him to the wall as David recover the hit he blocks the punches that were being thrown not till getting pin in the wall as Rumlow glare at the knight.

Rumlow: "This is for burning my face during one of the battles."

A blade appear out of the his wrist as he tried to stab David as he quickly made his arm stabbed the wall David then twisted his arm and disarmed him from his left gauntlet after removing it David tossed it to the ground as Rumlow show out a another one as he tried to stabbed David with not till getting hit in the arm and then round house kicked.

David was walking up to Rumlow as he remove his mask that was covering his face as David grabbed his vest making him look at him as David see's his face half scar of the Napalm as Rumlow smirk at the knight.

Rumlow: "I think I look pretty good all things considered."

David: "Who your buyer?"

Rumlow: "You know what during the battle of Mistral you left all those troops to died"

David: "What did you say?" *venomous tone*

Rumlow: "All those troops who died by that bomb you lead them to theirs death"

David looked down still remember the Marines death after seeing the nuke went off killing them as Rumlow smiled as he looked at David.

Rumlow: "And you are going to join them."

Rumlow show a detonator as this surprised David making him let go Rumlow and as he pressed it making a huge expulsion killing Rumlow and the building that was right next to him as the shockwave send David few feet's of the expulsion. 

After the bomb David slowly got up seeing the building on fire and windows shatter as he radio in to the others.

David: "Oh my god.... guys we need... we need fire and rescue on the south side of the building."

David starts running towards the building trying to save any survivors on that building that is on fire as smoke starts coming out of it.

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