Remnant Accords

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Remnant of Vale after the Mission

As Team RWBY were walking down town many people  cheer for the four girls as they were the daughter's of the Knights and Hero's of Remnant they wave at the people as they appreciate the people of Vale thanking them.

Ruby: "Thanks you guys!"

After thanking the people the girls then leave the area of their fans as Blake see a single mother standing alone looking at the store window Blake was concern and confused as she points it out to the others.

Blake: "Hey guys do you see that single mother there"

Yang: *Looks over* "Let talked to her"

The girls later walked to the mother who there staring at the store window looking at family picture as the mother hears Team RWBY walking up to them she spoke up.

Single Mother: "It nice to see you girls as Huntress and saving people's lives"

Ruby: "Well that what we do" *Slowly chuckling*

Single Mother: "But it was nice for what you do to those people who supports for you"

Weiss: "Well we are hero's of Remnant who brought peace here."

Single Mother: "Yeah hero's... you guys... but not for your fathers"

RWBY looked at the mother confused as the mother place the picture of her son on Ruby hand.

Single Mother: "I worked with council of Vale and it enabled me to raised a son and I'm very proud of what he grown up of he did"

Ruby looked at the photo showing a young 18 year old boy picture showing him giving a smiled to the camera as the mother looked at the girls.

Single Mother: "His name was Ralph Spencer's. Your father killed him...."

Yang: "No he didn't he did what he have to do"

Single Mother: "Of what you think that they fight for us do you think they fight for the freedom of Remnant I don't think so they murdered him in Mistral and they fight for themselves"

The girls didn't say nothing but looked down as the mother looked at them.

Single Mother: "Who's going to avenge my son? He dead and I blame the Knights."

The mother then later left the girls as they later looked at the picture as they felt guitly of what the mother just said to them.



Washington Knights Compound

It show the compound finally built as it was near a lake. 

It show David watching the New report about the incident in Vale after Rumlow blew himself up which killing innocents people in the building nearby as one of Remnant Council is speaking about this.

Atlas Council : "Our people's blood is spilled on our ground not only because of the actions of criminals but by the indifference of those we're pledged to stop them The Knight must answer their mi-"

David later got tired of the news and turn off the TV as he rubbed his face from stress after hearing people of Remnant wanting to end the Knights involvement in Remnant while sitting in his office someone knocked on his door as he turn around to see Summer standing there looking at him.

Summer: "David it not your fault.."

David: "I know it not.."

Summer: "Than don't let it bother you about it"

Summer walked in the office grabbing a chair and sitting right next to David as the two looked at each and hold theirs hand together.

David: "I should've clocked the bomb vest before he press it but again Rumlow said about those troop who died and all of sudden I was a 16 year old kid who was in Texas but again good people dies"

Summer: "Honey I don't care what the people think but I'll be happy of what choice you make"

This made David smiled a bit as the two hugged each other while they were hugging each other someone knocked on the door as it show Nick standing looking at the two.

Nick: "David the girls are here"

David: "Thanks for letting me know"

Nick: "And also they brought guest with them"

David: "Do you know who it is?"

Nick: "It General Ironwood..."

Summer and David looked at each other confused as they left David office and went to the meeting room.

Few Minutes later

It show Weiss sitting right next to Ramirez and Sarah Blake sitting next to Razor, Yang sat right next to Nick and for Ruby she sit in the back as David sit in the middle of chair of the table as Ironwood starts talking.

Ironwood: "Sorry for the unexpected visit David"

David: "It alright what do you need?"

Ironwood: "Well I'm here because the world of Remnant owes the Knights an unpayable debt you have fought for us, protected us, and even risked your lives but great many people see you as hero's there some who would prefer the word Vigilantes"

Sarah: "And what word you would used for us??"

Ironwood: "How about dangerous what would you called a group from a another world with unknown a military force and who ignores sovereigns borders between four kingdom and frankly unconcerned of what they leave behind.

Ironwood move to the side and present the world of Remnant on the projector as it zoom in on Vale.

Ironwood: "Beacon"

It show the Battle of Beacon U.S Troops running in the fight shooting as the camera shift to Razor jumps to building to building leaving rubbles of building to the ground Blake later looked at her father to see him not fazed of what he done.

Ironwood: "Menagerie"

It show the Battle of Menagerie as David leads the troops in while saving Ramirez and Blake during that battle as expulsion destroy homes and Napalm burns some house down or kill some Faunus who were inside of their house while in cover during the battle Weiss looked at her father seeing him looking down. 

Ironwood: "Mistral"

It show the Battle of Mistral as Helicopter flying in shooting rockets at building and leaving destruction behind as people were running away from the warzone as Adam press the button showing the nuke that killed 30,000 U.S members and good people from that nuke Ruby looked at her father who was still watching.

Ironwood: "Vale"

And Finally it show building that was on fire from the explosion as any Huntsman and Huntress were helping the Knights getting the people out as Medical first responder's were taking the injuryed out as it show dead women cover in smoke looking at the camera. 

David: "Alright that enough."

Ironwood later turn off the projector and turn to his staff as one give him a booklet as he place it on the table.

Ironwood: "For the past 2 years you have been in situation that only Huntsman and Huntress can do but with you operate unlimited power without no supervision of us that no longer the four kingdoms would take but I think I have a solution for it."

Ironwood later slide the booklet to the Knights as each of them view it and looked at it as the general was speaking.

Ironwood: "The Remnant Accords approve by Four Kingdoms it states that the Knights would no longer be involve and a Private group but they will be under the supervision of the four Kingdom whatever they approve of what going on."

As Nick passed down the booklet to David he looked at the cover and then back at the general.

David: "I formed the Knights so I could make our world's feel a safe place and I believe we done that."

Ironwood: "Tell me this Captain where is Neo she helped out Cinder and the others during the battle of Beacon she still missing and need to face justice I recommend that you Knights talk it over."

As Ironwood and his staff could leave the compound Sarah spoke up making the general turn.

Sarah: "And what if we don't come up with you agreement?"

Ironwood: "Then consider yourselves retired"

(A/N Maybe you should go fuck yourself General)



It show Victor in a nice hotel room holding the book as he begin reading it in Russian saying the code.

Victor: "One..... Freight Car"

While trying to understand the language of the book he felt the tap of his shoulder showing Neo looking at Victor with a bored face.

Neo: 'What are you doing?'

Victor: "Using my time understand the Winter Soldier code"

Neo: 'And that is?'

Victor: "It about controlling the two sleeping Winter Soldier."

Victor begin to smiled wickly as it show the room he staying in that in the closet he was making a bomb so he can bomb the meeting room with all Council of the four kingdom.

Back to the Knights

Weiss: "Father General Ironwood have so many Medal of Honor way more than you have"

Ramirez: "So let's say we agree to this thing how long is it gonna be before they lojack us like a bunch of common criminals"

Weiss: "Well four Kingdom want to sign this Dad four Kingdoms and you are just like 'No that cool we got it.' "

Ramirez: "Okay then how long are you going to play both sides uh"

Nick: "Ramirez calm down I know it hard but we got to work something out"

Razor: "I got to agree with Nick here"

Sarah: "So Ruby you are being uncharacteristically no-hyperball"

David: "It because she made up his mind."

Ruby: "How do you know?"

David: "I may be your father but I know you pretty well Ruby"

Ruby later get up and starts getting milk for her cup while pour herself a glass Ruby then pulls out her scroll and show the picture of the young boy that the single mother gave to Ruby and to the others.

Ruby: "Oh yeah this Ralph Spencer's he was living in Mistral while we we're to busy fighting as the bomb came in."

Ruby then later finished drinking her glass of milk and place the cup in the sink as she looked at her Father.

Ruby: "You guys need to be put in check whatever form take I'm game if we can't accept limitations then we're no better than the bad guys we face"

David: "Ruby someone dies on your watch you don't give up."

Ruby: "I didn't say we're giving up Dad"

David: "We are if we're not taking responsibility for our actions this documents just shift the blame."

Blake: "Sorry Uncle but that is dangerously arrogant this is the Four Kingdom of Remnant we're talking about it not your country or any countries you have been with the UN."

David: "No but it's run by people with agendas and agendas change"

Ruby: "Well that good right"

David: "Ruby no if we sign this we surrender our right to choose what if the panels send us off somewhere we don't think we should go or what if there is somewhere we need to go and they won't let us. We may not be perfect Ruby but the safest hands are still our own." 

Ruby: "Dad if we don't do this now it gonna be done to us later."

As the argument continued David felt his phone vibrate as he check it up showing a message from a unknown number saying someone close to David is gone as he begin to get up from the chair he sitting on.

David: "I have to go....."

David later place the booklet down on the table as everyone looked at David who was walking away from the group as David was finally alone he begin to cry to hear the person who care for him while being contain in his cell during his Winter Soldier years is gone.


It show the Young David shiver in cold while lying down in the cold floor while trying to warm himself up it show a young girl doctor walking up to the cold 15 year old David who was on the floor she then put on warm blankets on him as the kid looked at the nurse.

Nurse: "Shh it okay I will take care of you I promise"

David smiled a bit as the nurse than walked out of the cell showing David as  he watch the door slowly closed on him in the cell leaving him alone there after the Nurse leave him there.

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