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The Lady of the Sea;

Oh, how she calls for me—-

Beckons thee to the shore,

Close enough to hear the ocean's roar—-

Song so elegant and grandeur;

The bastard taken in, so poor.


Evin had been through the pathways of Ardmore thousands of times—--though that never stopped them from fearing every person they saw when walking. Most people were good. The average person anywhere had no ill will towards them.

Though, despite what any rational mind told them, they still had a general anxiety of being alone during late night walks. Evin would much prefer walking with a companion or two, but the unfortunate fact of the matter was that Evin didn't have that such luxury. They didn't have friends to travel with whenever they'd go to shops—--and to Evin, nothing sucked more than that.

Evin had tried their hand at gaining friendships here and there, but none of them really stuck. Evin was often deemed "far too odd" for most peoples' likes.

The rest of the MacFadyen clan was disappointed in their lack of social skills.

They'd chastise Evin for their lack of relationships and then Evin would fire back something along the lines of: "You try making allies in my condition".

That much was true, more or less—-Evin did in fact have a 'condition' of sorts. A condition that made the MacFadyen family unjustifiably ashamed.

Evin didn't understand social rules and norms very well. They were far too "awkward" for it. The average person would just chalk it up to a mere 'social anxiety', but that was just simply not the case—-not the case at all.

Evin had several matters that they'd focus their mind on endlessly, all the time. Evin had quite the interest in insects, most of all—-moths. They had studiously studied their intricate patterns on their wide-stretched wings as well as their typical behaviors. Evin, of course, was met with backlash from their family, saying that interest was "not lady-like". But Evin thought to hell with what their family believed; Evin was not a 'lady', nor would they ever be, on contrary to what the MacFadyens thought.

Evin also often found themselves enthralled with the craftsmanship of... Well, ships actually. They go down to the craftsmens' huts and watch them assemble the ships. By now, they knew the process so well, they could repeat it to anyone who found themselves curious of it. Evin knew it like the back of their hand.

Though, despite their general friendly demeanor, no one seemed thrilled to spend time out with Evin—-which was disheartening for them to say the least.

Evin often found themselves needing out of the house—--they needed a chance to breathe and the air and environment of home was often suffocating.

Sometimes the candles would be lit far too bright—--and too many, of which, hurt Evin's head, severely.

The family and their visitors could be too loud as well—-once again, causing the same effect in Evin as the lights.

And finally, sometimes the outfits gifted to Evin were far too much. The texture felt rough... Constricting. It felt like poison to their skin.

Now, Evin felt somewhat free—-in an outfit of their choosing. A simple dress shirt instead of one of the millions of dresses bought for them.

Evin continued along the alleyways between the homes just to get out and think.

A group slowly made their way through too.

Evin swallowed, with a slight panic on their face as they heard the approaching faction.


The Lady of the Sea;

Hungers for the touch of thee—--

Desperately reaching out,

As the waves toss about.

The ocean her prison and chains—-

The vortex where livelihood drains.

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