Chapter 2: Meet Up At the Mystic Grill

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Mari's POV:

When the bell rings I quickly gather my things and follow Luna towards the door I accidentally run into the girl with straight brown hair. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She then looks up and realizes she doesn't know who I am. "Hey, are you new? I've never seen you before." I nod.

"Yeah, just moved here from Massachusetts. Marigold." I say, extending a hand. "Elena. Where in Massachusetts?" "Salem." "Like the witch trials?" She asks. I laugh. "Yeah, like the witch trials." "Since you're new, do you need someone to show you around?"

I look forward where Luna is supposed to be and glare. He's gone. "That would be great." "Here, give me your schedule." She says and I do. "We have all the same classes together. I'll show you." "Thank you." With that we go off. I'm just happy I made a friend so quickly.

"Marigold, that's an interesting name." She says. I smile. "Yeah, my mom does flowers." "Do you have any siblings?" She asks. "Ten. Primrose, Holly, Zinnia, Clover, TigerLily, Magnolia, Jasmine, Azalea, Aster, and my twin sister who was just in here, Calluna." "Wow."

"I know. You can call me Mari by the way, sounds more normal." I tell her. She smiles and nods. "Are you the oldest? Youngest?" She asks. "Youngest. Rose is the oldest." I explain. "That's so cool. I just have Jeremy, he's my younger brother." I nod.

We continue through our day getting to know each other. Luna and Elena meet during second period and she hangs out with us for the rest of the day. Fourth period we meet Bonnie, Elena's best friend. She's super nice.

Then at lunch I meet Caroline and am filled in on everything going on in Mystic Falls. Caroline seems a tad bitchy, but I can tell she's better if you get to know her. Finally the day comes to an end and I'm walking towards the parking lot with my new friends.

"Hey, do any of you need a ride home?" Bonnie asks both Elena and I. "No, I'm going to walk home." Elena says. She nods then turns to Luna and I. "Uh no, Aster will be waiting for us." I say, gesturing to the parking lot in the direction Aster is parked.

"Ok, well I'll see you all later." Bonnie walks away. "Oh, later tonight we're all meeting up at the Mystic Grill, you two wanna join us? You can bring Aster and Lea too." Elena says. I smile and nod. "Sounds good to me." "Great, see you both later." She says, then walks off.

I exchange a grin with Luna before the two of us walk towards where Aster parked this morning. The car is running and our brother is sitting there waiting on us. "Finally, what took you two so long?" Astor asks as we get in. "Oh, we were just talking to some friends." I say.

"You mean those girls you two ate lunch with?" He asks. I nod. "Well that's good. I'm glad you're coming out of your comfort zone and making friends." He says, starting the car and heading home. "For your information, I've always been a social butterfly." Luna claims.

Aster just laughs and I roll my eyes. She is right though. She's the extrovert of the two of us. "What about you?" I ask. "I met a few guys. One seems like a total douche, but the others seem ok." He says. I smile and nod.

"Oh, hey, one of the girls asked us to hang out with them at the grill tonight, want to come?" Luna asks. He nods. "Sounds fun. Matt and Tyler said they were going there too." He says. I grin, feeling a lot better about tonight that I did when Elena asked Luna and I.

When we get home I head straight to my room and start working on my homework. I quickly finish and check the time. It's too early to go to the grill so I decide to head downstairs to the study. It's where we have our grimoire and all the grimoires of our ancestors.

I grab my personal one and start spell testing. I started doing this a few weeks after my mom died. It gives me an outlet so I can keep my powers in check. About an hour later I hear Lea call for me. Sighing I put my grimoire away and head to the living room.

"What were you doing?" She asks. "The study." I say. She nods, not needing an explanation. "So Aster and Lu told me that you three are going out tonight?" She asks. I nod. "Yeah, we're meeting a few friends at the grill." I say. She nods. "Good, when do you plan on leaving?" I check the time.

"In about thirty minutes." "When will you be home." I smile and laugh a little. "We won't be out too late, besides, we're the good kids, you don't have to worry about us." I say. She sighs and nods.

"You're so grown up. I remember when I was first teaching you spells when you were seven and you-" "Blew up a flower vase, I know, you've told me a thousand times. I'm not a little kid anymore Lea." I say. She nods.

"I know you're not. Now, here's some money for the grill. Don't be out too late." She says, handing me some cash. I nod and grab the money. "Thanks." With that I head upstairs to lounge around until it's time to go. I read a book for thirty minutes and then I check the time.

Time to go. "Aster! Lu! You ready?!" I call up the stairs. "YEAH! Hold up!" He calls. When he gets down stairs he goes to grab the keys, but Luna grabs them firsts. He rolls him eyes, but follows the two of us into the garage and gets into the back seat when I take the passenger.

Luna drives the three of us into town. We quickly find the Mystic Grill. We walk into the grill and look around. I grin when I spot Bonnie and Caroline. They wave and the three of us walk over. "Hey." I say. "Hey Mari, Luna, who's this?" Caroline asks.

"Oh, this is our older brother, Aster. He's a senior." I say. "Hey." He says. Caroline smiles flirtatiously. "Aster, this is Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett." I say, introducing them. He smiles before someone calls his name.

We turn to see a dark haired guy and the blonde who sits next to me waving him over. He gives me and Luna one last look before walking over to them. Bonnie immediately turns to Caroline. "Now, tell me what you've found out." Bonnie says. "Found out about what?" I ask.

"The new guy who sits next to you in Tanner's." Bonnie says. Oh. "His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with his Uncle up at the old Salvatore Boarding House. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family so they moved around a lot. He's a Gemini and his favorite color is blue."

Caroline spews out the gossip like it's the most natural thing for her to knew everything about everyone. "You found all of that out in one day?" Luna asks, surprised. I wonder if she knows anything about our family yet.

"Oh please, I found all of that out between third and fourth period. We're planning a June wedding." She says before waving at a group of people and walking over to them. I look at Bonnie, confused. "Yes, she's always like this, and no, there is no reason for her to be." She says.

Luna and I both laugh at this. "Come on, I'll introduce you to Matt and Tyler. They're the ones talking to Aster right now." She says. We nod and after follow her, I hope tonight doesn't go too horribly.

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