Chapter 3: The Mystery That Is Stefan Salvatore

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Mari's POV:

Bonnie leads us over to Aster and two other guys sitting in a booth with him. "Matt, this is Mari and Luna, my sisters. Guys, Matt Donovan." Aster tells the blonde boy from history. "Hi." "Hey." "And that's Tyler Lockwood." He says.

Tyler looks both of us up and down and I start to feel uncomfortable. Luna is all out glaring at him. I look at Aster who is glaring at him. He's pretty protective. "So Mari, Luna, Aster, any other siblings?" Matt asks. "Yeah, eight." Aster says. "Wow, any we know?" Caroline asks.

"Uh, no two of them go to Salem State, another works there as a professor, one works in New York as a dance instructor, another is a high school theatre teacher at a private school in Las Angeles, and one is a psychiatrist down in New Orleans." Luna say.

"What do your parents do?" Caroline asks. "Our dad died when Luna and Mari were born and our mom died a few months ago." Aster says, looking down at Luna and I. I'm looking at the ground. "I am so sorry." She says, feeling guilty. I smile at her.

"It's fine, you didn't know. Lea is our guardian right now." I say. They nod. Caroline then starts taking, trying to change the subject. Only then I realize that Bonnie and Matt wondered off and are talking at a separate table. "Are Bonnie and Matt a thing?" I ask Caroline. She snorts.

"No, Matt is still hung up on Elena. They broke up last year after Elena's parents died." I whip my head around. "Elena's parents are dead?" Luna asks. "Yeah, they went off of Wickery Bridge last spring. Elena was in the backseat, and she was the only one to survive." She says. I look away.

Now I feel bad for asking. At least I didn't ask while she's around. I suddenly see Elena walk in. Following her through the door is Stefan Salvatore. He glances over in my direction and our eyes lock. I forget how to breath for a second.

Then I break the contact and turn my head towards Tyler and Caroline. "Come on, let's go talk to Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan." Caroline says, grabbing mine and Luna's arms and pulling us towards the table they're seated at. I manage to grab Aster's arm as well and pull him with us.

"Hey Mari, Luna, glad you could make it. Who's this?" Elena asks, looking at Aster and smiling. "This is Aster, our older." I say. "Hey." "Hi." I then turn to Stefan and smile. "Stefan Salvatore." He says, sticking him hand out. He seems nice. "Aster Lancaster." My brother says, shaking his hand.

"Luna Lancaster." She shakes his hand as well. I'm about to introduce myself when Caroline steps in front of me, eager to officially meet the boy she's been stalking all day. "Caroline Forbes." With that Caroline, Aster, Luna, and I take our seats.

"So, you were born in Mystic Falls?" Caroline asks, dying to see if her intel is correct. I smile at her. "Mm-hm, moved when I was still young." He says. "Parents?" Bonnie asks. "My parents passed away." He says. I look at him sadly. "I'm sorry." Elena and I say at the same time.

We look at each other and smile. We've both lost both of our parents. "Any siblings?" Elena asks. "None that I talk too." Poor guy. No parents with estranged siblings is tough. "I live with my Uncle."

"If you four are new then you don't know about the party tomorrow." Caroline says to Aster, Stefan, Luna, and I. I look at her confused. What party? "It's a back to school thing at the Falls." Bonnie explains. I nod. "Sounds fun." I say.

Luna looks at me, shocked I'm agreeing to go to a party, while Aster nods in agreement. Caroline grins at me before turning towards Stefan. "Are you going?" He asks Elena. I smile at them. They would be cute together. "Of course she is." Bonnie answers for her. Elena glares playfully at her.

"Then why not." He says. We all talk the rest of the night. Around ten Aster decides it's time for us to head home. We tell everyone goodbye and leave. Aster and Luna are already in the car and I'm about to get in when someone stops me.

I look and smile when I see Stefan. "Hey." "Hey, I never got your name." He says. "Marigold Lancaster, but you can call me Mari, everyone does." I say. "Marigold, that's an interesting name." He says.

"Yeah, my siblings and I all have unique floral names. Primrose, Holly, Zinnia, Clover, TigerLily, Magnolia, Jasmine, Azalea, Aster, and Luna's full name is Calluna." I say. "Well, sorry for bothering you, I just wanted to know your name." He say. I smile.

"It's fine. Goodnight." "Goodnight Mari." With that I get into the car and Luna pulls out. "What was that about?" She asks me. "He just wanted to know my name, Caroline kinda cut me off earlier." I say. She nods before looking deep in thought. I shake it off and focus on the road.

When we get home I go straight to my room and into my bathroom. While I shower and get ready for bed I think about tonight. Stefan is so nice and kinda shy. He revealed very few things about himself. It just makes him more intriguing. I want to know more about him.

I sense something in him. Something not normal. I don't know what it is though. I wish I had Maggie's powers at this point. Telepathy could clear my confusion right up, but no, I get stuck with illusions. Sighing I exit my bathroom in my pjs and climb into bed.

As I fall asleep I think about the mystery that is Stefan Salvatore.

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