Chapter 7: Rose is in Town

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Mari's POV:

The next morning goes by like normal weekend should. I get up and get dressed. I work on spells most of the day until Aster drives the Luna and I to town square to pass out fliers for tonights 'Night of the Comet' event. Luna and I are paired together.

"So why did we agree to do this again?" I ask her as we walk around, passing out fliers. "Because it's Caroline and there's no telling her no." She jokes. I laugh, Caroline really doesn't give you option. "I like this version of you." She says, suddenly. "What do you mean?"

"You, you're happy, smiling, making jokes, laughing. I've missed this." She says. I smile. "This place is special." I say. She nods, thoughtfully. The day soon turns into night and we are now with Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie.

We're walking around the square, talking with each other, holding candles in our hands. Aster went off to talk to a few guys he's become friends with. Right now we're just talking, until we run into Matt. "Hey." Elena says. "Hey." He lights her candle and she smiles up at him.

Matt's a nice guy, but I don't know how him and Elena used to date. It just seems weird to me. I get my candle lit by someone and turn to light the person next to me's. When I look up I smile when I see Stefan. Before I can say anything Elena comes up behind me.

I blush and excuse myself, walking over to Luna, Bonnie, Matt, and Caroline. I can feel his eyes on my retreating figure though. I kind of block out the conversation. I then see Elena walking away from Stefan. Both of them look really upset. Sighing I walk over to him. "Hey." I say.

He turns to look at me. "Hey." "You ok?" "Uh, yeah, I am. It's just, Elena, she, she doesn't know the whole story and I'm trying to figure out the best way to explain it to her." He says. I nod. "About Katherine? Or Damon?" I ask. "Both."

"Look, whatever it is, just talk to her about it. She's lost a lot. Take it from someone who's lost people before, being straight to the point is the best thing someone can be." "I tried to tell her, but she thinks I'm still hung up over Katherine, I'm not." He says. I scrunch my eyebrows.

"What do you mean? Damon was talking like you two just broke up." I say. "Well..." He trails off. "Look, you're going to have to explain this to Elena, so practice on me." I say. He nods. "She died, in a fire." He says. My eyes widen. "I'm so sorry." "Don't be, it was a long time ago."

"Still. How long ago was it?" "Feels like a hundred years ago." He says. I scrunch my eyebrows. "Damon made it seem like it was a recent thing." "Yeah, well Damon likes to mess things up." He says. I nod. Before I can say anything else I hear someone call my name.

I turn and see all my siblings standing nearby. By siblings I mean Lea and Rose. I smile. "I have to go, but just remember to be honest with her." I say, turning back to him. He nods and smiles at me. Ginning I turn and race over to them, immediately enveloping Rose.

"When did you get in?" I ask. "About an hour ago. How have you been? You've grown so much since we saw you last." She says. I grin. "I'm good, really good." "Who's that guy you were talking to?" I blush. "He's just a friend." "Really?"

"Yep, him and another friend of mine are together, well, sort of. It's complicated." I say. "Well, I'm glad you're making friends. You seem happier." Rose says. I nod. "I am happy." I say, grinning widely. Luna and Aster then walk over, hugging Rose as well.

"Ok guys, come on, we're gonna head back to the house for family night. I expect you all to be there." Lea says. We all nod and then her and Rose walk off. I turn to brother and twin. "I'm going to tell Bonnie and Caroline that we're leaving, but I'll meet you at the car." I say.

They nod and head towards the car. I walk over to my friends who are staring at me. "What?" "Who were those girls you were talking too?" Bonnie asks, glancing in the direction in which Lea and Rose took off.

"The shorter one is Lea, our guardian, she's a year older than Aster, and the tall one was my oldest sister Rose. She just got into town and decided to to surprise us." They nod in understanding.

"Luna and I actually headed home with Aster to spend some time with her. We'll catch up you guys Monday though, ok?" I ask. "Yeah, see you both Monday." Bonnie says. Grinning I race to the Jeep and get in. "Go." I instruct. They both laugh at me, but I just shrug it off.

Is it a crime to miss my oldest sister? When we get home the three of us head into the living room where Rose and Lea are talking. "Hey you three, we were just talking. Come sit, be apart of this family." Rose teases. I roll my eyes, but we all find our places on the couch.

"Now, Mari, I want to know more about that boy you were talking to earlier." Zia says. I roll my eyes. "I already told you, him and my friend Elena already have something going on." I say. "Still, tell us about him." I sigh.

"His name is Stefan Salvatore, he's mine and Luna's age and he just moved back to town. Also he has a dick of an older brother named Damon." Rose's eyes widen. "Wait, Damon and Stefan Salvatore?" She asks. I nod, confused. She turns too Lea.

"When you asked to to look ahead for the vampire you didn't tell me that Damon and Stefan Salvatore were in tow." She says. Lea looks just as confused as the rest of us. "I didn't know. I haven't been able to get out much. I don't even know them." Lea defends herself.

"I did a study last year, over Mystic Falls during the civil war." She says. I am so confused. "So?" Luna asks. "So, have you learned about the burning of the church during the Battle of Willow Creek?" She asks. What's so special about the burning of the church?

"Burning the church? Yeah, we learned about it in History, what's so special about it? Besides the fact that there were civilians inside instead of weapons." Luna says. Even Lea is absolutely lost. What is she going on about? Why is any of this relevant?

"There weren't civilians inside, there were vampires, the townspeople rounded up all the vampires and burned them inside the church. Damon and Stefan Salvatore were the sons of Giuseppe Salvatore. They died on the night the church burned."

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