Chapter 8: Confronting Stefan

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Mari's POV:

My eyes widen. "So, you're saying that there are not only one, but two vampires here and they're one of our friends and his brother?" I ask, horrified. How did I miss it? I've been hanging out with Stefan for days now, how could I not sense that he's the vampire?

"I knew I felt something off about him the other day at the grill. His scent was weird." Aster says. I whip my head around to face him. "And you didn't think to tell us?" Luna asks. "I pushed it off. Trust me, if I was really worried about him, I wouldn't have let either of you near him." He says.

I turn to face Rose. "Do you really think that they are that Stefan and Damon? Can't they just be descendants?" I ask. They shake their heads. "When you came over to talk to us something smelled off about you." Rose says.

Ok, I'm glad I haven't triggered my werewolf curse yet, but not having the senses really sucks. "So what do we do?" I ask. "I don't know. I can look ahead and see if it's just one of them attacking the locals, but we need to take care of them if they hurt anyone else." Rose says.

I look at Lea, then Luna. "He's our friend." "I know Mar, and it sucks that this is how we're finding out, but now that we know what he is, we know how dangerous he can be." She tells me. I look to Lea who is looking at me with pity. I hate pity. "Stop that!" I snap.

Everyone looks at me shocked. I stand up from the couch. "I don't need pity, I need answers." With that I head towards the garage. "Mari." I don't stop. "Marigold Lancaster where are you going?" Rose says, standing. I whip around.

"I'm going to go talk to him. He's at the square, he won't hurt me." With that I enter the garage and slam the door closed behind me. Getting in the Jeep I speed off towards the center of town. When I get there I park and look around. I then head a scream. It's faint, but I still hear it.

I whip my head up and what I see terrifies me. Vicky is standing on the edge of the grill's roof, being held there by none other than Damon Salvatore. I race towards the grill and bound up the stairs towards the roof. When I get there I hear talking.

I see Vicky being held by someone with Damon standing in front of them. The bandage on her neck has been ripped off. The person holding her, I can tell, is trying to not let the smell of her blood effect him, but it is. "Let her go!" I yell.

Damon smirks at me as Stefan turns to face me, shock and horror written on his face. Veins are coming from his black eyes. "Mari? What are you doing here?" He asks as his eyes go back to normal and he drops Vicky on the rooftop.

"So it is you. When Rose said-never mind. You two are the ones killing people." I say. Stefan takes a step towards me. "Mari please, it's not me." "Oh yeah, then what was that I just saw?" I ask. He looks torn. "Please, go downstairs, let me deal with him and I promise I'll explain everything."

His eyes are begging me to just listen to him. I don't answer. I just glance at Vicky who is sobbing on the ground. "What's going to happen to her?" "I promise nothing bad will happen to her, now please, let me handle this." He says. Numbly I nod and back away and walk back to the grill.

I exit the grill and walk to my car, sitting in it. He's really a vampire. How could I have missed it? I sit here for twenty minutes before my passenger side door opens and Stefan climbs in. "Is Vicky ok?" I ask immediately. He nods. "She doesn't remember anything." I nod. "Explain."

"Can we get away from all this?" He asks, gesturing to the crowds of people in front of us. I nod and back out of my parking spot. I drive to the school and park in the parking lot. "Now explain." I repeat, turning to face him.

"Damon is the one who has been killing people around here, not me. I don't feed on human blood anymore." "Then what do you feed on?" "Animals." "Why is Damon killing everyone? Why the hell are you even here?" I ask.

"I'm here to try and have a normal life. Damon is here to make sure my life is a living hell." He says. "Why?" "Because I took someone important from him and made him turn." "How old are you?" "161, almost 162." He says. I look at my hands which are gripping the steering wheel.

"Why weren't you surprised when you saw me on the roof? How did your sister know about vampires?" He asks. Instead of answering I raise my hand. My eyes glow gold as I show him a scene from my child hood. One when Luna and I are learning spells from our mother.

"My mother was the witch in Salem. The Lancaster witches were the leaders of the Salem coven which consisted of just our family. Lancaster witches are extremely powerful, not only gifted with magic, but also a special ability. Mine is this, the ability to create illusions."

He smiles a little at this, fascinated. "Most witches today don't go to Salem simply because of how scared they are of my family." I say, pulling away the illusions. His face is shocked. "My father was a werewolf." "Werewolves are real?" He asks. I nod.

"He died when Aster and I were born. When we trigger our werewolf curse my siblings and I become hybrids, both werewolf and witch. I am the only one who hasn't triggered the curse." "How do you trigger the curse?"

"You have to take a human life. Whether it is on accident or on purpose." I say. He nods. "So what now?" "What do you mean?" "What happens now that we know each other's secret?" He asks. I shake my head.

"That depends on what you are planning to do about Damon. When my family learns they are right about you two then they will do something about him if you don't." I tell him. "I can't. Since I don't drink human blood I'm not as strong as him. I don't know what to do about him." He says.

I run my hand through my hair. "Do you have any Vervain?" I ask. "No, I only have a little, enough to where if you wear it, it'll stop compulsion." I sigh. This is not good, Damon is dangerous to everyone here.

"I'll talk to my siblings, figure something out. But Stefan he has to stop killing. The only reason I'm ok talking to you like this is because I know you won't hurt me. Damon is a loose canon who needs to leave town." I say. "I know and I'm working on it." He says.

"Good. I have to get home." I say. He nods and gets out. Before he closes the door he says something. "I hope that you still see me as a friend now that you know." With that he closes the door and is gone in the blink of an eye. I sigh. "I hope I can see you like that too." I mumble.

With that I head home.

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