The Last Generation (Part 2)

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Tom's POV:

I was walking to class when I saw a light blonde boy hiding in a bush staring at Sabine and her friends. I sneak up to him and say. "You need to stop stalking and ask her out Gabe." I say with a click of my tongue and pat him on the shoulder. "Your asking me to ask a goddess out the most beautiful lady on the planet out. I'm not good enough." Gabriel say's rubbing his arm. "OK time to stop playing chicken and start being a man." I say as I start to drag him towards Sabine and Emilie. "Hey Sabine --" I tone myself out to see how Gabriel doing. "Hey ---um ---- sun up is your hot!!" Gabriel stutter's I mentally slap myself. "See you Milady I have work to do." I say with my signature wink. Naturally all the ladies would start screaming asking me for autographs and stuff, but all Sabine did was roll her eye's. I swear that woman is immune to my sexiness or something.

I was in the middle of dragging Gabriel to have a I'll Make A Man out of you talk. When I saw the devil walking towards me. "Man I thought you said your cousin Audrery was staying in Paris." I groan. "She somehow found out you would-----"Gabriel mutter's before he was rudely interrupted by his cousin. "Tommykin's how are you doing? Guess what I just bought my place as Yin your romantic partner." I didn't listen to the rest because I internally threw up. You know If poured water on Audrery do you think she'll melt like Gabriel said she would. Well let's get back on track Miraculous yes I met the most annoying. Oh woops don't want to spoil that part.

I was getting ready to finish the first episode of The Romantic Life of Yin and Yang or something like that. Honestly I didn't want this life I wanted something simpler you know like a baker. (See what I did there.) I yawned as I watch a few swans fly by you know they reminded me of Sabine her fine beauty definitly fit those pretty birds when I saw a little old man (Master Fu Alert) begging for food at a vending. I walked up to the vender and said "What do you want kind sir?" The old man looked up at me and said. "Oh don't worry about me." "No I insist here's 10 pounds keep it I don't need it." I say as I walk away not looking back.

Mystery POV:

"Its' almost time Trixx once we get all that I find I will have my wish."The villian say's as He/She picks up a picture of his/hers family picture. "I'll bring my parents back at any cost." The villian say's as a tear slides down her/his cheek. "Yes Master." Trixx say's as he look out the window wondering what his kwami pals are doing.

  ( Guy's I've started a #saveTrixx trend Let's all save Trixx. And who is are Mysterious Villian Have I already mentioned them who do you think it is.) #Don'tKillAuthor   

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