The Last Generation (Part 3)

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Le Paon POV:

*Fast Forward to the future*

I didn't know my future was gonna hold such a twist of events. I guess I should have known what the outcome of a superhero is sometimes. I still hope my son and husband remember the Value of life. (Yeah that's why your husband is evil, Why did you have to die.*crys*)

*OK were back in the past*

I was walking to school with Marlena who was teasing me about Gabriel's tempts to flirt "He is just a very good friend Marlena!" I say in a offended tone "Sure that's why you turn in to a tomato."Sabine said jumping in. I sputter and say " He probably the sun he was stuttering side's I'm not even pretty guys Audrery said so herself and she is Gabriel's cousin."I said looking down at the ground. "That's not true your beautiful in your own way Emilie in fact your way prettier then Audrery any day of the week." Marlena said rubbing my back. " Yea Emilie you should stop putting yourself down about looks before your heart, because your heart is way more beautiful."Sabine said as we headed back to class.

I loved the fact that my friends said those things, but I know its not true. I hear people say things behind my back all the time. All the rumors come from Audrery which hurts even worse. I was walking through the doors when I saw Gabriel drawing in his sketchbook and when I looked inside I saw a black shirt with multiple colored stripes in the center that matched up with a white jacket."That's amazing Gabe." I say as I sit next to him. He jumps and looks at me with a weird look "You thank ---I mean thank Emilie ---- I mean thank you Emilie." he stutter's which I find really adorable, but I'm afraid he's afraid of me because he always stutters around me. I get up to leave when Gabriel grabs my hand and say's "Hey you hang wanna out!!! I mean do you wanna hang out later after school." I smile and say "Sure Gabe.' I say as I walk away.

I was walking home from school when I saw a little old man (Master Fu ALERT ) get push over by a bunch of people and reach out for his cane I ran over and helped him up. "Are OK sir?" I say worried."I'm sorry you have to help an old man like me." The gentleman say's "No problem Have a good day sir."

Villian POV:

"It's almost ready Trixx just one more and I will transform into Volpina." She say's as she watches from a distance.

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