The Last Generation (Part 4)

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(In the present.)

HawkDaddy I mean Hawkmoth's POV:

I Gabriel Agreste will stop at nothing to bring my wife and Best Friend back. Even if I have to end a few live to get there. I just hope when Emilie comes back she'll furrgive me. (Sorry had to.) MUWHAHAHAHAHAH*choke choke* I think I choked on a moth.(Stop killing Nooroo's Family)

(Back to the past.)

I was hiding behind a bush again watching the most beautiful goddess ever.She had sun the color of the sun and eyes' the color of beautiful emerald gems. She was so stunning but I don't know how to speak to her she is so amazing. She is the most of inspirations of my designs. "You need to stop stalking and ask her out Gabe." Tom whispered in my ear. I jump and scowl " "Your asking me to ask a goddess out the most beautiful lady on the planet out. I'm not good enough." I say's rubbing my arm while looking back at the beautiful princess. "OK time to stop playing chicken and start being a man." Tom say's dragging me towards Emilie. "No man please I can't speak proper sentence's in front---" I said as I flail my arms. I gave up struggling and walked up to Emilie. ""Hey ---um ---- sun up is your hot!!" I stutter and then run off. As I run I trip over a pair of steps and groan.

"Smooth Agreste real smooth." Tom say's as he help's me up. "Hey at least I tried you know how I am around Emilie. " I say as I walk with Tom as he start's walking to the park to get ready for his set. "TOMMYIKIN'S!!" I thought she died on the plane crash. Dang it I have to deal with that for the entire show. Maybe my mom was right she was a reincarnation of the devil. I told Tom " I am not dealing with that." I said pointing to Audrery.

I walk away and sit on a pair of step's and started drawing this shirt it was midnight black with several different colors that would hug the chest and a white jacket with blue jeans. I was just finishing the detail of the jacket when I heard the voices of the angel. "That's amazing Gabe." Emilie say's as she sit's beside me. I look at her and stutter "You thank ---I mean thank Emilie ---- I mean thank you Emilie." I mentally slap myself while muttering "Real smooth Agreste." She get's up to leave but for some reason I got up and I grab her wrist and stutter. "Hey you hang wanna out!!! I mean do you wanna hang out later after school." She smile the most purrfect set of teeth and say's "Sure Gabe.'' OMG she called me Gabe. We can grow up get married and three kids all named HMM Adrien, Emilie jr and forget having the third kid Two's fine.

I was to busy fanboying. I accidently bumped into a little old man (Master Fu ALERT ALERT) who was carrying groceries. "Sorry sir." I say as I help him and up. "Here let me carry these groceries to your place if there not far." I offer and pick up a few bags and walk with him to his place. I set them down on a small table and was about to leave when the old man said. "Wait let me give you something in return he say's as he hands me a black box with gold trimming around it. " Wow thank you. Have a nice day." I say running home.

What is this box Only the fandom knows?

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