Chapter 5

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Y/N Pov.

It's been a couple of days since the church incident when me and the other went back to the house, only to see a mansion in its place. Apparently, Azazel had some workers stop by after he left and used magic to build a bigger place. Chifuya and Satoshi loved their home, so the just built around the main house. Sona also called and enrolled Mittelt and Raynare to Kuoh Academy as a first year and fourth year student. This was to uphold the image of the joint protection program. She was also worried the Rias would have one of her peerage members try to do something to Chifuya and Satoshi while I'm at school. She also gave Dohnaseek and Kalawarner some fake IDs. Kalawarner is now Raynare and Mittelts'adoptive mother and Dohnaseek is their dad. As weird as it may seem, I can't help but think how well the roles seem to fit them. It's Monday today, which means I'm going to see Sona in her office later. I'm a bit curious as to what else I need to know. Mittelt already told me the majority of the things I need to know.

Mittelt: Hey Y/N? Are you alright? You're spacing out.

I look to my left and see Mittelt in a school uniform looking at me with worry.

Y/N: I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff.

Raynare: Well, while you were "thinking", we're here.

Everyone started looking at us, well more specifically Mittelt and Raynare. They were all making comments on how beautiful they were. I can't really complain. Mittelt is very cute and has this way with how she acts that adds to her charm. Raynare may by a bit rough, but her looks definitely make up for it, and her uniform is a good fit to emphasize her curves.

Y/N: Alright, let's get your schedules.

The three of us walked into the school where we were called over by a girl with white hair.

???: Y/N L/N?

Y/N: Yes?

???: It's a pleasure to officially meet you. My name is Momo Hanakai. I'm a member of the student council and I work directly under Sona as her bishop. I take these two are Mittelt and Raynare?

Y/N: Yeah, but Raynare goes under the alias Yuuma.

Momo: Understandable. Sona was going to be the one to welcome you two, but she got stuck in a meeting. I have your school schedules right here.

Momo then handed them their schedules and bowed.

Momo: I now welcome you to Kuoh Academy. I do hope your time here is educational and prosperous. 

She then turns and walks away. I turn to Raynare and Mittlet.

Y/N: Ok you two. Do you know the drill?

Raynare: We're not idiots.

Mittelt: Stay out of trouble and act like normal students.

Y/N: Good, and remember, I have a meeting with Sona later today. I'll try and not take too long.

Mittelt: Ok. Take care Y/N.

As Mittelt walked away with a slight skip in her step, Raynare and I went in the same direction. She then put on a fake smile and followed me to class. It was a bit weird for me to see since I've never seen her smile except when I first met her at the church. As we walked a lot of people were staring at us. Mostly just her, and just like with me, they made comments on her beauty.

Girl: Whoa! Look at her.

Girl: Yeah. she's gorgeous.

Boy: Man, what a hottie.

Boy: Dammit. L/N is hanging out with her.

Raynare: Are they all like this?

Y/N: Most of them are. Very few aren't.

After a few minutes we made it to class. I told her to wait outside for a moment. I told the teacher that there was a new student and went to sit down. I looked and noticed that Rias wasn't in class and Akeno didn't bother to look at me. To be honest I'm a bit glad. I'm still upset with what happened a few days ago. I still need to wrap my head around everything. Once I sat down, the teacher spoke.

Teacher: Alright everyone, settle down. We have a new student with us again.

Student: Another one?

Student: Please be a girl.

The teacher opened the door and motioned for Raynare to come in.

She stood in front of the class with that same fake smile that fooled almost everyone.

(Yuuma): Hello everyone. My name is Yuuma Amano. It's nice to meet all of you. I hope we can become great friends.

Boys: Yeeeeaaaaaahhh!!!!

Female: She's so pretty.

Teacher: Calm down! Now as usual ask any questions that are-

Student: Are you single!?

Teacher: Or not.

(Yuuma): Well, no, but I do have my eyes on someone.

Student: Where did you come from?

(Yuuma) I'm originally from Kyoto. I wanted to move here since I like smaller towns more than the big city.

Student: Do you know anyone here already?

(Yuuma): Yes. My little sister Mittelt is here. She's a couple years younger than me. I also know Y/N.

Everyone stared at me. I tried to shrink in my seat, but it didn't work.

Student: How do you know him exactly?

I looked at Raynare who slightly smirked while looking at me. She covered her mouth with her hand and spoke.

(Yuuma): Well, I'm living with him.

Boys: Huuuuuuuuuuuhhh!!!???

(Yuuma): He's been *very* welcoming.

Y/N: Allow me to explain. Her parents know my legal guardians. They didn't know I was living with them at the time, but they were alright with it.

Girl: But why did you come to Kuoh Academy?

(Yuuma): The school may have a poor reputation, but the academic experience is above average.

Teacher: I see, well if any of you have any more questions, please save them for after class. Why don't you sit behind Y/N.

(Yuuma): Thank you.

The class continued as it was supposed to, except for the fact the not only the boys, but Akeno was glancing at Raynare during the lesson. I noticed that she was starting to look a bit uncomfortable. I turned my head to look at Raynare. I nodded my head to see if she was going to be alright. She nodded back and looked at her notebook. After some time, the bell rang for lunch. Some of my classmates were leaving in groups to eat, but a few approached Raynare.

Girl: Hey Yuuma, do you want to eat with us?

Raynare looked surprised by the offer. She smiled and simply declined.

(Yuuma): Thanks, but I'd like to eat with Y/N if you don't mind.

Girls: *squeel* We don't mind at all. Got get'em girl.

The girls then left leaving only Y/N, Akeno, and Raynare.

Y/N: I didn't like how they phrased that.

Raynare: Aw, is the big bad God Eater scared of a little ol' me?

Y/N: That's not exactly what I meant.

Akeno looked like she wanted to try and say something, but before she could the door to our room opened. A girl with long hair and glasses stood at the door.

???: Y/N and Raynare I take it?

Y/N: Um-

Raynare: Who's asking?

???: My name is Tsubaki Shinra. I am the queen of Sona Sitris' peerage. I'm here to bring Y/N to the meeting with Sona. You along with the one called Mittelt were also invited to the meeting.

Raynare: Listen here four eyes-

Y/N: Thanks for coming to get us. Would you give us a moment.

Tsubaki: Of course, but please, try not to take too long. You are also required to attend Akeno.

Akeno: I am, but I thought it was only between Sona and Y/N.

Tsubaki: It was, but then something happened and now Rias and her peerage were involved. Would you please go on ahead. The meeting place hasn't changed.

Akeno looked slightly down. She probably thought that she was in trouble for what she did. She got up and left the room. Tsubaki bowed and closed the door.

Raynare: What the hell are you doing!?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Raynare: Why do I have to go to the stupid meeting with the devils!?

Y/N: So we can clear your name.

Raynare: What?

Y/N: Look, if you don't go then that would raise suspicion, but if you do go, we might be able to work together and learn who was trying to frame you. If you don't trust the devils, then at least trust me. I've been trying to help you since the church. I won't force you to go to this meeting, but it might do you and the others some good.

Raynare sat down and looked away form. I got up and walked to the door and saw Tsubaki standing there.

Y/N: Sorry, but she's not comfortable coming with us.

Tsubaki: That's understandable. Please follow me.

Y/N: Where exactly is the meeting.

Tsubaki: Originally, it was going to be in the student council office, but recent developments made more people get involved, and we don't have the space, so it was changed to the O.R.C. Don't worry though. The entire student council will be present to prevent any unnecessary conflict.

Y/N: That's reassuring.

3rd. Pov.

Raynare was sitting alone in the classroom with her arms crossed.

Raynare: Why do I have to go see those stupid devils? Why do I have to do what that human says? I'm a fallen angel. I'm above him.

Raynare then thought about what he said. She didn't want to admit it, but he made a point. If there's a way to clear her name, she wants to know who tried setting her up, but that would mean she would have to admit that Y/N was right. Raynare sulked at the thought. She bit her nails and thought about it for a moment.

Raynare: Damnit!

Raynare stood up and walked out the door. She tried to find out where Y/N went but couldn't see them. She then decided to sense for Tsubaki and went in the direction of the duo.

Meanwhile Tsubaki and Y/N made it to the O.R.C. Tsubaki opened the door for Y/N as he walked in first. Tsubaki followed after as they then walked towards the main room. Once Y/N got there he saw everyone there. Rias and her peerage, Sona and her peerage, along with Azazel and Mittelt standing next to him.

Azazel: Welcome to the party kid.

Mittelt: Where's Raynare?

Y/N; She didn't feel comfortable being here.

Sona: After everything that happened, I can't blame her for feeling unsafe.

Tsubaki: Please take a seat.

Y/N saw that there was an obvious seat over by Rias and her peerage, but Y/N was still upset with them, so he sat next to Azazel.

Y/N: So, what's this all about.

Sona: I decided to inform Rias about the plan with Azazel, however, to clarify the decision I wanted to make a request from you before officializing it.

Y/N: Sure, what is it?

Azazel: You need to tell her the truth behind your situation.

Sona: Azazel said it would be fine if whether if us did, but I wanted to know if you were comfortable with it.

Y/N: I see.

Rias: Before that, I just want to apologize for what happened. It was immature and selfish of me to attack everyone, and for trying to reincarnate you.

Y/N: Why does she have to know?

Everyone except for Azazel and Mittelt were surprised by what Y/N just said. Azazel simply smirked as He leaned forward in his seat.

Azazel: Well, she is the main overseer of Kuoh.

Y/N: So?

Sona: Anything supernatural has to be reported and then sent back to the underworld.

Y/N: But it's not supernatural.

Everyone: Huh?

Y/N: The Aragami can't use magic, or anything like that.

Mittlet: So, you mean to tell me that the monster that attacked us at the church was an animal?

Y/N: I mean, technically.

Azazel: I mean it did look like a dog.

Mittelt: But the one before that looked like a butterfly-woman.

Y/N: From what I can remember, Aragami can take different forms. Some are like animals while others look humanoid. Some may even look similar to each other.

Mittelt: But it used holy energy.

Y/N: Many Aragami can use different forms of power. The one from the other day was called Garm.

Tsubaki: The guard dog of Hel?

Y/N: Yes, but it's not the same as the one you are familiar. That's simply the codename it was given. It's not the real Garm.

Azazel: So, it's scientific?

Y/N: It's organic. Its whole body is made up of cells that work like a hive mind. They take commands from the core within its body.

Issei: Now I'm really confused.

Saji: Look, Y/N, the choice is simple. Since Rias and the others are still in the dark about all of this, they need to understand our decisions involving the recent events. Either you tell them, or we have to. Nobody likes the idea. I was against the idea, but with how things are right now, unless we tell them, this could start some unwanted conflict between faction.

Mittelt: Not like that would stop them.

Saji: Rude, but also fair. Look, either you take the responsibility of explaining all of this, or we have to. Either way, they have to know. We just want you to know that you could tell, since you have more specific details.

Y/N looked down and thought about it for a while. He hated how Rias practically used him to get to Mittelt and the others, just to try and kill them, but he also knew that Saji had a point. Rias wasn't his enemy; she just makes bad decisions.

Y/N: Fine. Where should I start?

Sona: How about from the beginning?

Y/N: I don't remember much. Most of my memory is blank.

Rias: What do you remember, if you don't mind me asking. How about your home?

Y/N: I was part of an anti-Aragami organization called Fenrir. I was stationed at the easter Eruopean branch.

Azazel: Is there more than one?

Y/N: I don't know, but there must be. My senior, Damien taught me a lot about what it means to be a god eater.

Issei: Any idea on how you got here?

Y/N: No. Nothing comes to mind. The last thing I remember is fight Aragami in some kind of storm with someone. I think I knew her, but I can't remember her name, or her face.

Azazel: What about that weapon you used.

Kiba: You mean that sword?

Azazel: You've seen it?

Kiba: Yeah, Even with Sword Birth, I can't make it. Either I'm doing it wrong, or it's not a sword.

Y/N: It's a god arc; the weapon of a god eater.

Kiba: What is it exactly?

Y/N: It's hard to explain, but it's basically a living weapon. It's the only thing that can kill, maybe even harm an aragami.

Kiba: But why is it that I can't create it. My sacred gear, Sword Birth, allows me to create any sword with any ability, so why can't I make a sword like yours. It could easily have features like turning into a gun.

Azazel: Probably cause it's alive.

Kiba: Huh?

Azazel: From what we can understand that arc is the only thing that can kill an aragami because it's made from the parts of an aragami.

Rias: Where is this going?

Sona: Rias, what do you think could kill an aragami before the weapon was made?

Rias seemed confused at first and held her chin in her hand.

Rias: 'What could kill an aragami before the weapons' creation? If what Y/N said was true then nothing could.'

Rias kept trying to think until it hit her.

Rias: 'Wait, that would mean-'

Azazel: Figured it out?

Koneko: Can someone fill us in?

Rias: If the arc wasn't made, the only thing that could kill an aragami, would be another aragami. But that would mean that the arc is an aragami.

Y/N: As far as I understand, magic doesn't exist in my world.

Akeno: That leaves us with even more questions.

Sona: Maybe not.

Mittelt: How do you figure that?

Sona: Think about it. If magic doesn't exist in Y/Ns' world, then something or someone from our world brought him here.

Issei: Any idea on who, or why?

Sona: Not really, but whatever the reason is, an absurd amount of power would be required to do something like teleportation from another world.

Azazel: But that leads back to the question of who and why?

Sona: I don't have any idea, but that's about everything.

Rias: So, what now?

Azazel: Until I can find out who gave the false orders, the Sitri girl and I agreed to have them stationed here as protection for Y/N. And since this little devil agreed to it, we can keep quiet about it. Until we know what's going on, we can't make any sudden moves.

Rias: Where does Y/N fit in with all of this though?

Sona: According to the order of events, Y/N entered our world on the same day the Aragami appeared, which means both were brought here at the same time. The thing is, as far as we know, Y/N is the only human that came from his world. Whoever or whatever is behind his teleportation here, never intended to bring him here. Just the aragami.

Azazel: Which means, they could already know about his world.

Everyone else went silent. When Y/N was shocked to hear this.

Rias: And you both are sure we have no leads?

Sona: I'm sure.

Azazel: I can't think of anyone at the moment.

Sona: Which leads to why I wanted to speak with you the other day Y/N.

Y/N: What?

Sona: Since these aragami come from your world, and you are the only one who can actually kill them, I have a request.

Rias: Wait, can't my Power of Destruction Kill them.

Y/N: Unless you can aim for their core, you aren't killing anything.

Koneko: What if we destroy the whole thing at once?

Y/N: Can you?

Koneko: Rias might.

Y/N: Not likely then.

Rias: What do you mean? The Power of Destruction can destroy anything.

Y/N: In your world, maybe, but magic doesn't exist in my world. The rule might not apply.

Rias: Only one way to find out, I guess.

A voice called out from the entrance of the room.

???: That won't be necessary.

Everyone looked and saw Raynare leaning against the entrance with her arms crossed.

Issei: What the hell is she doing here!?

Mittelt: Weren't you listening? We were given false orders when we came here. Someone else wanted us to kill you.

Raynare: If you ever bothered to use more than two percent of your brain maybe you could keep up with the rest of us.

Akeno: Ara~ Such a sharp tongue you have.

Raynare: And what a dumb bitch you must be.

The two smiled at each other, but everyone could feel the hostility between them.

Mittelt: A-anyway, Y/N is right. We tried attacking one with our light spears, but it didn't do anything to it. Not to mention it looked completely different than the one that was at the church later. The barrier we put up hardly contained it.

Azazel: That was something else. Even I was struggling to keep it up every time it hit the wall we put up.

Sona: Back at the topic. Y/N my request is simple. Since you are the only one who can effectively kill them, I would like to hire you in a way.

Y/N: Hire me?

Sona: If you agree to eliminate any aragami in the area it would be greatly appreciated. Not only would it help control whatever damage they may cause, but we might also be able to find out who or what is bringing them into our world. Your efforts won't go unrewarded by the way. I have full intentions of compensating you for your endeavors.

Azazel: I'd like to add that I'm curious on how these aragami work. If you can give me information on them, I'll pay you handsomely, who knows; maybe I'll be able to upgrade your fancy sword with what I've got.

Y/N: Are there any aragami outside of Kuoh?

Sona: As far as we know, there aren't. It appears that the only sittings have been here. I wish for us to control this as soon as possible. We won't force you to, but it would certainly help us.

Y/N looked down and thought to himself for a moment.

Y/N: 'If I do this, I could get some answers on what's going on. I might even be able to find a way home, but without all of my memories I doubt I'll be very useful to Damien and any other people I may have worked with. But still, it's better than doing nothing. Maybe a memory will trigger along the way.'

Everyone is silent, looking at Y/N with anticipation. Y/N looks at everyone with a determined face.

Y/N: I'm still getting used to all of this, but if there's even a chance that I can recover my memories and get back home, I'll take it.

Sona slightly smiled at his response, but quickly went back to her usual neutral expression.

Sona: Thank you for cooperating with this. I will do my best to support you with whatever I can provide.

Azazel: Same here kid. I'll see what I can make for you with the data I collect from the aragami.

Sona: Well, I'd say this concludes the meeting. Lord Azazel, we'll be in touch.

Azazel: Good. Mittelt, Raynare, I'm counting on you two and the others to continue supporting Y/N and protecting his guardians. The Yokai caught wind of all of this and told me to handle it, so try and get along.

Mittelt: Yes sir.

Raynare: Fine.

Azazel smiled and teleported away. Y/N then turned to Sona and her peerage.

Sona: I'll be in touch as soon as something comes up.

Y/N: Ok. Thanks again for everything.

Sona simply nodded and left the building. Y/N walked over to Raynare and Mittelt.

Y/N: Well, I'd say that went well.

Mittelt: it certainly went better than I expected. I thought we were in major trouble.

Raynare: That's just how Lord Azazel is. So merciful and kind.

Y/N: Why did you come to the meeting anyway? I thought didn't want to be here.

Mittelt: Were you worried about us?

Raynare: Don't be ridiculous! I only came to this dump because Lord Azazel was here.

Y/N and Mittelt stared at Raynare as she was avoiding their gaze. Raynare went to turn her head away, but Y/N noticed that her ears were slightly red. Y/N smiled and stopped staring.

Y/N: Well, aren't you a devoted follower.

Mittelt: I still don't buy it.

While the three were talking with each other, Rias looked at her peerage.

Rias: Do you mind going on ahead. I'd like to talk with Y/N in private.

Kiba: Right now?

Akeno: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Koneko: He doesn't seem to like you.

Issei: Yeah! Besides, what if he tries to hurt you? It would be better if we all stuck around.

Rias: I understand that you're all worried, but I'll be fine. I need to do this.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what to do. Follow Rias' command or disobey her orders.

Akeno: If that's what you want.

Issei: Akeno!

Akeno: It's what she wants. She's not asking as our friend, but as our king. We have to leave this to her.

Kiba: I don't like it either Issei, but after everything that's happened, I think it's a good call. Besides, she's the strongest of us.

Koneko: Relax perv. Give her some space. You almost sound obsessive.

Koneko then proceeded to drag Issei out of the room. Y/N, Mittelt and Raynare noticed this and looked at Rias. Y/N sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Y/N: You two go on ahead.

Raynare: Whatever.

Mittelt: No way! What if she tries to reincarnate you?

Y/N slightly lowered his head, so his hair covered his eyes. The next words he said were so surprising, that even Rias felt a little on edge.

Y/N: Then I'll kill her.

Everyone was surprised by this statement. Y/N, for as far as they know, doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would do something, let alone say it so casually.

Mittelt: You don't really mean that, do you?

Raynare: Even I think it's a stupid attempt. Her older brother is one of the leaders of the entire devil race.

Y/N: From what I remember, I kill monsters on a daily basis. If she does try anything, it'll be an act of self-defense.

Raynare: Are you nuts!? Her brother is considered the strongest devil, and a major sis-con! He'll kill if he finds out!

Y/N: Then I'll kill him too.

Mittelt: Y/N, I consider you a friend, so believe me when I say; that's a bad idea.

Y/N: More of my memories are coming back. That means my old personality is resurfacing, along with my combat experience.

Raynare: It's official! You're stupider than the perv! You are the stupidest human I have ever-

Mittelt: Alright.

Raynare: Huh?

Mittelt: I believe in you.

Raynare: Are you really as stupid as him!?

Mittelt: Relax Raynare. He's strong, not stupid. Good luck.

Mittelt: Walked out leaving just Raynare, who was in disbelief.

Raynare: You know what? Fine! I don't care. If you do die, at least I don't have to listen to your stupidity!

Rayanre then stormed out of the room. Y/N sat down across from Rias.

Rias: Thank you for being willing to stay.

Y/N: Just say what you want.

Rias: R-right. Well, for starters I'd like to apologize for the misunderstanding two nights ago.

Y/N: Misunderstanding?

Rias: Yes. I didn't know that the fallen angels you were associated with were being set up by another party.

Y/N: Is that all?

Rias: No. I'd also like to apologize for attacking you. I assumed that you were under the effect of some kind of hypnosis. When you said you had amnesia, I figured that you felt lonely without any actual family.

Y/N: And you thought that by enslaving me, that would make things better?

Rias: Yes, I mean no! Even My family treats our servants like family. If anything, I wanted to give you a home and people you can come to enjoy the company of.

Y/N: So, the elderly couple and their home weren't enough to you?

Rias: N-no! That's not what I-

Y/N: Let me ask you something. When you choose to enslave someone, do you think of what you could gain, or disregard what they could have?

Rias: What?

Y/N: Nothing, it's just, when I told you about my situation, you seemed happy that I was doing alright, but you still tried to take me away from it all.

Rias: I only wanted to make you happy.

Y/N: But why did it have to be enslavement!? You could've done anything else to help me, but you chose to not only attack me, but you attempted to enslave me. Against my will might I add.

Rias: I know that, and I'm sorry.

Y/N: Are you?

Rias: What?

Y/N: Are you actually sorry or are you just saying that in hopes of me saying yes later when you've gained my trust. I don't think you understand what you did Rias. You lied to me, you used me, you manipulated me, and then you tried to enslave me. Do you have any idea what that's like!?

Rias: I-I'm sor-


Rias flinched when he yelled. She was already feeling awkward around him after learning everything, but now she was straight up uncomfortable. What was supposed to be a genuine apology was now a scolding that Rias wasn't expecting, and she felt bad. Every world cut like a knife. Every fact hit like a punch in her gut. She couldn't even look at Y/N at this point. She wasn't disappointed, just ashamed.

Y/N: You had every opportunity to tell me something, but you didn't. You had many chances to do something good, but you didn't. I feel like an idiot for thinking you were my friend.

Rias: Y/N, I am. I did something stupid and unforgivable, but I can be better. I can do better. You can still trust me.

Y/N: Prove it.

Rias: Huh?

Y/N: Tell me the rea reason why you wanted to reincarnate me.

Rias' eyes widened as she finally had the strength to look at Y/N.

Y/N: What? did you think I was stupid. There's a thing called ulterior motive.

Rias was shocked that Y/N was so observant. She didn't want to admit it, but he once again stated a fact. While Rias was trying to give Y/N a better life in her peerage, but that doesn't mean there wasn't another reason. At this point Rias once again avoided his gaze as she looked down, holding her hands.

Y/N: Well?

Rias: I'm sorry.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm sorry for me too.

Y/N got up from his chair and started walking away. Rias looked up and saw him leaving.

Rias: 'No. Please don't leave. Don't leave me alone. I want you to understand.'

Rias didn't understand why she was so desperate to earn Y/Ns' forgiveness. She was trying so hard to. Perhaps it was due to how she saw the real him as a young yet mature individual, similar to her. Perhaps it was curiosity. Maybe it was the fact that since he knew so little about the supernatural, she could tell him things that she couldn't tell anyone else. So why? Why was it so difficult to tell him now? Rias snapped out of her train of thought and saw that Y/N was already at the door, but out of desperation, she dashed over to him and grabbed his free hand. She looked down as she was still too ashamed to meet his gaze.

Y/N: Let go of me Rias.

Rias: ....

Y/N: I mean it. Let go of me!

Rias: I'm engaged.

Y/N: What?

Rias: You wanted to know the other reason.

Y/N: Is that supposed to change my mind?

Rias: Please, just sit and let me explain.

Y/N was skeptical ever since the incident at the docks, but Rias was telling him what he wanted. He decided to listen to her.

Y/N: Fine, but you better not lie or leave out any details.

The two sat back down and were silent. Y/N was already impatient, while Rias was nervous.

Y/N: Well? I'm waiting.

Rias: ... *sigh* How much do you know about the devils of our world.

Y/N: Not much.

Rias: There are two kinds of devils in the underworld. Half-blood and Pure bloods. A half-blood is a devil crossed with someone else, while a pure blood is a devil born from only devil parents. I am a pure-blooded devil. For as long as I can remember most pure-bloods despised half-bloods. My family didn't think that.

Y/N: What does that have to do with this.

Rias: You see, devils have an extremely low birth rate. A few hundred years ago we participated in a war with the other biblical factions. We lost a lot of people, so the devil council decided that in order to "preserve" our pure heritage, pure bloods should marry each other. My brother, at the time wasn't against the idea. A few years after I was born, my parents set up an arranged marriage between myself and the son of a close friend of my father. My brother agreed to it. I did not. No matter how much I begged them, they didn't drop the marriage. The man I am to marry is a despicable womanizer. He's only using our arranged marriage for his own satisfaction. I came to terms with the fact that my family wouldn't help me escape the wedding, so I did it myself. I made a request to oversee Kuoh as an escape from it all, but knowing my parents, they still intend for me to marry my fiancé. The deal was for me to stay here for high school. While I was here, I was looking for strong people to reincarnate into my peerage. I was hoping that their strength would help me escape my own personal hell, but along the way I grew fond of them. I felt like I had the family that I always wanted. One that would love me and help me when I needed them the most.

At this point, Rias broke down in tears. She held her face as tears slipped between her fingers. Y/N was in shock. Rias was so desperate for an escape that she told herself such a lie, she believed in it. The anger and hatred that he felt vanished, and in its place was nothing but pity.

Rias: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Those words were constantly being repeated as she cried while Y/N thought that it was her apologizing to him, in truth she was also apologizing to her peerage. Y/N stood up and walked over to her. His hair covering his eyes. Rias heard him and wiped her face. Stains from the tears remained on her face as her eyes were now red. She stood up and smiled sadly at him.

Rias: I'm sorry for almost forcing you into my problems. You have every right to hate me. I'll leave you and the fallen angels alone from now on. It was nice though. Dreaming that a devil like me could have a happily ever after.

Y/N opened his arms and pulled Rias into a hug. Her eyes widened as she fell into the embrace. Tears began to form on her eyes once more. She couldn't speak. She used all of her strength to tell him to let go, to not forgive her, but instead, a single word escaped her lips.

Rias: Why?

Y/N truly didn't know. Perhaps it was because he felt pity. Perhaps it's because her tears seemed genuine. Perhaps it was because she was so sorry for what she had done and tried to do. Y/N didn't know, but he did know one thing.

Y/N: You knew you were in the wrong. No matter how much of a good person you are, you still wronged so many people, but right now, you admitted it. That's not easy. Even though what you did was wrong, I had no right to judge you since I didn't know that truth. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not understanding, I'm sorry for judging you, and I'm sorry for what you've gone through.

Rias grabbed onto him as if her life depended on it. her legs gave way as they both fell to the ground. Rias was crying out loud as if no one was around. Y/N simply kept holding her. Even though he wasn't crying, he still felt some pain in his heart knowing Rias had suffered so much that it changed her. Now, he simply wanted to comfort the broken girl. The two held each other for a good amount of time. Though Rias stopped crying, she still held onto Y/N whimpering as her breathing was shaky. She took in one more deep breath and pulled away. She looked down so Y/N couldn't see her face, but Y/N simply lifted her face and wiped her remaining tears away with his thumb.

Y/N: Feel better?

Rias: A little. Thank you.

Y/N nodded as the two looked at each other for a moment.

Y/N: You admitted to what you did. Now you need to make things right with the others.

Rias: Will they forgive me like you did? I've been lying to them for so long.

Y/N: If they truly love you like you say they do, then they will. It doesn't need to be now, but you should tell them sooner rather than later.

Rias: You're right. I need to prove myself, not just with words, but with action as well.

The two slowly stood up. Rias looked at Y/N, but she suddenly blushed and looked away.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Rias: Um, your uniform.

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N looked at his uniform and saw a big wet spot on his shoulder. He sweat dropped and slightly blushed as he had an awkward smile.

Y/N: It's no big deal. Luckily, it's only on my blazer.

He took his blazer and much to his satisfaction, his school shirt was still dry.

Y/N: I'd better get going.

Rias: R-right. Thank you again.

Y/N: You're welcome. See you around.

Y/N walked out of the building as Rias sat back down. She held her chest as her blush had gotten worse.

Rias: What is this? I can't like him like that can I. I hardly know him, and yet-

She held her hand at her chest even tighter.

Rias: I've never been like that with anyone, not even my own family. So why?

Rias then looks at the door Y/N walked out of.

Rias: Why did he make me feel like that. Why does he make me feel so safe?

Unbeknownst to Rias, a colorful looking bird was watching everything from outside a window. it burst into flames as it the later appeared in a dimly lit room. The silhouette of a man sitting on a couch, surrounded by woman opens his eyes. the bird then starts squawking.

???: So, a mere human thinks he can steal the Heart of Rias? What a joke.

???2: Should we teach this worm a lesson my lord?

???: No. It won't matter. In only two days, the princess of destruction will forever be in the clutches of the phoenix.

The man lifted his hand and a flame appeared, floating above it.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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