Chapter 4

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3rd. Pov.

It was a new day and Y/N was beginning to stir in his sleep. He woke up to the smell of food and the sound of dishes. He smiled and got up from the couch. He heard scurrying from the kitchen and listened closely to it. He heard Mittelt talking with Chifuya.

Mittelt: This is all just so nerve racking.

Chifuya: It can't be that bad.

Mittelt: Are you kidding? My boss is coming here. Considering what we did and how devils are now involved, we'll probably be killed, or exiled, or worse, branded as strays!

Chifuya: Calm down. Y/N's still asleep.

Mittelt: Sorry.

Chifuya: Now listen. It won't be that bad. If your boss tries to harm any of you, I'm certain that Y/N will protect you, and since he cares so much for all of you, I'll help as well.

Mittelt: No offence but, we've only known each other for a day. How can you be so trusting?

Chifuya looked at the food she was preparing and solemnly smiled.

Chifuya: Did I ever tell you about my old job?

Mittelt simply shook her head and Y/N leaned against the wall and continued to listen.

Chifuya: I used to be a nurse before I got married. My line of work was involved with saving lives and providing emotional comfort for my patients. One day I got a patient who was caught in an armed robbery gown bad. A young man not much older than Y/N. He was hurt pretty bad and needed surgery.

Mittelt: Did he make it?

Chifuya: Of course, he did. He was scheduled to be released after a week or so. Little did I know that he was the son of a gang leader, and that "robbery" was an assassination attempt. I didn't know this until after the police "interrogated" him when I was away. He cried from the pain, but his eyes seemed empty. Almost as if he was expecting death. Never in my life was I so disgusted by human beings. So, I protected him. When the hit man showed up the police let him go right to the boy, and there I was, standing over him, with a bloody scalpel in my hand. The police later arrested me, but I was then freed after a couple of hours. That's when I met that boy's father. He cried as he held my hands, thanking me for what I did. Even though I lost my job and my reputation was ruined, I knew what I did was right.

Mittelt: What about the boy? What happened to him?

Chifuya: He came to my apartment and thanked me as well. He wished to compensate me but turned down the money.

Mittelt: Why?

Chifuya: Because saving his life was what I believed was right. If my superiors ordered me to let him die, I still wouldn't have let it happen. Being selfless is a blessing. People are often greedy, hoping that if they try and underhand someone then they will reap the benefits, but karma always has a way of punishing you. Not many people think of others before themselves. Last night when Y/N said that your leader was coming here, I saw a bit of that boy in you. Your eyes seemed almost just as empty.

Chifuya then went and held Mittlet close to her, like a mother holding her child.

Chifuya: But you don't have to worry, because if push comes to shove, I'll protect you, because to me your life is just that precious.

Mittelt then started to tear up a bit. Chuifuya pulled away and saw this, so she wiped the tears away with her thumb while smiling.

Chifuya: There's no need to cry. Save your tears for only the most joyous occasions.

Mittlet giggled a little as the two of them went back to cooking, enjoying each other's company. Y/N was about to walk away, but was soon called out.

Chifuya: You know Y/N, if you wanted to listen as well, you didn't have to sneak by.

Y/N walked out and sheepishly smiled while scratching the back of his head.

Y/N: Sorry. You two were talking and I didn't want to intrude.

Mittelt, who was so embarrassed, hid her face as it started to turn five different shades of red.

Mittelt: Say something next time! Don't just listen in on someone else's conversation!

???: If you're yelling so much then I guess it's time to get up huh?

Everyone turned to a figure standing next to Y/N. It was Kalawarner who was wearing what appeared to be a yukata. There was just one small problem. It wasn't exactly big enough for her, so it clung to her body tightly, making it compliment her curves.

Kalawarner: What? It was the only thing that could fit me.

Chifuya: My apologies. Even I never grew that big back in my days. Doesn't mean I wasn't a looker though.

Kalawarner: It's fine. I will admit that you have some nice taste though. Do we know when the boss will show up?

Y/N: No. I was only told that it was going to be today. There's also Sona coming over as well during lunch.

Kalawarner: If they both show up at the same time, I can only imagine what kind of disaster will occur.

Y/N: There's no use worrying about it now.

Chifuya: I agree. Kala, would you be a dear and go get the others? Breakfast is almost ready.

Kalawarner: Sure.

Chifuya: Y/N, would you please set the table and get some extra chairs.

Y/N: Alright.

The two of them left leaving Mittlet and Chifuya alone in the kitchen once again.

Chifuya: Now then, how about we get ready to serve our guests our amazing cooking.

Mittelt: Hai!


Once everyone was up and at the table, they said grace and started eating Mittelt was a bit nervous since she made most of the food by herself.

Y/N: Mm. This is really good.

Dohnaseek: Indeed. You certainly have improved Mittelt.

Y/N: Wait. Mittelt, you made this?

Mittelt: Y-yeah. Do you like it?

Kalawarner: I for one love it.

Satoshi: Agreed. It's almost as good as my wife's cooking.

Raynare: It's alright.

Kalawarner: Oh, don't be like that. You love it and you know you do.

Everyone laughed as Raynares' face got slightly red as just kept quiet and ate.

Y/N: I hate to be the one to bring this up while we're all eating, but what am going to expect when Azazel gets here.

Kalawarner: A joke.

Dohnaseek: Disappointment.

Mittelt: Nothing special.

Y/N: What?

Mittelt: Lord Azazel may be one of our leaders, but he doesn't really act like one.

Kalawarner: It's true. When he should be doing his work by organizing paperwork, but instead he's working on his experiments or slacking off. He's too laid back for his own good.

Dohnaseek: It's also one of the reasons why us fallen aren't taken as seriously as the other factions.

Y/N: So, I shouldn't be worried?

Kalawarner: Nope. He might act tough when he gets here, but that's not the real him. Just call him out on his bluff and you'll be fine.

Y/N: He doesn't sound that bad anymore.

Raynare: Of course not. He may be our boss, but he's so kind and approachable.

Dohnaseek: Ignore her. She has a crush on him so none of her words are reliable.

Raynare: I may admire our leader, but that doesn't mean you can't trust my words. It's all true.

Mittelt: We know they are, but when you say it, they seem more eccentric than they should be.

Raynare: Hmph. You just don't know how to appreciate such a wonderful person.

Kalawarner: Like you appreciated Y/N and his guardians when they offered us a place to stay?

Raynare just blushed and looked away from everyone.

Chifuya: It's alright. Raynare is just not that good at expressing herself appropriately.

Mittelt: Understatement of the century.

Everyone kept eating and talking together as if they were a real family. Y/N looked around the table and smiled as he took another bite of his food.

After a few minutes everyone finished eating and cleaned up the table. It was getting close to the afternoon. Everyone was preparing themselves for Azazel when suddenly-

*Knock* *Knock*

They all froze and looked at the front door. Y/N slowly walked over to the door. He looked back at the others and saw Satoshi and Chifuya nod at him. He slowly gipped and doorknob. and opened the front door. When he opened it, a man wearing a coat was looking down at him.

Y/N: Yes?

???: Are you Y/N?

Y/N: Yes?

The man smirked, letting some of his power out to intimidate Y/N.

Y/N: Oh. You must be Azazel.

The man lost his smirk and just looked surprised.

Y/N: The others told me about you. They said you would do something like this and that it was just a joke. Welcome to my home. Please come in.

Y/N stepped out of the way allowing Azazel to walk inside. He was a bit disappointed that his scare tactic failed.

Azazel: Well, that was a wash. Come on Vali.

Following behind him was a boy that appeared to be around Y/N's age. He didn't say anything, but when he approached Y/N he just smirked at him.

Y/N led them to the living room where everyone was. Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt were all sitting on the couch. Dohnaseek, Chifuya, and Satoshi were all sitting on individual chairs. Azazel took a seat on the sofa opposite from the girls while Vali stood behind him.

Azazel: So, Let's get down to business. What happened.

Raynare: Well, we were given the orders and complied. We arrived here and carried them out, just as you wanted.

Azazel: And what were these orders exactly?

Kalawarner: To eliminate any and all Sacred Gear users in the area.

Azazel: Where did you get these orders? Who told you?

Dohnaseek: A mid class fallen angel relayed them to us sir.

Azazel: Anything else?

Mittelt: Yeah. He gave us a letter of confirmation with your signature.

Azazel: Do you still have it?

Mittelt: Yeah.

Mittelt pulled out from one of her pockets a folded note and handed it to Azazel. When he opened it, it did indeed have his signature and everything. 

Azazel: While I admire your commitment, this isn't the mission I gave you.

Raynare: ...What?

Azazel: The job that I assigned you was to observe and collect data on sacred gear users. Also, this isn't my writing.

Everyone gathered around and looked at the letter in confusion.

Azazel: It would appear that somebody used magic to change the message.

Dohnaseek: So, all this time-

Kalawarner: We've been following-

Raynare: The wrong orders?

Azazel: Yep. You've been duped.

The three fallen fell to their knees, depressed by the massive failure. Mittlet however asked the important question.

Mittelt: Who would want to change your orders, and why?

Azazel: That's the question isn't it. Who and why. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue. Our kind always had a tendency to do our own thing and screw each other over.

Azazel put the letter in his pocket and smiled at Y/N.

Azazel: But I'm not here to talk about that. I want to know more about you.

Y/N: What do you want to know?

Azazel: Well for starters-

*ding dong*

Dohnaseek: Were you expecting anyone else?

Azazel: Not that I know of.

Y/N: Wait. What time is it?

Kalawarner: Almost noon. Why?

Y/N: I know who it is. I'll be right back.

Y/N got up and hurried over to the front door. When he opened the door, he saw Sona standing there in a casual outfit.

Sona: Greetings Y/N.

Y/N: Sona. Wow. You look amazing.

Sona was not prepared for the compliment and blushed. She tried to play it off, but only could look away and pout.

Sona: I'm here on official business not some kind of casual get together.

Y/N: Sorry. Come in. Everyone is in the Livingroom.

Sona: Everyone?

Y/N led Sona inside and she was surprised to see not only Y/Ns' legal guardians, but also the leader of the fallen angels including the fallen angels that were at the abandoned church.

Sona: What is going on?

Azazel:  A meeting that was set up thanks to you.

Sona: I thought you would be gone by now?

Azazel: You make it sound like I shouldn't be here.

Sona: No. What I mean is, I was under the impression that we would speak with Y/N at different times.

Azazel: Well, you're here now so, why not join us. Besides, I think you might want to know about a new development.

Sona begrudgingly sat down in one of the chairs as Y/N sat back down on the couch. Sona looked over to Y/N for an explanation.

Y/N: Apparently, Mittelt and the others were given false orders. Someone amongst the fallen angels changed the mission Azazel gave them. We don't know who or why.

Sona: That does explain a lot. Sadly, I have even worse news.

Y/N: What happened?

Sona: Last night when you were searching for the other fallen, one of my peerage members noticed something about the church. Apparently, the inside has changed. It looks like some kind of nest now. They also noticed strange creatures swarming around.

Y/N: Aragami?

Sona: They called for backup to eliminate them, but none of their attacks did anything.

Vali: Maybe they were just too weak.

Sona glared at Vali about his comment who simply shrugged.

Sona: They aren't weak. Their attacks literally did nothing. My queen even has a sacred gear that absorbs attacks and fires them back at her target couldn't even put a scratch on them. None of the monsters possess magic so they can't be strays. Which is one of the reasons why I'm here. Y/N, you clearly know what they are. I would like your assistance in exterminating the nest. If it were to remain it's only a matter of time before it expands and threatens the lives of the people.

Raynare: Excuse me, but aren't we here to discuss exactly who or what Y/N is?

Azazel: True, but maybe we can do both at the same time.

Mittelt: What do you mean?

Vali: Y/N is to go to the nest, and you all observe me from a distance. That's what you're implying we do, right?

Azazel: Precisely. We get our answers, and he kills those Aragami things. It's a win-win.

Everyone looked at Y/N who was staring out into space.

Sona: Y/N?

Y/N: Huh?

Sona: Will you help us?

Y/N: Oh. Sure.

Kalawarner: That was easy. Why so cooperative?

Y/N: Why not. As far as I'm concerned, none of the stuff you all did was technically your fault. You were just lied to and used. I'll grab my case.

Y/N got up and walked away as Azazel looked at Chifuya.

Azazel: He's a good kid.

Chifuya: I know. It's hard to believe that he's from another world.

Everyone froze and stared at Chifuya in shock.

Dohnaseek: He's what?

Azazel: Did you say another world. How's that possible?

Satoshi: We don't know. My wife and I just sat down to enjoy the evening and he just came out of a gust of wind.

Vali: Teleportation?

Azazel: Not likely. Mittelt, did he tell you anything about this?

Mittelt: Yeah. At first, I didn't believe him, but after he told me about what he remembered about his world it started to sound, well, real.

Azazel: This just keeps getting better and better.

Y/N walked out with his case on his back.

Y/N: Everyone ready?

Sona: Seems like it. I'll teleport us to the church grounds, once Lord Azazel gives us permission of course.

Azazel: Do you even need to ask?

Chifuya: Not yet.

Everyone looked at Chifuya as she held a bento box in her hands.

Chifuya: I know you're strong, but even strong men need to eat. A full belly means fully power.

Chifuya handed Y/N the box and gave him a hug.

Chifuya: Promise me you'll be careful.

Y/N hugged back and smiled.

Y/N: I promise.

Y/N stepped back next to Sona and Azazel.

Azazel: You too.

Raynare: Us!?

Azazel: You were given false orders and carried them out. You're all involved in this. Come on.

The Four fallen begrudgingly stepped into the circle as everyone was teleported to the church. Once they arrived, the first thing they noticed was how different the church actually looked. Not only did it look destroyed, but now there looked to be some kind of web like substance all around it.

Kalawarner: I'm surprised that nobody has noticed this.

Sona: My peerage has put up a barrier to mask its appearance. They're around the area.

Azazel: How long have they been at it?

Sona: Before I joined all of you.

Azazel: All right gang, time to work off your probation.

Fallen Angels: Huuuuuuhhh!!!???

Azazel: What? Did you actually think that you were gonna be heading home free of a punishment. You still broke the rules to the cease fire agreement. I'll think of a long-term punishment for you four, but for now help reinforce the barrier.

The four slumped and placed their hands in front of the barrier, adding their magic to it.

Azazel: Vali, I want you to go with him.

Vali: What?

Azazel: What? Did you think I brought you with to go sightseeing? Besides, if you're lucky, you'll get a chance to fight some unknown monsters. Y/N's in charge though, so play nice.

Vali: *sigh*

Y/N and Vali walked through the barrier as Sona and Azazel stayed behind.

Sona: Be careful you two.

Azazel: And tell me what's going on in there.

Y/N nodded as he and Vali walked towards the church. Y/N stopped and pulled his God Arc out of his case.

Y/N: Thanks for the help.

Vali: Just don't hold me back.

Y/N: As long as you don't get too full of yourself.

Y/N and Vali ran up to the church entrance and peeked through the broken door. Y/Ns' eyes widened at the sight. The inside had some crystals stuck to the ground and walls along with some half-eaten corpses littering the ground.

Vali: What the hell?

Y/N: A single aragami couldn't have done this. Kepp your eyes peeled for any movement. We need to be extra careful from this point on.

Vali and Y/N slowly entered the building looking for any signs of recent activity.

Vali: So, what should we expect?

Y/N: Small aragami in large groups along with a medium size aragami.

Vali: What about you?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Vali: What can you do?

Y/N: My God Arc can change between a sword, a rifle, and a shield. I can change my positioning from close range to long range. Let's spread out a bit. What about you? 

Vali smirked and a pair of white and blue wings appeared from his back.

Vali: It's called Divine Dividing. I can halve the power of anything I touch, even their size.

The wings vanished as soon as they appeared as Y/N looked in awe.

Y/N: Cool. Well now I'm really glad you're here. Let's see if we can find anything.

Vali went over to the left side of the church while Y/N went over to the right. Y/N looked around and noticed scratch marks on the walls. He put his hand over them as he got a chill up his spine.

Y/N: This wasn't from that one.

He then looked down to think but noticed that he was standing on charred wood. it was almost as if something had burned the floor.

Y/N: What in the hell?

Over with Vali, he was slowly walking over to a half open door creaking back and forth. His hands transformed into gauntlets as he slowly pushed the door open. Peeking inside, he saw mangled bodies of stray priests and nuns littering the room. He covered his nose to block the smell. Even though there were flies buzzing around, Vali noticed that some of the blood was still fresh. He walked in to try and find any clues. Once he did, he first noticed that there was some kind of iron maiden in the corner. 

He walked up to it and knocked on it to see if anything would happen.

Vali: A bit old school don't you think Albion?

The blue gem from his gauntlets glowed slightly.

Albion: I agree. I've never heard of a stray priest or nun using an iron maiden. Let's look around for more clues.

Vali turned back around and examined the room and noticed something important.

Vali: That's weird. All of these bodies have different signs of death. One's been bitten in half, another has claw marks, and the last one has holes in it.

Albion: So, either whatever killed them has an arsenal of weapons-

Vali: Or three different things killed them. Let's catch up with Y/N.

Vali took one step forward only to stop when he heard a creaking sound coming from behind him. He slowly turned and saw that the iron maiden was slowly opening. Vali was now faced with an open iron maiden. Soon, a body fell out of it with holes in it.

Vali: What the-

Before he could finish a spike launched out of the iron maiden and went towards Vali. With little time to react, Vali raised his arms and blocked the attack. He lost his balance and was crashed against the back wall. Y/N head this and was about to head over to Vali. He was about to get to him, but suddenly some green looking aragami sprouted from the ground knocking him back.

As soon as he saw it, memories started flooding back to him until he remembered what it was.

Y/N: Dreadpike? Shit. Vali, hang on!

Vali: No need to tell me twice!

Two more of these things sprouted from the ground behind Y/N. They all charged at Y/N at the same time. Y/N turned and jumped over one of the pews that was half intact. Two of them collided as one followed him. Y/N kept running past the pews as the dreadpike blasted through them with ease. Y/N changed his god arc to its rifle form and started shooting the dreadpike as he kept running. Eventually, Y/N was against a wall as the horned aragami got closer. Thinking fast, Y/N switched back to his god arcs' sword form and held it up shifting to its shield state. The dreadpike crashed into the shield, but because the horn wasn't flexible, Y/N pushed with all of his might and redirected it to the wall. With its horn stuck, Y/N swung a heavy slash to the torso making it go limp. Y/N then turned the next one which was glaring him down. Y/N charged at it as the dreadpike did the same. Y/N held his god arc low to the ground and right as the two were about to trade a blow, Y/N did a quick sidestep and did a spinning slash across the side of its face. Y/N then followed up quick stabs to the torso. The dreadpike flailed around its horn trying to hit Y/N, but he kept backing away. Y/N switched back to the rifle and unloaded round after round until the aragami fell to the ground motionless. Once it was gone, Y/N turned around to face the last one, only to see it was gone. He ran over to where he last saw it and found a hole in the ground.

Y/N: Where the hell did it go? It wouldn't just run away like that.

Y/N didn't get to think much more about it because the last dreadpike leaped out of the ground behind him and dove down right above him. Y/N didn't have any time to react, but right before the horn would pierce him, the iron maiden was slammed right into it, launching it away. Y/N looked behind him and saw Vali in white armor marching over to them.

He picked up the iron maiden and began to beat the dreadpike with it. This went on for about ten seconds. Once he was done, he looked over to Y/N and marched over to him. Y/N was in shock and awe. He was slightly afraid of Valis' attitude. Vali was now standing over Y/N.

Y/N: Vali? Are you alright?

Vali said nothing. After what seemed like an eternity, Vali extended his hand and helped Y/N.

Vali: I hate that thing. What the hell was it.

Y/N looked over and just like with the dreadpike memories of the aragami came flooding back.

Y/N: It's called an Iron Cocoon. They can't move but are quite dangerous if you get too close.

Vali made his armor disappear as he looked angry with his clothes were slightly tattered.

Vali: You don't say.

Y/N: Let's just move on. Did you find any evidence?

Vali: *sigh* As a matter of fact, I did. Three corpses are in that room. Each one has different sings of death. One died from the iron cocoon, but the other two looked like they were mauled to death.

Y/N: I found something that might help narrow it down.

Y/N then showed Vali the claw marks on the wall and the burn marks on the ground.

Y/N: The aragami that attacked a couple days ago didn't do any of this. It didn't have claws or fangs, not to mention it used what you call holy energy. It couldn't have left this burn.

Vali: So, something else is here now?

Y/N: And it either ate the other one or scarred it off somewhere else.

Suddenly a symbol appeared over Valis' hand and Azazels' voice rang out.

Azazel: Hey you two. You still alive?

Y/N: Mr. Azazel?

Azazel: Drop the Mr. kid. It makes me feel old.

Vali: We hit a small speedbump, but nothing to worry about.

Azazel: That's good. Did you find anything?

Y/N: Something has been here, and it wasn't the aragami from before, and we don't know anywhere else to check inside.

Raynare:  Ugh. There's the secret passage.

Vali: What?

Raynare: We had a secret passage behind the mirror in the back. There should be an underground passage that leads to a hidden room.

Y/N: Why did you have one.

Dohnaseek: She was going to perform the sacred gear extraction ritual on that Asia girl from before.

Raynare: Dohnaseek!

Dohnaseek: Oh, grow up Ray. We're already in trouble. Things can't possibly get any worse for us.

Azazel: Oh yes it can. You two, check that passage and find that girl.

Vali: Why?

Azazel: If she's dead then the entire fallen angel community will be in trouble. This is a rescue mission now boys. See if she's here and hope that she's alive.

The symbol disappeared from Valis' hand as he and Y/N looked at each other in confusion.

Y/N: That was weird.

Vali: Hm. Let's get to that secret passage.

The two went to the back of the church and found the mirror broken on the floor and a massive whole in the wall going down.

Y/N: Guess we found it.

Vali: Guess so.

Y/N led the way with his god arc in rifle mode. as the two kept walking they began observing the tunnel.

Y/N: Look at the size of this thing.

Vali: What could have dug this?

Y/N: Your guess is as good as mine. The only thing that comes to mine are those dreadpikes from earlier, but they never do this. The just burrow in the ground, emerge and impale whatever is above them, eat, and repeat.

Vali: So why did they do this?

Y/N: I honestly have no idea.

They eventually made it to the bottom where there were a lot of crystals and weird looking sacs on the walls and floor.

Vali: Let's find that girl.

The two split up and began checking all over the place Y/N looked behind what appeared to be a makeshift shrine only to find more dead bodies. Images flashed in his head as he saw people that looked familiar take the corpses places. Y/N quickly stepped back and began to feel uncomfortable. Vali on the other hand was checking some of the pods. Upon closer inspection they looked like egg sacks. Most of them were already open, but one wasn't. He walked closer to it and noticed how the inside of it glowed. The front part was see-through, but it was so bright he couldn't see clearly. He leaned forward and saw a girl, naked, floating inside.

Vali: Hey Y/N, get over here!

Y/n rushed to vali as he pointed to the cocoon. Y/N leaned forward and saw the girl.

Y/N: It's Asia!

Y/N switched his god arc back into a sword and lightly cut the front open. The liquid began to pour out as Asia fell forward. Y/N was quick to act and caught her in his arms.

Y/N: Asia? Asia!

Vali made a magic circle appear on his hand and spoke.

Vali: Azazel, we found her.

Azazel: Is she alive?

Vali looked at Y/N who nodded.

Vali: Yeah, but we have a problem.

Azazel: What's wrong?

Vali: We found her some weird looking pods. It was almost like they were preserving her body or something. We don't know if something happened to her. She seems fine, but only on the outside.

Sona: If we can get her outside, I can take her to my families' hospital in the underworld. We have some of the best medical equipment. if something happened to her, we'll know.

Vali: Got it. We're coming out.

Y/N put his jacket over her to cover her body. It was bigger than her, so it went down to right above her knees. Y/N then picked her up and carried her on his back.

Y/N: I've got her. Go ahead and take point, I'll be right behind you.

Vali nodded and the two began to exit the area. As they were walking Vali spoke up.

Vali: Something about this seems off. There were so many signs of a larger aragami, and we only fought small ones. I don't say this often, but I've got a bad feeling about all of this.

Y/N: Me too but getting Asia to safety is our main priority. Let's drop her off and get this done.

Vali was about to walk out of the tunnel but stopped and held his hand back, signaling Y/N to stop as well.

Y/N: What's wro-

Vali quickly covered Y/Ns' mouth and motioned him to look. Y/N peeked over and saw why Vali stopped. Standing before them was a massive wolf-like creature with large front paws and a bright red tail looking around and sniffing the air. 

Images flashed through Y/Ns' head as he quickly backed away and knelt down with Vali.

Vali: What is that thing?

Y/N: What we've been looking for. It's called a Marduk. This is bad. That thing is fast, strong, and smart. We can't fight it, not with Asia around. It's too risky.

Vali: Then what do we do?

Y/N: We have three options. One of us distracts it while the other gets Asia to safety. The other one is we try and both sneak around it and warn Azazel. Lastly, we go back and find another way out.

Vali: Let's go with the first choice. I'll grab its attention, you run out the side of the church and head right to Azazel with the girl.

Y/N: Are you sure? Marduk is one of the few that can call lesser aragami to the area. You could be outnumbered.

Vali: So what. It doesn't mean I'll be overpowered. Get ready to run on my signal.

Y/N: Wait. The chandelier above. if you break the chain, it could daze him and give you a decent opening.

Vali: Good eye. Ready?

Y/N held onto Asia as He stood up and got into a running position. Vali activated his wings and armor and dashed at the Marduk. The hulking beast turned in his direction only to get punched in the face. Vali the flew up to the ceiling and grabbed the top of the chain of the chandelier and pulled, breaking it off. He swung it around and slammed it onto the Marduks' head. Knocking it down as it shook its head, trying to collect its bearings.

Vali: Go! Now!

Y/N then ran as fast as he could out the side of the church but was in so much of a hurry a piece of wood nicked his arm, but that didn't stop him. Y/N ran back to the entrance where the others were. As soon as he saw Azazel and Sona he yelled out.

Y/N: Open up! Open the barrier!

Shocked by the sound of urgency, Sona made a hole in the barrier for Y/N to pass through. Azazel noticed the girl on his back wearing his jacket.

 Azazel: Is that her?

Y/N: Yeah. We need to get her to a hospital, now.

Sona: Wait. Where's Vali?

Back with Vali, he was flying around inside the church fending off the Marduk. The Marduk slammed its front paws onto the ground. The casing around them opened slightly and began to glow. An intense heat started to radiate from the inside of the casing. The ground began to heat up as the and drapes and wood started to burst into flames, setting fire to the church. Vali charged at the Marduk, but before he could reach it, the Marduk lifted its paws as balls of molten rock erupted in front of it. Vali slowed himself to a halt right in front of the beast, but it was in vain. The Marduk, with its mouth open pushed through the heat and magma and bit down onto Vali. It swung its head around like it had a chew toy in its mouth. After a few seconds it flicked its head and tossed Vali through the window of the church Vali was thrown all the way to the barrier. When he slammed into it, he left a crack on it like a golf ball hitting a window. He pushed forward and fell to the ground.

Y/N: Vali!

Y/N went back through the barrier and saw that the armor was lightly damaged.

Y/N: Are you ok?

Vali: I've been better. That thing is no joke. Even after hitting it with everything I had, it hardly budged.


Everyone looked at the church and saw that it was now consumed in fire. as that bloodcurdling howl erupted from within. Suddenly, a large silhouette jumped up from within the church and blasted its way down towards Y/N and Vali.


Y/N: Incoming!

Azazel added his power to the barrier as Y/N and Vali ran out of the way. The Marduk slammed into the ground at the edge of the barrier leaving a massive crack in it. It slowly got up and looked at Sona and Azazel releasing a blood curdling roar as it tried to kill them. Even though the barrier has holding, every attack it launched cracked the barrier more and more. Y/N and Vali looked at each other and nodded. Vali Flew towards the Marduk as Y/N changed his god arc to its gun form and started firing at it. The Marduk looked behind itself and glared at Y/N as Vali dove down from above it, slamming into its back Y/N stopped firing bullets and switched his gid arc back into its sword form and dashed up to the Marduk. He leaped into the air and slashed down at it, making a deep cut. Vali got off of it as soon as it got up from the ground. He flew back next to Y/N.

Vali: This thing isn't going down. Any ideas?

Y/N was thinking as the Marduk charged. They two dodged to opposite sides as the Marduk tried to slap them away with its tail, but the two jumped back even further. As they were dodging the attacks, Y/N remembered something from before and looked at Vali.

Y/N: Shrink me!

Vali: What!?

Y/N: Shrink me!

Y/N ran at the Marduk as Vali smirked and held his hand out in Y/Ns' direction.

Vali: "Half Dimension"!

Y/N kept shrinking until he couldn't be seen be anyone. Vali and the Marduk charged at each other until they collided fist to head. Vali pushed it back, but as the Marduk recoiled, it slammed its paws on the ground heating it up and scooping up magma in his direction. Vali flew around the magma but was grazed by a small bit from a splash on the side of his stomach. Y/N, now tiny, was underneath the Marduk and began to glow. He noticed that he was starting to grow back, but it looked like his body was resisting.

Y/N: 'So Vali needs to hold me in this form. Good to know.'

Eventually, Y/N grew back to normal in an instant while holding his god arc pointed upward, impaling the Marduk from underneath. The beast roared in pain as it flailed around. It reeled back as Y/N was flung up in the air, losing grip on his god arc while in the air. Vali grabbed it attention as Y/N was falling, trying to grab his weapon. He manages to get a grip on it and looks below him, seeing Vali pushing the Marduk directly underneath him. Y/N flips the sword, so it points down and impales the beasts' back. It roars in pain as it throws Y/N off. Y/N skids on the ground as the Marduk lunges at him with its mouth wide open. It then gets punched in the face by Vali, who has parts of his armor missing. The Marduk is sent flying back Vali lands next to Y/N. Both are breathing heavily as the Marduk gets back up. The Marduk Howls and charges at them as Vali and Y/N roar and charges back. As the two got closer, Y/N held his sword to his side and Vali raised his fist to his waist. Once they were within range, Y/N slashed at the Marduk, and Vali threw a straight punch as both passed each other. The Marduk stopped in place as Y/N and Vali fell to the ground, completely exhausted. The Marduk let out a massive roar as it fell motionless to the ground. Black particles lifted from its body as the dispersed in the air. The Marduk had been slain. Sona and Azazel stopped reinforcing the barrier as ran inside. Vali and Y/N fell to their knees, breathing heavily.

Vali: Is it dead yet?

Y/N: Yeah.

Vali: Good. I hate to admit it, but I don't think I would've been able to fight for any longer.

Y/N: *chuckle* Yeah. Me too.

Y/N then got up and held his hand out to help Vali up. Vali smirked and grabbed the hand, pulling himself up.

Sona: Y/N!

Sona was seen flying over to the two with Azazel following. She landed not too far and ran up to Y/N.

Sona: Are you alright?

Y/N: I'm a little banged up, but I'll live.

Azazel: What about you Vali? Did you have fun?

Vali: *smirk* As fun as it may have been, it was a real challenge. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't think I would be able to beat this thing on my own.

Y/N: Same here. I really appreciate the help.

Vali: Just goes to show how much more powerful I need to get.

Mittelt: Y/N!

Everyone looked up to see Mittelt flying towards them with the others following her.

Kalawarner: Mittelt, slow down!

They all landed next to Azazel as Mittelt ran up to Y/N.

Mittelt: Are you ok? I saw you fighting that monster and-

Y/N: I'm fine Mittelt. What about Asia? Is she alright?

Sona: I already sent her to my parents' hospital. She she's being taken care of as we speak.

Azazel went over to the Marduk corpse and looked closely at it.

Azazel: So, this is that aragami thing you were talking about?

Y/N: One of them. That one's called Marduk.

Azazel: The demon king that fought Tiamat?

Y/N: Most aragami are named after mythological beings.

Azazel: Fascinating.

The Marduk then burst into black dust and vanished.

Sona: Wat the-? Where did it go?

Y/N: It died. With its core gone, the cells can't continue operating, so they die, destroying the body.

Azazel: Huh. Well, with this problem solved, let's get the next one fixed. Since my people can't make it back until an investigation is completed, but since this is yokai territory being rented out to the devils they can't stay here.

Dohnaseek: Then where are we supposed to go.

Sona: Maybe they can.

Azazel smirked as he looked at Sona.

Azazel: Oh? And what did you have in mind.

Sona: A joint protection program.

Raynare: What?

Sona: While Rias may be the main overseer, I still have authority in Kuoh. They can be assigned to watch over Y/N as a person of interest, making him a representative of the Grigory. On top of that, if my peerage and I agree to additional protection, both factions would agree to specific terms and conditions to ensure Y/Ns' safety.

Mittelt: What's that mean?

Y/N: If you all agree to protect me while I'm in Kuoh. You'd be protected by a Devil/Fallen Angel contract. To put it simply; If you guys become my bodyguards, you can stay here, and Rias can't attack you.

Azazel: Precisely.

Kalawarner: Well, I'll agree to that. If it means we get to live, my answer is yes.

Dohnaseek: Same here. I don't like the idea of being somebodies trojan horse.

Mittelt looked down and slightly blushed.

Mittelt: If it means I can stay with Y/N... and Chifuya and Satoshi!

Everyone then looked at Raynare with expectation.

Raynare: *sigh* If that's what lord Azazel wants then fine.

Azazel: Then it's decided. You four will move in with Y/N. No need to worry about housing, I already took care of that.

Y/N: Wait, what does that mean?

Azazel: *clap* Well, this was awesome, but I have stuff to do back home. Behave yourselves while I'm gone kids. Come on Vali. Let's go and get you patched up.

Vali walked over to Azazel who had a magic circle underneath him. Vali turned around and looked at Y/N.

Vali: Y/N.

Y/N: Huh?

Vali: You're strong for a human. As the white dragon emperor, I find you worthy to be my rival. Grow stronger, and maybe one day I'll fight you myself.

Y/N: I hope it doesn't come to that.

Vali: Perhaps, but in this world happy endings aren't likely to happen without some kind of loss or sacrifice. Remember that.

In a flash of light, Vali and Azazel disappeared.

Y/N: So, this all happened.

Y/N sat on the ground. Sona then bowed towards him.

Sona: I can't thank you enough for your help Y/N.

Y/N: It's no problem, Sona. I just wish there was some evidence as to how aragami got here.

Sona: With what happened I can assure you that I will have my peerage begin investigations right away.

Y/N: Thanks.

Sona: I would also like to have you can to the student council office on Monday. I wish to finish that talk if you don't mind.

Y/N: Sure, as long as you promise not to ambush me when I get there.

Sona: I swear on my honor as the heiress of the Sitri family and younger sister of one of the four devil kings, I would never do such a thing.

Y/N: No need to be so formal Sona. Just a simple promise is good enough for me.

Sona: *blush* I-I see. Very well then. I promise. I'll have someone come and get you during class. I should get going as well. This place needs to get cleaned up by professionals. I'll see you all later.

Sona made a magic circle and teleported wherever she was going.

Y/N: So, all of you are living with me from now on huh?

Mittelt: Are you upset?

Y/N: Nope. I kind of expected this after the meeting. It was the only thing that made sense.

Raynare: Say what you want, but if you get in trouble, don't think we'll always be there to save you.

Raynare then started to walk away annoyed.

Kalawarner: Don't mind her. Her experience with humans isn't the best. Just give her some time. She'll come around.

Dohnaseek: I hate to barge in, but we should all head back to the house. The barrier is disappearing which means humans will be around soon.

Everyone looked up and saw that the dome was beginning to vanish. Y/N got up and put his god arc back in its case as they four of them caught up with Raynare and walked back to the house. Inside the case, the god arc made a low growl as if it was pleased with what had happened. Y/N looked at the case for a second and put his hand on it, lightly smiling. Meanwhile in an unknown area a figure is seen sitting on a throne looking at a monitor displaying what happened at the church.

???: So, that's the anomaly?

???2: Yes. It would appear that the boy is from the same world as the beasts.

???: Hm.

???3: Shall we kill him?

???: No, not yet at least. He may prove useful to us.

???2: But he's a human. He needed help from the white dragon emperor to defeat just one.

???: Maybe so, but humans hold so much potential. It's all just a matter of when it is released. Keep watching him and tell me if something happens.

???2/3: As you command.

Back with Y/N and the fallen angels, they just made it back to the house, only to see something completely different in its place.

Y/N: What the Fu-

A/N: BIGGEST CHAPTER EVER!!! Sorry for the late update. Tell me what you think.

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